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Jet City Comicon 22 Sep 2012 Seattle

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  • Jet City Comicon 22 Sep 2012 Seattle

    This is a cute little minor league event, held at the Seattle Center. One room, one day, one admission price. Few if any speakers, lots of artists, lots of ambience, good food nearby, oodles of great parking. And lots and lots of CHEAP COMIX! --what we used to do Cons for!

    Anybody else coming? Look for me in my Jim Lee JLA Free Comic Book Day 2012 shirt, powder blue. Hovering near the quarter boxes, hoping to fill out my Kyles.

    The power of will is found at the deepest level of your being. It's more than mere rules. It's a duty that you must honor.

  • #2
    Summary. Pretty good show for books. No new GL news could be pried out of any of the DC talent. No speakers this year either. Saw five copies of GL Vol 2 #1 for sale, highest a CGC 7.0 priced at $1200, none of them sold. Many Golden Agers at golden prices. Gaming room settled in with Magic The Gathering and stayed that way all day. Moritat was very busy drawing sketches. Personal fave in the cosplay was a Star Trek Mr Data, authentic to the nines.

    We picked up 225 books, mostly from the bargain bins. Our greatest find was a Flash [1987 series] #1 in near-mint condition for a QUARTER. Absolutely nothing wrong with it except for a slight printing error (roller smudge, margin) on one page. So if you're serious about good books at a good price, try this one next year...and try the companion show in Bellingham (Ferndale, actually--I-5 north of the city) next month. See ya there, maybe!

    The power of will is found at the deepest level of your being. It's more than mere rules. It's a duty that you must honor.


    • #3
      Great find. I remember when I found The Flash #110 with Wally's first appearance, I was so excited. Not in that great of a condition but I don't care about that anyway.

