Well, like Mr. Ed posted before, I'm always leery of villains carrying their own book. They inevitably lose their mystique or are softened into anti-heroes.
I want there to be a line drawn in the sand. I want the reader to have to choose a side. Use will,and try to change peole hearts and minds to make them do right. Or use fear to make people co-exisist now or perish. Classic Good Cop, Bad Cop. I want both sides to have a valid argument of how thier way is the best way.
I want a new Sinestro Corps. Not just trying to spread Fear for the sake of,messing with the GL Corps,but because they believe it is a valaid reseorce. I want to see GL turn against GL. I want to see some side with Sinestro and join his cause.
I want a war of Ideas. I want it to become a debate amongst fans,like Civial war was for Marvel. Only Bigger.
Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!
Yeah we will most likely see him hook up with Lyssa Dark,and try to make a relationship with his daughter To make him more human and relatable God Forbid a alien behave alien.
I think it would be cool if the universe was choosing sides to. So in other planets that other superheroes visit,you see the Fear symbol painted on walls in the back ground. or Will depending where you are. Subtle nods that say this is a big thing happening in the universe.
Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!
I actually really liked the first issue. I've been re-reading the series and I will say I dig it a lot. Sinestro reminds me a little of Alhazred from Don Tyson's Necronomicon; he's a bastard, but one with a defining sense of honor and will power. I think it makes for an interesting read, I actually like this series more than the current titles out.
I plan on writing little mini-review for each issue I cover. I want to go over them all now with a fresh set of eyes. I really liked it better than Red Lanterns or the Larfleeze series.
I liked it quite a bit, the bromance with Black Adam I remember particularly liking.
I get that a comic starring a villain will probably gloss over what made them a villain in the first place, but I was entertained.
I'm not a big fan of villains redeeming themselves only to "break bad" again but I like it when they examine the logic and ethos of someone like that and try to make some sense of them. Nobody sees themselves as the bad guy; it's an attempt to reconcile that thinking with how the rest of the world sees them. I am trying to determine if they've successfully fleshed out Sinestro by the end of the series, or if the effort was only half baked. So far I am digging it, and I've liked the odd issues I've read here and there. Now it's time to binge read and see things with a fresh set of eyes.
Red Lanterns was awful from the jump. So it being better than that isn't saying much.
Anyway, I agree with most. It was a decent series with some good character interactions and if it weren't so crossover happy and had bigger stakes, it may have been something special.
Yeah, this wasn't a bad series. I wouldn't call it great, but it was a bit better than okay. It used Sinestro, Lyssa Drak, and Soranik pretty good, and Dale Eaglesham's art is good. It is better than the Green Lantern comics DC is currently publishing, in my opinion.