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Sinestro #1 Preview / Spoilers

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    Red Lantern Djs
    Guy's Drinking Buddy

  • Red Lantern Djs
    I just picked this series up, pretty excited to read it. I've been able to etch some time for comic books lately & look forward to chatting with you guys!

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  • greenblogger
    Fatality's Blacksmith

  • greenblogger
    Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
    I don't like new personal relationships Sinestro. I like him better as a emotionless alien with a vision. To me it always came off as Sinestro was the kinda person who had one love and one love. his job.
    I agree. Sinestro is a focused person. He does thing according to his own desire and (most of the time) accomplishes it. Anything else that comes along the way is a distraction for him.

    I like the first issue in terms of art and story. Looking forward to the second issue.

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    I don't like new personal relationships Sinestro. I like him better as a emotionless alien with a vision. To me it always came off as Sinestro was the kinda person who had one love and one love. his job.

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    Sinestro's Sparring Partner

    It was an interesting read but I don't agree with a great villain like Sinestro being turned into an anti-hero. I enjoyed the art and the character development with Lyssa Drak. What I am looking forward to is the development's between Soranik and Sinestro, that's something I feel has not been touched on nearly enough. I'd like to see it end up being something to a an inverse of Allen Scott and Jade relationship.

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  • Spectremjm
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Spectremjm
    I'm not sure if we'll get the full explanation of Parallax and Sinestro splitting up in Forever Evil. Maybe we'll see it happening, but I am guessing where Sinestro put Parallax is going to be left open until it becomes necessary to deal with it.

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    I went with a 3. The story pretty much just recapped everything that has been messed up with Sinestro's character in the last 5 or so years. Make some statmets,show us that you are not going to be they weak crying puzzies that the GLC has become.

    I was hoping the driving force would have been,Hey The GLC is almost finished,The Guardians are dead. Yeah you lost your home world but in the great scheme of things,you are kicking butt. So stop moping and use this oprtinuity to Make the Sinestro Corps the new Protectors of the universe.

    Has any other Villian in the DCU accomplishe as much as Sinestro?

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  • Booster Beetle
    Will break before he bends

  • Booster Beetle
    I think Forever Evil #7 was supposed to come out first, so we'll probably find out when DC finally releases it

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  • Maverick_GL

  • Maverick_GL

    Definitely off to a good start IMO. I'd like to know what happened to Parallax though.


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  • Hypo
    Lil' Leaguer

  • Hypo
    I rounded this up from a 3.5 to a 4 because of the art. Wasn't a 100% on board with Sinestro's characterization, thought it fell just a hair too much on the anti-hero side of things. The Pale Vicars look like they might end up being a worthwhile addition though.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    I didn't love it, but it was fun. I liked the multi-legged tiger things.

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  • Booster Beetle
    Will break before he bends

  • Booster Beetle
    Loved it

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  • W.West

  • W.West
    Issue out. Poll up!

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  • SD80MAC
    Not a True Fan

  • SD80MAC
    I'm sure they've forgotten about that by now. It was months ago, man! Ancient history!

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    Originally posted by chosenone85 View Post
    Right. I read in an interview that the first few issues will explain why he's not hosting Paralaxx anymore.

    Or something could possibly happen in Forever Evil #7. Keep in mind this issue was suppose to come out before the release of Sinestro #1
    I would guess they would have to put Parallax into the New Central Battery if he is going to run a Corps again. I would have liked to see him do a little more as Parallax though.

    My question is,Who dose that fit into the new" The Emotional spectrum is depleeting"? I mean didn't Parallax feed off of fear? Wasen't he so powerful that Even the Guardians could not destroy him because Fear will always exisist? That the best they could do was contain him? This new 52 seems to have made more questions than answers.

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    The Coolest!

    I like his original origin better. I was hoping the reboot would have tossed that nonsense story aside. I don't think that Marz set out to ruin this story though. I honestly believe that he thought it had never been covered in the past.

    It seems stupid that the Greatest of Green Lantern's just stumbles upon the power ring. But when you have a well respected GL as his mentor Passing her ring to him,it makes way more sense.

    I still hope they find a way to retcon it out.

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