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Sinestro #4 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • Sinestro #4 *Preview/Spoilers*

    Sinestro #4 Preview
    Writer: Cullen Bunn
    Artist: Rags Morales

  • #2
    Did anyone read this? I thought it was pretty good, and Rags's art was top notch.


    • #3
      I thought the artwork was terribly inconsistent, and all over the place. At times it varied from the quality on the cover to a Saturday morning Superfriends cartoon.

      Good plot, good Sinestro consistency. Everyone acted the way they should. There wasn't enough explanation behind the Paleing's technology, only hints and suggestions.


      • #4

        Originally posted by jhpace1 View Post
        I thought the artwork was terribly inconsistent, and all over the place. At times it varied from the quality on the cover to a Saturday morning Superfriends cartoon.

        Good plot, good Sinestro consistency. Everyone acted the way they should. There wasn't enough explanation behind the Paleing's technology, only hints and suggestions.
        In agreement here, especially the artwork. I also would have liked for a bit more of a background for the Palings, although we may see them again. The Sinestro/Soranik interactions were well done.

        I'm looking forward to next issue (hoping Englesham is back on it) with Vs.
        Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

        "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


        • #5
          I've given up on this title. The art (Eaglesham's art that is) is great but I found they used too much bloom during the colouring process (they tend to do that all the time in DC comics at the moment) which overshadows Eaglesham's art. They should tone it down. A lot.

          But what really turned me away from the title was the writing. I find all the dialog just terrible pretentious. It's bad IMO.
          I know that I'm pretty much alone in that opinion but I just can't take it. It's not fun to read it.

