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Still no way to join the Green Lanterns in DCUO?

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  • Still no way to join the Green Lanterns in DCUO?

    I have been looking to subscribe to DCUO but one of the reasons I didn't touch the game at launch was because it lacked the ability to join the Green Lanterns in-game or use their powers. The game has been out for a while now and I am out of touch but I see people here still playing. Anyone have word on if it is in the game yet, and if not, do we know when? Thank you in advance.

  • #2
    Not yet, but Hard Light powers are supposedly gonna show up some point after the release of the upcoming film. No confirmation on that however it terms of actuality or date of patch release. But with DCUO now changing focus to Meta beings it's safe to assume similar powers are not far behind.

    "In fearful day, in raging night,
    With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
    When all seems lost in the War of Light,Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!
    I Can Rp you under the table so don't even try anything.


    • #3
      Big, BIG mistake on the part of Sony and DC... after teasing us with images of Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corps members for YEARS, to NOT allow players to play as a ring-slinger is simply INEXCUSABLE... and is why I haven't bought the game, and will not buy it until such time as I can play as the type of character I want to play as.
      Jack T. Chance
      Really knows where his towel is!
      Last edited by Jack T. Chance; 06-20-2011, 10:54 PM.


      • #4
        I can actually make a hard light shield now , i've only just got the game though. Is that something that's always been there ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by LanternJake View Post
          I can actually make a hard light shield now , i've only just got the game though. Is that something that's always been there ?
          Yup, it's a Iconic Hero power but not part of an actual hard light set.

          "In fearful day, in raging night,
          With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
          When all seems lost in the War of Light,Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!
          I Can Rp you under the table so don't even try anything.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jack T. Chance View Post
            Big, BIG mistake on the part of Sony and DC... after teasing us with images of Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corps members for YEARS, to NOT allow players to play as a ring-slinger is simply INEXCUSABLE... and is why I haven't bought the game, and will not buy it until such time as I can play as the type of character I want to play as.
            i couldnt agree with you more....its not a true representative of the DC universe with an active user controller corp member.


            • #7
              Yes there is no true way to use hard light powers but we use our imagination. the sheild is a green light that part of your iconic powers we use in our GL Corp group.

              In past shows i do have green lantern exclusives from the devs at SOE who have given us a lot. things they have told me-

              Green Lantern & the corps along with Space travel to OA will come as an expansion.
              yes we will have green lantern powers and they do plan to have the light wars coming after this expansion.

              but also keep in mind they are working on areas like atlantis, themyscira, star city and other DC areas.

              they did mention that it really does look like the green lantern universe would be the first expansion.


              • #8
                Update 4 for DCUO I've heard will release 3 new power sets with one of them being "Hard Light" ...supposedly released in 1 month-ish


                • #9
                  I take it there's STILL no announcement as to when the GL Corps-themed Expansion will be out?

                  I guess if we're lucky, it'll be out by the time Green Lantern: The Animated Series debuts on the Cartoon Network.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jack T. Chance View Post
                    I take it there's STILL no announcement as to when the GL Corps-themed Expansion will be out?

                    I guess if we're lucky, it'll be out by the time Green Lantern: The Animated Series debuts on the Cartoon Network.
                    ...If we're lucky. This is the game that was delayed how many times ?

                    I would of thought they'd seize the oppurtunity of releasing it with the movie.And no I don't think it will be with update 4.I guess we'll just have to wait to see what update 5 brings...


                    • #11
                      DCUO Adds Light Powers, Lantern Corps in DLC

                      IonFan says

                      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                      • #12
                        Just seen this on IGN , GREAT NEWS ! Can't believe it.Can't wait.Gives me a reason to renew my subscription

                        I don't really care if theres gonna be tons of lanterns.


                        • #13
                          FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!


                          I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS!!!


                          • #14
                            OMG ! ATROCITUS in the background of the promo pic !


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LanternJake View Post
                              OMG ! ATROCITUS in the background of the promo pic !
                              yeah, you get to fight him and the Red Lantern corps in Coast City

