Thanks, I love my collection. It's my pride and joy, was it was 2nd to my dog but she's been gone for 11 months. She was 15 yr, 11 months. Had since she was 3 weeks old.
The only Shield agents are Fury, Dugan, Hill, and Carter. Stonewall, Slingshot (Yo-Yo), and Quake (Daisy) are members of Secret Warriors, the group that works for Fury.
I really dig it, it's kind of diverse and not many people have certain characters I have. It's cost me a ton of money, but I've saved about $1000-$1,500 by trading 2-5 figures for each custom. Only 4 customizers I deal with do that.
Ah, Glomulus is along because Larfleeze's head to getting putting on a DCUC Creeper body so I can have a dcuc Larfleeze. Same with Saint Walker, and Indigo-1.