The cultural references never felt forced, and they served the plot-well. The scavenger hunt plot in particular reminded me a lot of The Goonies, which I dug, and the film really gave me a sense of fun and whimsy. Not to mention the soundtrack was great. Plus for a 2 and a half hour film, it went by relatively fast.
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - An interesting elseworlds take on Batman and his surrounding cast... and I didn't quite see the identity of the main antagonist coming.
Thor: Ragnarok - I was disappointed in this. The story and action were okay, but there was too much raunchy, d!ck and a$$ joke humor in this. Thor and Hulk were almost comedic caricatures of themselves.
IT - I'm not into horror films, but I enjoyed this.
The Punisher (2004)
"What's the torch for?
-2000 degrees, Mick. Enough to turn steel into butter. It won't hurt at first. It's too hot, you see? The flame sears the nerve endings shut, killing them. You'll go into shock and all you'll feel is cold. Isn't science fun, Mickey?"
Punisher: War Zone (2008)
"Let me put you out of my misery.
Would you say this is a must-see-in-theaters because I actually go out for fewer and fewer movies.
It's very cinematic, as to be expected. The 3D is okay too (don't recommend seeing it in that format though). Maybe not full price, but it wouldn't make for a bad matinee showing.
It's very cinematic, as to be expected. The 3D is okay too (don't recommend seeing it in that format though). Maybe not full price, but it wouldn't make for a bad matinee showing.
Thanks. That's pretty honest. I haven't read the book yet, but maybe I will want to see this first (I'm less judgmental when I see it before I read it). Pacific Rim 2 is up first for me because the whole fam wants to see it.
Thanks. That's pretty honest. I haven't read the book yet, but maybe I will want to see this first (I'm less judgmental when I see it before I read it). Pacific Rim 2 is up first for me because the whole fam wants to see it.
My pleasure. I've heard you don't need to read the book to appreciate the film. I haven't read it myself, nor did I have much interest in reading it before the film came out honestly.
As for Pacific Rim: Uprising. I still need to see that. I'm a big fan of the first, and the new one sounds fun enough.
In a sick way, there's something really fun about it and it's made it into my regular Christmas rotation. I like that the killer's motivation is really explained.
I think a big part of it, though, may be seeing a circa-1984 toy store. That's right when I would've been most excited about going to a toy store and when I watch those scenes I see the stuff I would've been into (He-man, Muppets, GI Joe) still on the shelves.
Late reply, but yeah, it's cool to see a toy store like that, especially that old. This may make me sound "demented", but I also love the films dark humor, it's so crazy. No surprise that the film got people riled up when it came out in 1984.
Late reply, but yeah, it's cool to see a toy story like that, especially that old. This may make me sound "demented", but I also love the films dark humor, it's so crazy. No surprise that the film got people riled up when it came out in 1984.
It's funny, but it's still a bit controversial. I was mentioning this movie as a "killer Santa movie" I liked and the person I was telling looked at me like I blasphemed.
Indeed. Pretty far from the days of Under Siege. There were some decent moments in each of these moments (the highlight for me was Danny Trejo's bits in FoE), but not a lot. Something amused me, though, about Seagal's ability to deliver absolutely every line completely deadpan.
Another late reply, but he was a terrible actor, but he used to have presence, and actually had a good-build. Now he can't even be bothered to finish his lines, and looks like he had thirty donuts. It's quite pathetic really.
It's funny, but it's still a bit controversial. I was mentioning this movie as a "killer Santa movie" I liked and the person I was telling looked at me like I blasphemed.
People will probably not feel wrong at the idea of a "killer Santa film", even though it's just a movie.
Christmas Evil is another good Christmas theme horror film too, involving a man in a Santa suit going on a killing spree. I guess the idea just inherently fascinates me, well that and Christmas Evil is actually entertaining too.
I saw the trailer for that on some rental. Was thinking of checking it out. Did you like it?
Going through my old posts right now, and responding to some, that I should have responded to in the first place - It's a solid throwback film that I happened to find at my library and enjoyed overall. Ben Mendelsohn is great as usual, and Reynolds isn't half-bad either. The soundtrack is really good too.
Also in retrospect, I do like that the directors of it, are now working on Captain Marvel. Given when the Captain Marvel film is supposed to be set, I could see that same sort of flashy style fitting it.