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Last film you saw, vol. 6

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  • MST3K: Teen-Age Strangler (1965/1993)

    "Is this love, or is it just rough sex with Michael Douglas?"

    Originally posted by Mister.Weirdo View Post
    I saw SNF a few years ago and was pretty impressed. The disco music is really just background, for the actual story of the film, which is really serious and very dramatic.
    Yep. The disco stuff is the setting. If it were set in Santa Monica at the same time, it would be surfing.

    Originally posted by Mister.Weirdo View Post
    [Invasion of the Body Snatchers]
    An excellent remake that improves upon its predecessor in many ways. ... Not to mention like any good horror film, the movie builds up the suspension, only really revealing the pod people in the last act. Plus dat ending!
    The ending is great. I picked this up cheap somewhere. I've gotta watch it again and pay attention to the music more.

    It will never equal the original for me, just because thematically I thought that one was spot on and Kevin McCarthy is great. But it did its own thing and I'm glad to have both of them.
    Space Cop
    The Dandy
    Last edited by Space Cop; 01-03-2017, 04:58 AM.


    • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
      The ending is great. I picked this up cheap somewhere. I've gotta watch it again and pay attention to the music more.

      It will never equal the original for me, just because thematically I thought that one was spot on and Kevin McCarthy is great. But it did its own thing and I'm glad to have both of them.
      The original IOTBS is very good, but it's definitely more of a product of its era, then the 1978 version, which can be good or bad depending on how you view it.

      The music score is very unsettling, and not exactly melodic, being a mix of orchestration and electronics. It largely sticks out during the more intense scenes. The composer actually got several offers after the film, but he turned them all down because working on the film was so daunting, that he want to didn't compose for any other motion pictures.


      • Spencer's Mountain (1963)

        "Victory with honor."


        • End Of Watch (2012)


          • Exists (2014)

            "That wasn't no deer, bro."

            A group of friends heads to a remote cabin for some fun, but along the way hit an animal. As their trip goes on, they soon find out it wasn't just some animal, and that they are being hunted.

            This is a found footage film, but it actually isn't terrible (another example would be Apollo 18). Many scenes are shot from a GoPro camera, as one character has about fifty of them, and some of the shots you get are still pretty good visuals whether it's a scare-shot or just the natural setting. More than once the monster, Bigfoot, has his classic "casual walk" recreated and it does cause you to think of the gold-standard recording.

            The characters are stock. Maybe not the worst stock, but they're stock all the same. For the most part they don't annoy, and it's kind of amusing to watch the one woman try to light the cameraman's beard as a prank at the film's beginning, but once the horror of their situation sets in and they need to fight and survive, their brains turn to mush. They don't count their bikes and make a race for civilization when they should; they don't block all lines of sight when barricading the cabin; they don't conserve clearly limited ammo; and a slew of other mistakes. Granted, they are tired and terrified witless, but that none of this, as obvious as it all is, occurs to them is disappointing.

            The monster, I will admit, is very well done. At what must be over six feet in height, with plenty of bulk to show for it, the costume is well-made and with a creepy, human-like visage. The body hair/fur/pelt looks pretty good. Best of all is the obsessive, all-destroying vengeance-fueled rage. Bigfoot smashes the hell out of the Jeep (looks like a Jeep Cherokee to me), wrecks the hell out of the cabin, and does a number of other things that really just make it clear he is beyond pissed at the friends. I also enjoyed when he is just barely visible at night approaching the front door, really creepy shot.

            Overall a decent film, if a little cliched. If you don't mind stock characters in exchange for a decent suspense story, then I would say this is very much worth the watch.
            Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

            September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


            • The American Nightmare (2000)

              "All that bad karma has gotta go somewhere."

              An alright documentary about the inspiration, themes, and subtexts of some modern horror classics. It's available on Youtube and at 70 mins is probably worth the watch for those to whom it would appeal. I was watching as the local firehouse blared the alarm for new year and fireworks went off.
              Space Cop
              The Dandy
              Last edited by Space Cop; 01-03-2017, 01:52 AM.


              • Prisoners (2013)


                • Grizzly (1976)

                  "We don't have room for mavericks!"
                  Space Cop
                  The Dandy
                  Last edited by Space Cop; 01-03-2017, 04:57 AM.


                  • I kind of want to watch Grizzly as a popcorn flick, but I get the odd feeling I'd be disappointed even with that. Am I somewhat on the mark?
                    Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                    September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                    • Hail Caesar! (2016)

                      "It's all in the hips, the lips, and the eyes and the thighs."

                      Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                      I kind of want to watch Grizzly as a popcorn flick, but I get the odd feeling I'd be disappointed even with that. Am I somewhat on the mark?
                      Maybe. It's not so horrible that it's laughable, which might have made it more enjoyable, but it's far from a classic. I liked, but didn't love it. It's sooo obviously trying to be Jaws. There's even a scene where the heroes sit around and one tells the story of a horrible bear attack. The bear is supposed to be a thought-extinct species of Grizzly that is bigger than average, so they try to shoot around this with cuts and a real (pretty good) trained bear. The attacks are decent. I watched it on Youtube. Popcorn flick is about right. It fits with the rest of those man vs. nature 70s flicks.


                      • I'll have to check it out, then, if it's free to view. Thanks.
                        Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                        September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                        • When Harry Met Sally (1989)

                          "Everybody thinks they have good taste and a sense of humor but they couldn't possibly all have good taste."

                          I wanted to watch a non-Star Wars movie with Carrie Fisher in it and this classic has the benefit of also having an extensive New Year's sequence.

                          Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                          I'll have to check it out, then, if it's free to view. Thanks.
                          The ending (solution to the grizzly problem) made me laugh.


                          • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                            When Harry Met Sally (1989)
                            You should check out the old Mad TV skit, "When Harry Met Willy."

                            The ending (solution to the grizzly problem) made me laugh.
                            I'm 26:13 in and I'm finding it incredibly amusing. I'm also constantly thinking of ways that this could have been a wonderful spoof.
                            Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                            September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                            • Grizzly (1976)

                              "The grizzly is an animal, Kelly. Don't give it human qualities."

                              Found this in the YouTube comments:

                              Originally posted by Sean Patrick
                              I found the novelization of this movie in a used bookstore. The bear is described as a massive "throwback"- essentially a cave bear and rejected by other grizzlies. That's why he's so pissed and puts the smack down on humanity! He also hates the smell of us.
                              Originally posted by 1701spacecadet
                              Sean Patrick Yeah, 70s aftershave was rank!

                              As for the film itself, yeah, it's a trashy imitation of Jaws. They have some absolutely wonderful location shots, including from a helicopter, and the acting isn't as bad as expected (stock, but the main is actually fairly decent).

                              The bear itself is a pretty solid effort, with an actual trained bear doing some decent scenes at times. I dislike how they have to constantly show him off, though, especially standing to display his "15-foot" height, because that feels like a cheap tactic that never really pays off. They might have succeeded here had they taken cues from kaiju flicks and made smaller sets for the trained bear to work with, and done more than have him "death hug" people to give a size perspective with cast victims.

                              Speaking of his kills, they were set up as much as possible, and I couldn't help but laugh each time. The scene with the boy I thought would be a fake-out, and then he gets mangled while mommy dearest uses a broom (I laughed out loud, really) to bring attention to herself. But hey, the adorable bunny lived (poor horse, though)! I also like how he systematically dis-armed the first woman.

                              I think they pushed the greed angle a little much, could have been a little subtler about it (like how Kelly got himself divorced).

                              I did find the ending to be chuckle-worthy. It's just the thing the film needed for a simple conclusion.

                              I saw that Claws (1977) is apparently available on YouTube so I'll have to check that out when I have time.
                              Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                              September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                              • Suicide Squad: Extended Cut (2016)

                                “If you weren't so crazy, I'd think you were insane."

                                I was surprised how many of the scenes restored here were Harley and Joker stuff. I would have thought WB wouldn't lose any of that considering how marketable they are.

                                Also, I just noticed the building the bad guys take over is named after Ostrander.

                                Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                                Grizzly (1976)...

                                The bear itself is a pretty solid effort, with an actual trained bear doing some decent scenes at times. I dislike how they have to constantly show him off, though, especially standing to display his "15-foot" height, because that feels like a cheap tactic that never really pays off. They might have succeeded here had they taken cues from kaiju flicks and made smaller sets for the trained bear to work with, and done more than have him "death hug" people to give a size perspective with cast victims.
                                Yeah, I'm thinking it might have been better if they stuck with a normal bear. I think they tried a bit of what you're saying when he attacks the ranger high rise, but it's blown when the real bear is shown in front of the copter (though he's still a decent sized bear). Otherwise, the effects weren't bad. At least they didn't skimp on the red stuff.

                                The main actor (Christopher George) I've come to know from a few grindhouse movies (like Exterminator and Revenge of the Ninja). He has a not-quite-Hollywood quality I've come to like.

                                Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                                Speaking of his kills, they were set up as much as possible, and I couldn't help but laugh each time. The scene with the boy I thought would be a fake-out, and then he gets mangled while mommy dearest uses a broom (I laughed out loud, really) to bring attention to herself.
                                Yeah, that was ballsy. I didn't expect it for a film of its time.

                                Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                                I did find the ending to be chuckle-worthy. It's just the thing the film needed for a simple conclusion.
                                It really sold the movie for me. It reminds me of Ed Wood when the slaughter-house financier tells Wood how Bride of the Monster has to end.

                                Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                                I saw that Claws (1977) is apparently available on YouTube so I'll have to check that out when I have time.
                                I haven't seen that yet, either. Let me know.
                                Space Cop
                                The Dandy
                                Last edited by Space Cop; 01-03-2017, 02:18 PM.

