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Last film you saw, vol. 6

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  • Wreck It Ralph (2012)

    "Doomsday and Armageddon just had a baby and it is ugly!"

    The Edge of Seventeen (2016)

    "I had the worst thought: I've got to spend the rest of my life with myself."

    Has a lot of the tropes you'd expect for quirky-girl-coming-of-age movies, but fun.

    Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno (2016)

    "What the hell? I go out of my way to compliment you and your mind is on the woman?"

    Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
    A great follow up, even though the adaptation begins showing some flaws.
    Man, I was not expecting a cliff hanger. Now I have to wait a couple entries on my Netflix queue to get the conclusion. Some aspects of this I liked more than the first (like the new sword stuff and the addition of the ninja), but I see what you mean and around the end of act one I was nodding off (though that probably was more due to being tired and having come off of watching an hour of a show also in subtitles).
    Space Cop
    The Dandy
    Last edited by Space Cop; 08-18-2020, 01:53 PM.


    • Iconic in the truest sense of the word.

      A simple concept with great characters that has been immitated time and again, but never done quite so well. It's still my favorite Kurosawa film, and the one I watch most often despite its epic run time.
      Do good. Be well. Make happy.


      • [Rifftrax:] McBain (1991/2013)

        "Bobby McBain? Why not Little Timmy McBain, Jr.?"

        Coyote Ugly (2000)

        "You collect comic books? That's so cute.
        -It's not cute; it's very rugged and manly."

        20th anniversary.

        The Editor (2014)

        "Sure, he has wooden fingers, but who doesn't at times."

        Not sure how I feel about this yet. It was kind of fun, but so goofy. I watched it with a horror fan, but he wasn't familiar with giallo, which is what this is really a spoof of.

        Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
        [Seven Samurai] . . . A simple concept with great characters that has been immitated time and again, but never done quite so well. It's still my favorite Kurosawa film, and the one I watch most often despite its epic run time.
        Yeah, I haven't seen everything Kurosawa did, but I think I've seen all the samurai stuff and while I'd be tempted to pick something more original if asked my favorite, there's really a reason it stands out.
        Space Cop
        The Dandy
        Last edited by Space Cop; 08-18-2020, 01:53 PM.


        • Decent political drama set in 16th century Japan.

          A bit too surrealist, and far too lingering at times, but still an interesting film. There's not a lot of action despite the subject matter, and even when there is some it's generally just beyond our view. Ultimately still worth a watch, but not one to justify itself often.
          Do good. Be well. Make happy.


          • Glad you posted, so I don't have to cram more movies into old posts.

            Lady Bloodfight (2016)

            "Be quick. Be cruel."

            Okay women's martial arts flick using the kumite tournament legend.Hail, Caesar! (2016)

            "Joe will be the foster parent until such time as you adopt the child. Which you can do as soon as Joe takes possession of it.
            -And he's reliable?
            I'm bonded, Miss."

            Shared this Coen Brothers movie that I really like with my folks.

            Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973)

            "It's a pity we can't send Jet Jaguar to go and get Godzilla!"

            Decided to make this my first dive into my new Criterion BD collection of Showa-era Godzilla movies.
            Space Cop
            The Dandy
            Last edited by Space Cop; 08-12-2020, 01:23 PM.


            • Sherlock Holmes: The Pearl of Death (1944)

              "Oh tosh, I'm not afraid of guards and gongs!"

              A valuable pearl is targeted by ruthless thieves, who manage to conceal the jewel. Murders and destruction follow as the heroes attempt to unravel the pearl's location.

              Pretty entertaining, and I loved the set for the museum (the security system shuttering the doors and windows was a neat surprise).

              But the whole "we can't hold him for more than 2 days because NO EVIDENCE!" idea was outright stupid: an entire crowd watches him steal a 50k-pound-valued pearl and flee the scene, the cops know who he is and what he's wanted for even without hard evidence of previous crimes, and all they do is hold him for 48 hours for breaking a window?! Fucking lousy writing just to have the villain hurry the plot along).

              It was nice to see Evelyn Ankers again, and afraid of another murderous beast, no less. The inclusion of the Oxton Creeper as a hitman for the main villain was a great move, dude was big and ominous without saying a word, very menacing...up until he decided to slowly shuffle towards a loaded gun. Seriously? Seriously.

              Overall a good entry despite the ludicrous plot conveniences (including how the fuck Ankers knew where the pearl was hidden to begin with, that shit was brilliant but then swiftly and easily undermined with zero explanation).
              Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

              September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


              • Hard Target (1993)

                "Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear!"

                R.I.P. Wilford Brimley.

                The Howling (1981)

                "We get 'em all: sun-worshippers, moon-worshippers, Satanists. The Manson family used to hang around and shoplift. Bunch of deadbeats!"

                My full-moon werewolf pick this month. Seen this one a lot, but was in the mood for it.

                [Rifftrax:] Point Break (1991/2006)

                "It can't end now. There's so many unanswered questions; like why was this movie made?"
                Space Cop
                The Dandy
                Last edited by Space Cop; 08-18-2020, 01:56 PM.


                • I loved watching that as a kid. The scene where VD rescues the female lead and lays those dudes out (including the one guy across the car front), Lance Henrikson and that insane hand cannon of his, the henchman and his shotgun, just such a good film.
                  Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                  September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                  • Minions (2015)

                    "Work for me, and all this will be yours: respect, power...

                    The Expendables (2010)

                    "What do you wear, size 3? Bring it, happy feet."

                    Turned 10.

                    Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends (2016)

                    Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
                    Fantastic finale to the trilogy. . .
                    I liked it and could see picking up the BDs some day.

                    Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                    I loved watching that as a kid. The scene where VD rescues the female lead and lays those dudes out (including the one guy across the car front), Lance Henrikson and that insane hand cannon of his, the henchman and his shotgun, just such a good film.
                    It has a lot of the John Woo signatures in it too---doves flying; freeze frames; slow-mo; and diving gunfights.
                    Space Cop
                    The Dandy
                    Last edited by Space Cop; 08-18-2020, 01:52 PM.


                    • Interesting adaptation with some great performances.

                      It does a good job of updating the future world, making the story's message more relevant to modern audiences, but some of the changes disappointed me a bit. I actually didn't mind the addition of a scheme (of sorts) at play, as it helped the film maintain a thematic purpose, but the altered finale that it leads to didn't quite work for me. It's a good movie, but my familiarity with the novel kept it from being great.

                      I'd actually be interested to see how someone unfamiliar with the source responds to it.
                      Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                      • Little Shop of Horrors (1960)

                        "It's a finger of speech!"

                        Turned 60 on Wednesday, but nobody else was posting for me to get it down here. Youtubed it.

                        The Night Strangler (1973)

                        "What's a few lives compared to immortality, Mr. Kolchak?"

                        Macbeth (2015)

                        "O full of scorpions, is my mind."

                        It's funny, but when I was in HS, in my Shakespeare elective, we had to cast a movie of the Scottish play and one of the notes I made was that I wanted it done with accents and set in period Scotland. Finally, a movie did it.

                        Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
                        [Fahrenheit 451 (2018)]

                        Interesting adaptation with some great performances... It's a good movie, but my familiarity with the novel kept it from being great.

                        I'd actually be interested to see how someone unfamiliar with the source responds to it.
                        This is in my Netflix queue, but I haven't been quick to move it up. If I had heard it's very faithful to the book I would be more inclined to do so. I love that book, though I haven't read it since my school days.
                        Space Cop
                        The Dandy
                        Last edited by Space Cop; 08-08-2020, 11:27 AM.


                        • Sherlock Holmes: Pursuit to Algiers (1945)

                          "I've never been accused of being handsome, but that's the first time in my life a woman has fled at the sight of me."

                          Holmes is enlisted to protect a foreign prince from assassins, but the villains have many tricks up their sleeves to ensure their target does not reach his destination alive.

                          Actually rather good, and had the extra surprise of a fairly decent red herring (the missing jewels coming into play). The other red herring, the two strange men, amounts to nothing despite it being made into a clear hook but the film just never looks into it past its moment and a comment. Shame.

                          The assassins were actually pretty interesting. You have a former circus knife thrower, a heavyset mastermind with excellent manners, and a mute strongman who uses sign language. They definitely earned my attention during their screen time.

                          One notable absence was Dennis Hoey as Lestrade. Pearl of Death was his last film in the series, I believe, and it's kind of sad to see him missing from the action.

                          The big twist at the end was fairly good, in a "Purloined Letter" fashion.
                          Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                          September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                          • [Rifftrax:] The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant (1971/2015)

                            "Good luck figuring this one out, Obamacare!"

                            Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017)

                            "She is beautiful, guileless, kind, and pure of heart. You are brilliant, ferocious, hilarious, and a grade A b***h. Together, you are the perfect woman."

                            Does cover the creation of the lie detector and Wonder Woman (in fact the frame is the decency league interviewing Marston on prurient themes in the comic), but really focuses on the love triangle between he, his wife, and Olive.

                            Your Name. (2016)

                            "Treasure the experience. Dreams fade away after you wake up."

                            Sweet anime about a teen boy in Tokyo and a teen girl in the Japanese mountains who randomly body swap, but don't remember everything clearly.
                            Space Cop
                            The Dandy
                            Last edited by Space Cop; 08-18-2020, 01:56 PM.


                            • A fun blend of smart and stupid, it's full of silly slapstick laced with a bit of wit.
                              I'd say it probably lands somewhere between Mel Brooks and Monty Python.
                              It's not particularly great, but there were a few laugh out loud moments.
                              Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                              • Old Joy (2006)

                                "Sorrow is nothing but worn out joy."

                                Gentlemen Broncos (2009)

                                "Cyclops there, cyclops there, cyclops there, turrets, moon buggies. Oh my holy crap! Surveillance does. I hate those."

                                A homeschooler goes to a writer's camp and submits his sci-fi story for a competition only to have it stolen by his hero, who is in need of a bestseller. Directed by Jered Hess (Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre) whose quirkiness could be a cousin to Wes Anderson's. Really liked it.

                                Woodstock: Three Days that Defined a Generation (2019)

                                "My guess is that within a thousand feet of the stage everyone was stoned."

                                Wanted to Netflix this before it was dropped from streaming. Pretty good.
                                Space Cop
                                The Dandy
                                Last edited by Space Cop; 08-13-2020, 11:05 PM.

