Originally posted by BLUELCMISHRA
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March Content update
also read somewhere that new raids will be in fortress of solitude if i can find the proof ill post it. my league was discussing it yesterday
Penguin Maximus was extaremely rough i still havent beaten him and i've done raids lol i need to block more. we havent done the new batcave quite yet.
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Originally posted by Razorgod View PostI'll just be glad when we get off Batman....holy shit, nothing like mixing it up a little.
producers letter hints this about update 3. "R'as Al Ghul, Swamp Thing, Chang Tzu in "very intimidating" form."
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It wasn't that hard till we got to Brainiac, we got all the Investigations and Briefs from it as well. Batman was surprisingly easy.
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My league wanted to run at midnight, but I already knew running that late on a new raid would be a mistake.
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Originally posted by Razorgod View PostSo, I've run most of the new content.
And finally, raid not withstanding, the Green Lantern duo. It doesn't help that I ran this tired,
For proof of completion here's my league and me infront of a bottled Brainiac:
^^Me in purple.Last edited by Archrival; 04-06-2011, 01:17 PM.
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Originally posted by Larfleazy E View Posti was pretty impressed with the new duo. (maybe cuz im a GL fanboy idk) but there were many different constructs moves that were added. and kilowog and arkillo get outfitted with armor made of constructs and they join in.
hoping next update includes a new vault. (tired of funhouse) . a new event and a new Alert. a new arena for legends and pvp.
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i was pretty impressed with the new duo. (maybe cuz im a GL fanboy idk) but there were many different constructs moves that were added. and kilowog and arkillo get outfitted with armor made of constructs and they join in.
hoping next update includes a new vault. (tired of funhouse) . a new event and a new Alert. a new arena for legends and pvp.
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I left off the seasonal stuff....its much better than Valentines day, but not by much.
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So, I've run most of the new content.
First off, I'm amazed at how quick the new content downloaded. Zero hangups, unlike everything else I've had to download for this game.
Secondly, the tweaks to the social is awesome. Everything is done from using your left D-pad, on PS3 now and it's made the menus much smoother. Also, friend and league grouping is so much smoother...as there are off and online filters for pretty much any of your lists. Also, as a League leader, the new League menu is much better for organizing and recruiting.
Broker, some really cool changes, like when I buy something I don't have to start over at page one. Apparently, a lot of the collection spawn rates have gotten much better.
As for content...wow. The level 23 question quest pretty fun, and while it wasn't too difficult at my level, I think it's gonna be the beast that defines anyone at that levels leveling experience. Everything in there is tough for 23.
The same can be said for the new daily- featuring a gang war between Penguin and Two Face- everything in there hits pretty hard. But the boss fights are the most time consuming of all the dailies. It's not that they're hard, it's just everything in there is geared up and hard to drain. The boss fights were either Bane or Hush (depending on the coin toss, I'm told), Pengbot Maximus and finally the Penguin. MY advice is to learn how to incorporate blocking into your attacks....you'll need them by the time you get to Penguin.
And finally, raid not withstanding, the Green Lantern duo. It doesn't help that I ran this tired, but it seems difficulty was a theme with this content. The Manhunter wasn't that bad, and once you learn to hit the defense lanterns, it's not so bad. But Arkillo is one tough cookie, as far as his armor, and while his fight isn't difficult it's just long. The same with Sinestro, who you face off with John Stewart against.
I probably won't get a chance to run the new Batcave raid this week, but I'm looking forward to it.
The best part of this content release was all the glitches that got picked up and fixed. It's nice to have streamlined menus that aren't slow and bogged down. It's also nice to have finally gotten some of the mail that got tied up- still no Justice League emblem though.....
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this update needs to come out!!!!!
its march 31st where is it????
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DCU Online March Content Updates features TWO-FACE and MXYZPTLK
Sony Online Entertainment’s Chris Cao and the minds behind DC Universe Online are ready to announce their content update for March and in the sprit of St. Patrick’s Day, and the corresponding ‘luck of the Irish,’ it’s all about taking chances. In the DCU, the guy who gives you the best odds is their Character of the Month: Two-Face.
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Just hinted at in the core game, the Penguin is ready to make his move to take control of Gotham, and in a case of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ you align yourself with Two-Face in an effort to foil the fowl fiend’s plans in a new mission string. Both the villains and the heroes can get into the action, as on the side of good, the Harvey Dent side of the scarred former prosecutor takes a dominate role verses his dark side for the other faction. However, keeping with his trademark of how he decides his actions, Two-Face could flip his coin mid-mission and suddenly turn against you. Also, there are evil robot-penguins! Robot. Penguins.
Two-Face will also become available as a player character in Legends PvP with the ability to summon a mob of goons, set traps and fire guns or use a grenade launcher. His coin also factors into PvP as a quick toss will buff a set of skills for the side that the coin lands on (damage and DoT for bad heads; control, knockdowns and stuns for good heads).
Since this is the March/St. Patrick’s Day update, Mr. Mxyzptlk has fancied himself a leprechaun and players roaming the over-world can follow rainbows to meet the 5th Dimensional Imp as a random encounter. Completing his missions can unlock thematic appearance sets and other rewards.
As an end game (level 30) content update, the third Batcave Raid sees the climax of the “Brainiac/Tech” arc. Among the encounters is an OMAC infected Batman, Brainiac’s “Avatar of Tech,” a massive, transforming, multi-phase robotic boss who you will battle for control of the Tech aspect exobytes, and for the first time Brainiac himself in one of his iterations.
The recurring Green Lantern “Ring War” will also be expanded, with every ring bearer getting a revamp, new constructs for them to summon and boss fights with Kilowog or Arkillo.
On the technical side apart from bug and PvP exploit fixes, the update will move some the functions of the "PDA" around in an effort to improve the interface. As a part of what’s called the “Social System 2.0,” the team formation utilities will be moved to the league tab; the creation of dedicated text and voice tabs and a “Push To Talk” button for the PS3 are also being added.. The game will also no longer auto-fill your place if you are accidentally dropped from a raid. This will allow you a chance to be re-invited to a mission. A voting system to kick a player from such a group will be implemented. You will also be able to opt-into the new spatial chat that will allow you to voice chat with other players in close proximity. Finally, there will be an update to the auction house user interface.
Pressed for more information as to what the future holds for DCUO, Cao revealed the future monthly updates will not always be tied to holidays, more work on balancing PvP and that many new powers and more four-man raids are on the way. He also advised that new mentors or new body types would be serious changes to the game and are not planed short of a major expansion. More of the full CG cinematics exploring the machinations of ‘Future Luthor’ are not scheduled at this time, but may follow as the events of the game unfold.
No date has been set at this point for the update’s release.
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