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The DCUO Picture Thread

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  • #76
    Originally posted by greenuk View Post
    yep i agree, this is the best i could do
    I tried really hard to get a nice clear no luck at all. The flash always reflects, and when I don't use a flash there's no detail.

    A HI-DEF capture card is the only option and I'm just not in a hurry to go buy one.
    Now you'd never call Erwin a "Wussy"
    Nor label his working day "cushy"
    But you might have to question
    His endless obsession
    With superpositional pussy.


    • #77
      dc should do just a gl mmo.

      they could also do dlc packs surounding events like bd and bn
      .................................................. ..........................

      Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


      • #78
        I'm a little late to this party but I have tons of pics here is a few


        • #79
          Better late then never

          Old Suit - an attempt to recreate one of the lantern suits. Couldn't find green bands around the arms, so I went for the slim finned white gloves.
          The white gloves needs another shirt to go with it as you can see on npc's in other people's pictures. There no good boots,
          so I went for a triangle pants and adjusted that in the color palet. The insignia is a JL emblem looks cool enough to pass on as a GL insignia.


          Face: Half Domino (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)
          Emblem: Justice League (mailed to you when you completed a mission from a terminal in the meta-wing at the WatchTower)
          Hands: Slimline Finned (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)
          Chest: Reverse Slimline (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)
          Legs: Triangles (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)


          Green: 0D3F1E or 184D2D
          Skin: FF5E34


          New Suit - my take on a more modern GL look. All black, here and there some bright green. The cosmic skin finishes the whole thing.
          Not a big fan of the bulky look of the iconic suits. I haven't begun the styles collection. Hopefully something in there will give another nice GL look.


          Face: Half Domino (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)
          Emblem: Justice League (mailed to you when you completed a mission from a terminal in the meta-wing at the WatchTower)
          Hands: Retro Tech (Possible 4-player Alert Area51 Loot Drop)
          Chest: Gunslinger (Use to be on a vendor at Ring Wars, has now be converted to be a Vault Drop)
          Legs: Archangel (part of PVP Armorset)
          Skin: Cosmic (Marketplace - Style Items - Vanguard of the Heavens)


          Green: 0D3F1E or 184D2D

          Greetz to all!
          Corps Recruit
          Last edited by Jaceny; 05-27-2013, 07:38 PM.


          • #80
            My toons

            Yours look great these are my angels Fear love and Will power.
            Attached Files


            • #81

              Since this is a GL board here is some old picks SpeedBow when I was hardlight.


              • #82
                Another GL Look

                Another look


                Face: Half Domino (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)
                Emblem: Justice League (mailed to you when you completed a mission from a terminal in the meta-wing at the WatchTower)
                Hands: Formal (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)
                Chest: Streak Slimline (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)
                Legs: Tertiary Slimline (Free at Character Creation Screen or bought from vendor in the Warroom at the WatchTower)


                Green: 0D3F1E or 184D2D
                Corps Recruit
                Last edited by Jaceny; 05-27-2013, 07:31 PM.

