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My Micro Thread

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  • My Micro Thread


    In July of 2017 decided to start charging people roughly $400 per year to host images for users. Due to this a lot of work that was once in my thread has been replaced with the ridiculous photobucket500 crap. A lot of the work that had to do with cannon characters can be found on the DC and Marvel microhero wikia's, all of which were without permission. But hey, it saved some of my stuff from here so it's not all so bad. I'm working on getting the images for all of my fanfics resaved on a new site as well as the images starting on page #24 and moving forward. Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to leave critiques and comments!


    Figured I'd throw these out there to the folks who might be checking out the RPG to see what kinda guys we have. I'm amazed I was able to meet each players expectations with the micros, I really think some of them turned out better than I expected them. Among the players we've had a Blue Beetle-ish Lantern, a mad Dragon, a Predator, a Tamaranian, and some other Lanterns used as canon, as well as a new one for the poster Azreal of a darker Batman-ish alien Lantern who's in the top left side. Enjoy guys, I'll post any I left out and new additions as I make them!

    Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Ωmega Man; 07-26-2017, 05:18 PM.

  • #2
    Just what we need... MORE micros.


    • #3
      My new Challengers from Beyond!



      • #4
        Ugh... you don't listen...

        Is that... Static Shock?
        Agent Orange
        Last edited by Fearless; 06-30-2008, 12:52 AM.


        • #5
          Yes it's Static but the only shock is my take on the Milestone Universe showing up in my Torch Bearer/Chellengers fanfic. A big bad from the Static Shock cartoon is upgraded into one of the most powerful Bang Babies [who bears a resemblance to one of my favorite Kyle era villains]and destroys God knows how much of the Milestone Universe before being stopped by the Challengers. After Static comes to grips with everything he's had and lost he joins our group and comes to the New Earth setting.

          Not gonna reveal where my team's homebase will be located. It's a bit complicated but interesting to say the least.

          EDIT: Updated Witchfire to have the fiery trim, made PG's boobs a little more defined, and fixed a couple other minor things. More to come soon.

          Ωmega Man
          Guardian of the Universe
          Last edited by Ωmega Man; 06-30-2008, 10:25 AM.


          • #6
            cool designs


            • #7
              Thanks. Any one in particular Geek?



              • #8
                the static one is great but I enjoy all of them, although I do think power girls chest is a bit smaller then they should be but it looks like your going with a refind pre crisis design


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                  My new Challengers from Beyond!

                  i like your Kyle look, if DC ever gives him a new look again (in about two months ) you should try and see if they use yours
                  Forum Member
                  Last edited by IonFan; 07-02-2008, 01:01 AM.

                  IonFan says

                  MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                    i like your Kyle look, if DC ever gives him a new look again (in about two mouths ) you should try and see if they use yours
                    two mouths? two months you mean right?


                    • #11
                      yes , i fixed it

                      IonFan says

                      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                      • #12
                        I'm glad you like it IonFan. You and Andrew are the main reason I designed it for my Kyle fanfic, the original as I'm told looked like a carny LOL.

                        You like any of the others? I'm anxious to see what people think of Tyler 1.0 and Static.

                        Ωmega Man
                        Guardian of the Universe
                        Last edited by Ωmega Man; 07-02-2008, 01:43 AM.


                        • #13
                          I like kyles symbol as well


                          • #14
                            I think 7 is alot for a traveling team. I think Static would be more nostalgic if he had some yellow in there, but they all are done well.


                            • #15
                              The team itself will sometimes be split up depending on the threat. Tyler will also be more of a homebody at their headquarters unless they need added muscle. As is Powergirl's the only heavy hitter and Breach is so much of a loose canon his power level is shakey at best even though he's so powerful. He'll find his voice on the team, but not right out of the gate. Most of the team is here because they're either from a different world or have experienced jumping universes. Talon may see another version of Duela, Witchfire might find out her true origins, etc.

                              As for Static: I was originally gonna make the lightning/S design in his shirt yellow but I don't want people thinking he's Black Lightning when he's not on his manhole cover.

                              On a side-note last night I was figuring who else could be a part of the 52 and it hit me when thinking about Witchfire, who's created by Kurt Buseik. So Starros breaching the 52 will also invade....

                              Wait for it....

                              Astro City.

                              Ωmega Man
                              Guardian of the Universe
                              Last edited by Ωmega Man; 07-02-2008, 02:00 AM.

