In July of 2017 decided to start charging people roughly $400 per year to host images for users. Due to this a lot of work that was once in my thread has been replaced with the ridiculous photobucket500 crap. A lot of the work that had to do with cannon characters can be found on the DC and Marvel microhero wikia's, all of which were without permission. But hey, it saved some of my stuff from here so it's not all so bad. I'm working on getting the images for all of my fanfics resaved on a new site as well as the images starting on page #24 and moving forward. Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to leave critiques and comments!
So after reading the Omega Men, despite it's flaws, it's still probably my favorite spin on Kyle Rayner since becoming Ion. When he finally became a Blue Lantern it wasn't as great as we all thought it would be. Then he went and wore all of the rings similar to Hal. And becoming the White Lantern would've been much better had they not actually tried making Carol and Kyle a thing and let him use white constructs like the WL's in Brightest Day.
Omega Lantern with just a rainbow hue around white constructs was dope and made a lot more sense. And it seemed as if he was depowered... but did he ever have to charge his forged white ring before? Anyway, here's new looks for Tigorr based more on his earlier designs as well as a streamlined look for Kyle.
EDIT: And before I forget, I took the gun for Tigorr off of the first good Cable micro I could find. Can't tell you who it was by to give them due credit because it was one of many micros on those Marvel/DC microhero wikias. I never got around to signing up for those forums to complain but I doubt it'd solve anything.
It just sucks because now that I've reached my 'limit' on posting images, none of the ones from the last ten years will show up now. As a test I made a new account and everything is fine. I only have 2000 pics or so and a lot of them haven't even been posted.
At this point all I can do is save them on the new account until it's limit is reached. However now I've got 24 pages in this Fan Works thread of bullshit "you've reached your limit" images.
Tried to delete some older images to see if that made everything else show up again but I don't think it's working. Oh well, hope everyone enjoyed the old ones while they could!
Ah that's a mighty shame, you had some good stuff.
I still have it saved it's just not showing up anymore. I had to make a new photobucket account to show images for a new Titans Beyond RP I'm doing.
I only have around 2000 photos but the most of them have been posted online. I'd say once your numbers get that high for hotlinking that's when they try to get money out of ya.
Right now I'm debating whether or not to make a new thread...
EDIT: I'm not gonna bother making a new thread when this one already has the views it has. I deleted a couple posts, resaved the Omega Lantern image up top, and just posted new work below. From here on I'm just gonna focus on this page forward and not look back at all my older stuff or bother resaving it.
Is almost everything showing up for anybody else? There still a few of my pics with that dumb box... but I'm seeing a lot of it again?!
EDIT: Jumped back a few pages and it was still the same dumb box. It's just on this last page and my sig, IDK what's going on... still not showing stuff on other sites either but I've made a new account and started picking through older stuff to resave and repost. Everything with my Legion and Ion fanfics, but IDK if I'll go back for the Dark Lantern stuff or the pics for the other concept specific threads [Superman Redesign Challenge, My DCU movie concepts, My DCU Designs, etc.].
New stuff, mostly dealing with my current Justice League Unlimited RP: A blue mecha I drew by hand in MSPaint with Negative Man popping out of it, a new iteration of Bulletman/Bulleteer, a black Capt Marvel, a guy with three sentient plant vines growing out of his back called Warden, and on the end is a Lex Corp sponsored racecar driver turned superhero wheelman called Clutch. The Ravager flashing her boobs was micro'ed by a friend of mine who Frankensteins alot of his work but she's a member of the team in the RP and that design is way too busy for me LOL. The RP itself is still running strong, we're in 'Episode 5' right now with 16 active players. I basically mirrored the format of the JLU cartoon and have 4 person teams in each Ep along with an NPC/Mentor and run 4 episodes at a time with every 5th episode being a big team up mission.
The mentors of this iteration of the JLU are all older heroes. Batman is nearing 50 and grey, Superman has been active since the 70's but reports suggest he was operating back as early as WWII. He only LOOKS in his 40's. And Alan Scott is the sole GL because I did away with the GLC and Rainbow Corps. These three are the remaining members of this universe's original JL. Robotman and Vixen were the other two members and were killed in action. Still gotta remake their look for this....
And from another RP I'm currently running, the Titans Beyond:
This RP died shortly after beginning due to creative differences and writing styles. LOL
The first guy accepted in that JLU RP was a spin on Negative Man. Same basic origin, but rather than leave his own body to become a radioactive being, he's always in radioactive mode. To help with this he spends most of his time in this mech that took me most of a day to draw from a mini micro Hulkbuster. He's called: Polarity Man!