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Big Wow! ComicFest, San Jose, CA
New blog up from Big Wow! The link is in my signature. Enjoy!
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UF, I know how it goes. I've been busy with work and family myself.
I'll be at BigWow this weekend.
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Hey Everyone! Sorry been AWOL. Work and family have been kicking my ass!
Anyways, who's going? Sylent I assume since you already bought a weekend pass you'll be there. Darth? Any others?
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Stan Lee will be in attendance on Sunday! They're offering packages for autographs and photos.
Stan "the Man" is cool and all, but $50 for a simple snapshot with him is too much... and they want $100 for a snapshot and an autograph! Geez! Incidentally, they raised the entry fee for the show. It WAS $25 for both days and now, it's $30. Good thing I purchased my tickets already.Last edited by Sylent_Asassin; 04-24-2013, 04:27 PM.
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I asked him about older Marvel prints and he said that Marvel only allowed him to produce a set amount of prints.
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J. Scott Campbell will be in attendance. Hopefully, he'll have some new prints, along with his classic Mary Jane print.
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I've been looking forward to meeting Terry Dodson for a while, as I have a few Wonder Woman and Uncanny X-Men comic books I would like him to sign. Also would like Frank Cho's signature on Savage Wolverine.
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I wish this show had more A-listers and a few notable guests outside the world of comics. Maybe that's a blessing in disguise, though. I just hope this show isn't a glorified toy show, like a few people said about WonderCon.
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Big Wow! ComicFest, San Jose, CA
Just a few weeks away, Mayl 18-19, 2013
Professional cosplayers include Valerie Perez, Riddle, Belle Chere, Ivy Doomkitty and others.Tags: None
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