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My Micro Thread

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  • #76
    Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
    Updated my man made of energy.

    i really like this one

    Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
    Another Kyle redesign. It looks a lot better on paper, might do a sketch in mspaint later.

    this one looks better here then it did on paper

    Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
    Sidelined by a new Kyle design that's been dying for a micro.


    Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
    Here's that Arisia/Ion design I was jabbering about earlier....

    And here's an alternate:
    she could look sexier Kid

    IonFan says



    • #77
      Got some more new micros based on ideas I've been having for that middle generation of heroes who aren't usually affiliated with the Titans characters. Got a new take on the modern Aquaman named Joseph, a new take on GA II, as well as the man formerly called the Fastest Man Alive: Wally West.

      More to come based on ideas I've been having for new underwater rogues of the current A-man.



      • #78
        Aquaman looked a bit too buff when I'm still gonna possibly write him as a noob. Reading up on the character he doesn't seem too bad and it's quite a challenge coming up with decent threats for the guy underwater. Anyway here's a newer and thinner Aquaman with some tweaks as well on the anchor.

        I always thought the idea of Aquaman carrying around an anchor as a weapon was cool. When you think about it, even if it only weighs about 4-500 pounds, him swimming through the seas with this anchor in tow could increase his speed when he rushes somewhere without one. There could litterally be tons down in the water he could take from sunken ships and such. Anyway I'm getting too geeky about this, it's micro time.

        Next up I'll show you guys the villains I created for him including a merman called Swordfish, a micro [or macro] of the Shark, as well as Black Manta, the Eel, and their mutated army created by a kidnapped Geist!



        • #79
          The original in his younger body of Sentinel:



          • #80
            Looks good.


            • #81
              I that these were cool so I made one of my own: (tried to make it in scale with regular minis)

              The shading needs work but I was wasted too much time as it was, I might work on it later.


              • #82
                Not bad, man. I like it.


                • #83
                  Indeed, pretty cool. First Transformers micro I've seen actually!

                  I might see about finding some bases for them to finish off Mav's X'obvios micro.



                  • #84
                    Originally posted by GreenLantern of Cybertron View Post
                    I that these were cool so I made one of my own: (tried to make it in scale with regular minis)

                    The shading needs work but I was wasted too much time as it was, I might work on it later.
                    Nice! It´s a BMW cop car right? It looks awesome!


                    • #85
                      yes it is.
                      I only became a Transformers fan about February of last year.
                      It's very common foe Transformers fans to make their own characters.
                      I was trying to come up with a cool and unique transformer.
                      Until I noticed a toy police car I bought in Germany when I was there for world youth day.
                      Their police cars are green.
                      Green Police.

                      And then I started reading Green Lantern.
                      That is my story.

                      I am working abit on the mini, it doesn't show well on black.


                      • #86
                        You are not the first,
                        apparently being a green lantern fan and being a transformers fan goes hand in hand, I have seen a lot of green lantern Optimus'es out there


                        • #87

                          ...Because I can.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Limelantern View Post
                            You are not the first,
                            apparently being a green lantern fan and being a transformers fan goes hand in hand, I have seen a lot of green lantern Optimus'es out there
                            I believe the plural is Optimi...


                            • #89

                              ok, I think this is as far as I'm going with this mini.
                              GreenLantern of Cybertron
                              Alan's Drycleaner
                              Last edited by GreenLantern of Cybertron; 08-23-2008, 02:49 AM.


                              • #90
                                Zombie Sodam:


