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Geoff Johns Meet & Greet at Green Brain Comics in Dearborn Mi Sept 7 2012

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  • Geoff Johns Meet & Greet at Green Brain Comics in Dearborn Mi Sept 7 2012

    Met Geoff today & he was awesome. Very personable as well as took the time to field questions, sign stuff , take pics, etc. Hell he even arrived and started early too.

    Thankfully he answered a question regarding the future about a certain character in the GL universe (since I was gonna ask about 3 but a future issue cover answered that beforehand lol) and what will happen to that character.

    He was gonna say how & such & I just said that's all I wanna know I don't wanna know HOW Although I wont say who ALL WILL BE WELL for this character . Anyone want to know who I will message as I don't wanna spoil it.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Cool. I wish I could have made it out there, but its nice to know someone here did and that Geoff behaved himself. lol


    • #3
      Awesome! As much as I've had problems with his writing, I'd love to meet the guy. Johns sounds like he's fairly down to earth, despite his head honcho position. He seems like someone you could offer constructive criticism to, and he'd thank you rather than scoffing.
      The last fan of 1990s comics
      Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


      • #4
        Originally posted by W.West View Post
        Cool. I wish I could have made it out there, but its nice to know someone here did and that Geoff behaved himself. lol
        Nice West lol. Hell he was as well as started early and was even hi fiving/handshaking/introducing himself in the parking lot.

        Originally posted by SD80MAC View Post
        Awesome! As much as I've had problems with his writing, I'd love to meet the guy. Johns sounds like he's fairly down to earth, despite his head honcho position. He seems like someone you could offer constructive criticism to, and he'd thank you rather than scoffing.
        Down to earth seems to be a huge understatement and with his attitude and demeanor I'd tend to agree about being open as opposed to scoffing etc.


        • #5
          Glad you were able to meet Johns, Pizza Guy.

          I meet Johns a few years ago and he was really down to earth and very friendly. Good guy.
          You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


          • #6
            Shanks there Darth. He was everything you said personified. Glad to see that people in such high places as he is can still be down to earth (no pun intended)

