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Boston Comic Con rescheduled

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  • plastroncafe
    No, sadly I didn't see them.
    Shame too, I love that cause.

    When I was there on Sunday I was in a Zatanna costume, a get up I wouldn't have left the house in if I weren't traveling with a 6'6" tall male friend of mine. Why? Because Dude Geeks apparently can't be trusted to look but not touch.

    At least no one tried to "educate" me about Ninja Turtles at this con the way they did back at SDCC. I wasn't even in costume that time.

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  • Sylent_Asassin
    Black Lantern

  • Sylent_Asassin
    Sounds kind of like the religious fanatics at SDCC that were saying SDCC was evil and that all attendees were going to hell.

    Glad you guys had a good time! Remember: If there are no pics, it never happened.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Money well spent. Locke & Key is an amazing ride. The story gets better and better as it goes on. Volume 5 is my favorite so far. It was also great seeing SO many people willing to stand in line for them. It feels like nobody's reading the book, but yesterday showed me otherwise.

    Did the two girls who were protesting come back Sunday? The ones holding the sign that said "Cosplay =/= Consent"? Seemed like a strange way to spend the day, when everyone else was ignoring them and just having fun. They paid for tickets to make a point.

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  • plastroncafe

  • plastroncafe
    I saw that guy! He was amazing!

    Yesterday's costume highlights included:

    - The cast of Pacific Rim
    - King-Arthur-of-the-Britons Deadpool. (He traveled around with a Jon Snow and Denarys)
    - Hot shirtless Asian Aang. (Might be a bit of a bias here for me...damn he was hot)
    - Gir (with light up eyes and everything)
    - And many lady Indiana Joneses.

    I sadly didn't get many pictures because I was following in the wake of a friend of mine who was Deadpool.

    Fun Con though. Will definitely be going back next year, and not just because I can get there on the T.
    Attended the "Lock and Key" panel, was that entertaining. Anyone who trolls a room full of people by saying that Jason Statham was just announced as the new Who wins in my book.

    I'd always planned on reading "Lock and Key" but...that panel moved the book to the top of my list. I picked up the first collection last night.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    I took some pics and my friends did as well. Most of them are of my son with cosplayers with my phone. One of my friends took better pics with an actual digital camera and I'm in more of those shots with cosplayers.

    Sexy Jessica Rabbit was my favorite!

    Though I think the BEST costume was the 8 foot tall Bumblebee from the Transformers movies. That guy's costume was incredible. He had a hell of a time getting out the door and got a huge applause when he made it through.

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  • Darth_Primus
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Darth_Primus
    Glad to hear the Boston ComicCon went well.

    I would love to see some pics of the event.

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  • plastroncafe

  • plastroncafe
    I was there! I just didn't get in until after 5 because apparently they don't do credit purchases at registration, which...what the hell, people?

    So I had to wait in line twice for the damn Sovereign ATM.

    I did get to meet Yale Stewart of JL8 fame, and RamPaige of Busty Girl Comics, day was made.

    I'm heading back tomorrow with some friends in costumes.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Just got home. It was a blast, after dealing with getting in. We hit all of the booths and checked everything out. There was my son and myself, and two friends of mine. I spent some time checking out original art dealers' tables but didn't see anything I had to have.

    The cosplay was a lot of fun to check out and we got a lot of pictures. I'll post a few later.

    I got to meet most of the creators I wanted to meet and get books signed from. Howard Chaykin was pretty much exactly the way I heard he was going to be, but he was a riot. I met the artist from Morning Glories and had one of my trades signed. Hill and Rodriguez from Locke & Key signed a couple of books for me. I met Cully Hamner and had him sign my GL Mosaic #1. Brian Stelfreeze was there and seemed really nice but there was this one asshole who was intent on waxing poetic with the guy so I gave up on having him sign that same Mosaic issue.

    The three I wanted to meet but didn't were Neal Adams, George Perez and Scott Snyder. You had to get a ticket to wait in line to meet them and Perez' tickets were gone by the time we got in the damn door. At one point he only had about 6 people in line so I tried to get at the end of that line but was told they were only letting people up who had a ticket.

    Neal Adams I never even saw at his table all day. He had a panel that was over by the time we got in. I saw a sign on his table that a pic with him was 20 bucks and went on my way meeting other people. Never saw him any time I passed his table anyway.

    I brought a Swamp Thing #1 for Snyder to sign and found a ridiculously long line of people waiting to meet him. Totally forgot he's famous now for doing Superman and Batman titles. I didn't need to meet him that badly anyway; it wasn't like it was Len Wein or Alan Moore.

    I got my son a Deadpool figure from Marvel's version of DCD figure line. Got him a middle of the road lightsaber that's like the kid's version of the force effects sabers, so he's all happy now.

    The only thing I ended up buying for myself was the Kenner 15" Chewbacca figure that was loose but complete. I has one for my 4th or 5th birthday and wanted it for nostalgic reasons. Paid 30 bucks for that.

    All in all, a really fun day. Too bad you hosebags didn't show up!

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    We got in faster buying our tickets at the door in cash than the people who bought theirs online. It doesn't seem fair but I can't complain. We're in line right now to meet Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez. They do Locke and Key.

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  • plastroncafe

  • plastroncafe
    That is both awesome! And rather dismaying, as I've yet to get a ticket.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    We're still in line. There are frigging thousands of people here!

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  • plastroncafe

  • plastroncafe
    Ugh, 8 am? Dude, that's commitment.
    I'm hoping to make it there sometime this afternoon, there's a panel I'd like to see that's at 2. But if I miss it, I'll just go tomorrow for the walking around.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    We're hitting the road a little after 8am tomorrow. Any of you fuckers still going? Or did you bail on me like A-Train?

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    I'll be your Huckleberry.

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  • Lantern A-train
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Lantern A-train
    Well hey, I can go if you want to be Sugar Daddy Dave

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