Thanks for posting Darth. I actually think I can go finally!! I'm sure I can do Sunday. I could do early bird on Saturday until about noon. Can you do the show in 2 to 3 hours?
Alright, man. Where were you?
Did you attend? It was a pretty good show that had so much cool, overpriced stuff. I should have taken more photos.
If you attend the show on Saturday you will be allowed to re enter the show on Sunday for free.
So, if you buy advance tickets and plan on attending both days make sure to only buy a Saturday ticket
If you are planning to attend Sunday only, buy a Sunday ticket only.
You can still buy a ticket the day of the show at the door with cash.
The cool part is, if you buy a Saturday ticket, you get in Sunday for free and you get to avoid the long line. The crappy part is, they charge a convenience fee.
Because of your post, I'll most likely reconsider the early bird. However, I would like to be at the event around 10am or at the very latest 10:30am because of parking issues.
Want to meet up as usual, Sylent?
LOL! You're always the one making us late! "Sorry, man. I had to run some errands." Ha hah haa!
Sure, we can meet up, but let me talk to my wife first. We're supposed to be in the area to have our taxes done later in the evening.
Because of your post, I'll most likely reconsider the early bird. However, I would like to be at the event around 10am or at the very latest 10:30am because of parking issues.
I'll probably attend the show on Saturday, but not early bird. Early Bird is generally for big-ticket items, and I have no plans of buying anything big or expensive. Before the show even opens, dealers usually snag anything noteworthy from each other, so I can wait for general admission and pay less.
Thanks for posting Darth. I actually think I can go finally!! I'm sure I can do Sunday. I could do early bird on Saturday until about noon. Can you do the show in 2 to 3 hours?
So the upcoming Toy Show is a 2 day event, meaning it has been very successful. However, the show being a two event may hinder my normal "the show is closing" leverage, as typically Sylent and I would try and use the "two-minute warning" to negotiate deals on items that haven't been sold and the seller is looking to load back up and take home. Usually sellers will drop their price to unload such merchandise.
Saturday and Sunday March 9 and 10th , 2013
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds
344 Tully Road, San Jose, CA 95111
SATURDAY HOURS Early Bird 9 AM - 10:59 AM
General admission 11 AM - 4:30 PM
General Admission: $6.00
Kids Under 12: $3
Early Bird: $15.00
10 AM - 3:30 PM Admission $6.00 Kids Under 12: $3
I'll mostly do the early bird to avoid the crowds and get parking.
Thanks Sylent for the run down. Great pics. Love the one where Amanda Bearse is shooing you away. Wretched Hag!
Sorry I couldn't make it. It would have been fun hanging out in a more laid back setting than SDCC or the like.
Be sure to post or communicate the next show you and/or Darth are hitting up in the Bay Area. We'll catch up then.
No prob. The next big show is SacAnime in Sacramento during August 31-September 2. I would have created a post for the show, but I don't think there's a big enough fan following for Anime on this board.
Here's the information in case anyone is interested:
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