I welcome this and hope they keep Larfleeze going. The more the merrier! Also, a Star Sapphire comic would be hot! Space chicks in skimpy outfits? Sign me up!
Now they can drop Larfleeze. No, really. Drop it. #8 should be the last comic, ever. Don't even think about putting the Orange Smurf into an annual. Give the character a year to rest. Take two. Take five. The fans insist. It's not us, it's Larfleeze. Just make everything past GL #20 with the Wrath of the White Lantern a nice dream by Larfleeze and we'll call it even.
I need this book to be awesome! I am afraid that they will try to humanize Sinestro too much. Others have already kinda done this. Sinestro Falling in love and having a daughter was one of the worst decisions made in the History of GL. Just let Sinestro be Sinestro,the moment you start trying to make him more like this character or that character you are fucking up. Let Sinestro be Sinestro his ways may seem alien but that's because he is a alien. I am tired of Aliens who act like humans.
Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!
I need this book to be awesome! I am afraid that they will try to humanize Sinestro too much. ... I am tired of Aliens who act like humans.
Oh, you're not going to like issue 3 where it's revealed he collects stamps and makes flower arrangements for the other Yellow Lanterns (all because his Dad was a florist who loved him a lot).
Don't say that. Green Lantern is making me feel like an abused house wife. I cry all night and people ask me "Why do you stay"? With tear soaked eyes I reply Because I love him so much bwa-ha-ha!
Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!
The trouble with Larfleeze is that he's more or less a one-trick pony. He's greedy. He's greedy. Oh, and did i mention he's greedy?
As for Sinestro, I hope they portray him as they did during the Sinestro Corps Wars. He has a lot of traits considered negative by Terrans, but for all that, I think of him as heroic: the entire universe hated and despised him, but he persevered, AND he won what he wanted.
I only read the monthlies that I "must have now", the rest of the stuff I like I collect via tpb/hardcover graphic novels. It's cheaper than monthlies and you can read an entire arc in one sitting. It's a few months behind the monthly, but if it's not one of those "must haves", then who cares.
I'm the same way almost. What I don't read monthly, I read a month behind. Most stuff on Comixology drops to $1.99 when a new issue comes out.
I may pick up Larfleeze in TPB one day. I think Orange Lanterns,could work if they right team was on it,but let's get the important titles right first.
As for Sinestro, I wish it would hurry up and come out already! The wait is making me crazy.
Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!
Hopefully, they will get this Sinestro thing right.Doubt it, but it may happen.It they had stuck with some of the previous stuff with LarFleeze, he would be okay.Hopefully, they could do a book on the leader of the Indigo Lanterns, Iroque.
Don't know if I should open a new thread for this (if so, then could a mod could seperate the posts please?), but I'd like to know, what your expectations about the Sinestro-Series are?
What do you expect storywise?
How tight should it be connected with everything that's going on elsewhere?
Do you think the Sinestro-Book will be like another Red Lanters?
Since I'm not that thrilled by the current state of the GL Books I hope, that the Sinestro-Book will be a nice addition to the GL Universe or the other books. To be honest I hope the book won't be too tight connected with the others. Of course it should be related, but I hope they focus on it's on standing, with it's own history, villains (?) and so on. Story-crossing is ok, but not too often.