Originally posted by Gregory The Magnificant
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Checking interest on custom power batteries?
No worries, but I appreciate it none the less. It was just a misunderstanding. And I would be glad to provide said Guy battery, whenever you want!
Alright, I haven't had anyone buy one yet. I was pricing Hal styles at $150 + shipping, everything else $200 and up. So I gotta ask, am I charging too much?? Be honest, I want to offer these to you guys at an affordable price.
$150 and up is honestly a little pricey - especially this time of year - and in the end it's some plastic pieces glued together and painted (that's not taking anything away of how cool they look in the end, I'm just saying you're not using Gold and Ceramics in the production).
If they don't light up - then $75-$100 might get you a few more sales. For light up - add $25. This is all being said when I have no idea how much materials cost you as well as time and effort to put it all together.
Think of it this way - better to sell a couple at a lower price then not sell any at all.
Off topic - what are the dimensions on the Guy version you posted? Just curious.
I am interested but the price was too high for me at this time. Though, if the materials and time require that then by all means charge that much.
Originally posted by BTomaselli View Post$150 and up is honestly a little pricey - especially this time of year - and in the end it's some plastic pieces glued together and painted (that's not taking anything away of how cool they look in the end, I'm just saying you're not using Gold and Ceramics in the production).
If they don't light up - then $75-$100 might get you a few more sales. For light up - add $25. This is all being said when I have no idea how much materials cost you as well as time and effort to put it all together.
Think of it this way - better to sell a couple at a lower price then not sell any at all.
Off topic - what are the dimensions on the Guy version you posted? Just curious.
Out of curiosity, how much did you pay for that Kyle battery?