You guys are the biggest bunch of douche bags ever. Leave the guy alone already
If I'm a douche then you're a pussy.
When you create something or put yourself out into the world and ask other people to pay attention you have to know and understand that there will be people who don't like what you do.
Mewzard, as far as I can tell, is an adult. He's part of a podcast. That podcast has other people that I like listening to. That podcast has members who constantly ask the members of this board to listen and respond with opinions.
I'm giving my opinion. This is Market Research.
Mewzard sucks and I can't listen to him. I listen to the podcast LESS because he's on it.
And before you all jump up and down and say "oh big internet tough guy why don't YOU try and make something"...
Yes you have, you told me about your podcast. I just think Mew deserves the heat he is getting. He could tone somethings down a bit, but other wise he is fine