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Sinestro #5 Preview / Spoilers
Sinestro #5 Preview / Spoilers
9*11.11%1**11.11%1***22.22%2****33.33%3*****22.22%2Tags: None
Point 1: This issue had absolutely nothing to do with the Paling. So sorry if that annoys anyone who cares about that storyline. (anyone?)
Point 2: The comic gets 5 stars from me on account of the rivalry/friendship between Sinestro/Hal, which is always a joy. Also, it reveals what happened to Parallax...which is that Parallax apparently never went anywhere, and wasn't involved in the source wall business. (I think we knew that, but seeing Sinestro wreck Hal with its power was nice)
Point 3: I'm still not sure why Soranik is following Sinestro like a limpet, since she apparently called Hal out (and only Hal? I would have thought Hal would have brought backup against 4 yellows, one of whom was Sinestro)
The comic/art really feels like a callback to the 90s Green Lantern stories - the way Parallax was drawn reminded me of some of Nero's monsters from the NeroVsKyle fights.
EDIT: The one weird thing about the issue, is that Hal seems to just lie down and take it - kind of like he was emotionally broken by the exchange.Last edited by goldlantern; 08-27-2014, 10:55 PM.
Hal and Sinestro again, even if Sinestro had to "show up" Hal in front of the Sinestro Corps and Soranik. But this episode was truly Sinestro, through and through. He is the best Lantern, just because of his perfect control. Control that no one thought possible.
But Hal was off in personality, and the plot was a bit predictable. Four stars.
I understand that this is Sinestro's book and all, but for Hal to sit there, emotionally defeated at the end rubbed me the wrong way. That is NOT Hal Jordan.
It was weird. The purist part of me hated how Hal was depicted at the end knowing it just wasn't in Hal's character to act like that.
Another part of me wants to give it a pass. It's Sinestro's book, and he was going over, even if it was just a symbolic victory like this. it kind of made me think of Brad Meltzer's writing on Green Arrow and Identity Crisis where there's another level to these characters and their relationships that we as readers aren't always privy to.
Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View PostI understand that this is Sinestro's book and all, but for Hal to sit there, emotionally defeated at the end rubbed me the wrong way. That is NOT Hal Jordan.
*In before the social justice warriors go off on Soranik's new found cleavage galore suit*
I thought the book was solid overall and needed to happen. We needed to be shown why Sinestro would be allowed to gallivant around with his new Crops. without bumping into the GLs to stop him every other issue. I do agree with the post about Hal being off in this issue, him sitting there in the end didn't sit well at all.
Each issue that goes by I am enjoying the Sinestro/Soranik father/daughter development more and more.
It might be the drugs that's affecting Hal.Guy's been going through a lot since becoming head honcho of the Corps.
Originally posted by TKE-REF View Post*In before the social justice warriors go off on Soranik's new found cleavage galore suit*
(An image search turns up a few that wouldn't qualify for that label, I guess. I thought that was her norm, though.)
I thought this issue was awful. I guess I'm just not a big fan of an egomaniac, that is a murderer and a tyrant being redeemed crap.
These creators in this entire GL line are really crapping on Hal and I'm getting just a tad bit tired of it. Wouldn't it have made more sense to have had Hal beating the crap out of the entire 'new' Sinestro Corp and Sin himself would have had to step in to save them? Showing how 'badass' Thaal is by having to save his corps form the Greatest GL ever? Instead, Hal has to be saved by Sora once by convincing Thaal to call of his dogs, and shown mercy by Thaal because the guy whom Parallax was afraid of and the guy who controlled Nekron to save the universe in GL 20 has become worthless.