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Am I the only one who thinks this game is hard as hell??
Guest repliedI'm having serious issues with the game just trying to learn it, I'm used to WOW where you know what equipment you need for which class you are. Right now I have no idea what I'm doing I have a level 18 fighter that's fire based and I'm lost I keep playing but I'm getting burned out on it. I do like that game because of the Universe it keeps it interesting and fun but I can't really talk to anyone because on the ps3 the chat systems seems missed up. unless its just me and it could be i'm a mess.
Briefings in Hard Alerts give MoD's. Except for Area 51, which gives you a style.
If you're having trouble with at level stuff, then the problem is either spec or equipment. LVL 1-30 I stacked the hell out of precision and might, I was squishy as hell, but I burned everything down quick enough that it didn't matter much.
Once you start running lvl 30, concentrate on your role stats and spec. The dailies get a lot easier once you learn the tricks of each level to stay alive, and even easier than that once you get your hands on some good T1 or even faction gear. I can run all 7 Daily isntances in about an hour and 45. I can run the three Dollman dailies in about 15 minutes.
But it iddn't get that easy until I got the majority of my T1 PVE set.
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Originally posted by Archrival View PostThe briefings only give styles, same with collections but they do give exp.
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The briefings only give styles, same with collections but they do give exp.
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i'm having a helluva time there too not so much with the other players (though some of those MMO snobs have gotten in my way on more than one occassion) but once I hit 30 the missions went from manageable to !@#$%^& near impossible!
I'm still trying to fight my way thru the Daily Planet (came closer than ever today but got killed by those annpying-@$$ little droids the big Crab droid releases.)
Easiest ways to build up cash are:
look for easy kills in the city. (for a hero this means roof-top thugs for villians.... I dunno, cops?)
Go to a place where rookies on the opposing side go for their first mission and mop the floor with em! (ok it's mean but trust me, it's a tactic builder)
collect all the blue briefings tokens (you can actually win decent gear off of them)
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yea, the community can be a bit rough. But to be honest I've never ran into a great MMO community, most of the people who play them are huge douche nuggets.
Definitely keep up with it because once you hit level 30, the equipment starts pouring in a bit quicker as you have daily missions to receive drops, then duos, then HA's, and eventually raids where the best equipment is found.
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Thanks for the input guys....I'l try to keep trudging along.
I think I just needed to vent and those guys on the are assholes, especially to noobs.Last edited by EdHaskel; 03-03-2011, 03:27 PM.
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I found levels 20-30 to be more difficult because it was the time in the game when I found myself not getting the equipment I needed to keep my defense up with what the mobs were attacking me for. Hell, I had a level 9 mask until like level 28 or something. And I did all of the quests, and ran all of the instance missions.
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always do missions ranked a lower lvl then you. it makes things way easier. yeah do alerts. and b.s. side missions. sell crap you dont need. buy lots of cola!!!
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any mission can be done with someone else. if u can find anyone willing to help and join a group with you. also u can level up in alerts until u get to level 22 or something. then ull shouldnt have a problem with the flashes
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Am I the only one who thinks this game is hard as hell??
Granted this is my first MMORPG, but feel like I'm pretty good at games and man this game pisses me off/frustrates my more than any other game Ive played....Level 20 and can not defeat Flash/Classic Flash or Zatanna/Etrigan....have no $$$ to buy colas or fix my weapons...Tags: None

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