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DCnU Online?

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  • DCnU Online?

    Will the recent shake-up have any effect on the game? I was actually a bit shocked when I saw the game released and Bruce looked more like Grayson/Batman than what was the new Bruce/Batman. I don't think it would take that much to alter, basically just re-skin some characters like Superman and the like. And if Jim Lee already designed the game then his style on the current New 52 should be easy to adapt into it.

    It'd be cool if/when it happens if you got the chance to go back and change one particular thing about your character [like a stat, or their hair color/secret ID, IDK...].


  • #2
    No the DCUO universe is a mix match of things. It has been stated that it is highly unlikly that any changes from the DCNU will afect the game.


    • #3
      You can actually change your style quite a bit in game whenever you want , although the graphics aren't that great (expected as it is an mmo) the one thing that i found pretty cool was the customisation,quite a lot of stuff.

      Jim lee stated in an interview that the process would take too long to change and adapt characters/storylines to the new timeline and they didn't want to confuse timelines, the dcu in the game is like a best of of stories. Never say never though i reckon.


      • #4
        Originally posted by LanternJake View Post
        You can actually change your style quite a bit in game whenever you want , although the graphics aren't that great (expected as it is an mmo) the one thing that i found pretty cool was the customisation,quite a lot of stuff.

        Jim lee stated in an interview that the process would take too long to change and adapt characters/storylines to the new timeline and they didn't want to confuse timelines, the dcu in the game is like a best of of stories. Never say never though i reckon.
        They've already adapted parts of continuity into the game that differ from mainstream, and its the same thing they're doing in the DCnU! And it's not like you play through Superman's origin and whatnot, its missions loosely based on stuff that's happened before in the comics, right? And you assist mainstream heroes and battle known villains?



        • #5
          yeah pretty much it's a mish mash of what they feel is the perfect dcu. pretty much set a few years ago like 2006-ish i'd say before final crisis and around 52.It sort of makes sense too with them introducing the red lanterns now , maybe they're slowly but surely retelling events.
          I've no idea how long it takes to design the characters really so i don't know if it's a simple case of just swapping the costume or how long that would take.


          • #6
            Switching up skins on different character models usually isn't too hard. I'm a dumbass but even I figured out how to mod a game like Freedom Force that much....


