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Red Lanterns #1 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • #16
    This preview looks awesome and really intriguing. I love Atrocitus and Dex-Starr I can't wait for this Wednesday.
    No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

    Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


    • #17
      + YouTube Video
      ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

      and just in case i wasn't clear

      + YouTube Video
      ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

      looks like the RLC are becoming the "bounty hunters" of the DCnU

      IonFan says

      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


      • #18

        Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
        Pretty groundbreaking stuff.
        Definitely has all the makings of a solid "short term investment".
        Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

        "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


        • #19
          Originally posted by IonFan View Post
          + YouTube Video
          ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

          and just in case i wasn't clear

          + YouTube Video
          ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.

          looks like the RLC are becoming the "bounty hunters" of the DCnU
          Glad I'm not alone with liking it.
          No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

          Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


          • #20
            Not what I expected....

            Really? That's it?

            First off, how in the seven hells does Atrocitus know anything about actors and fading careers?!? Did he spend that much time on Earth? Did he catch a few Charlie Sheen movies to see how actors go downhill?

            And don't give me some BS, "he could've had actors and entertainment on his world..." cause that's not even a believable scenario. We've all seen Star Wars, how many aliens do you remember having cable tv or shows on stage that weren't musical?

            Second, I hate the cat. It's only good for setting up Atty for dumb one liners. He doesn't need a pet, let alone a human pet, to make him seem more human.

            I had high hopes for this series, but if the answer to making a book successful is to take one of the most hardcore alien killing machines from sector 666 and tame him and give him a little pet sidekick, count me out by #3. Lobo turned into a joke at one point and it's hard for anybody to write him worth a shit anymore, seems Atty is going down the same path.

            I'd have much rather seen an Agent Orange series. Doesn't matter if it's serious badass Larfleeze or the more comical stingy bastard, I liked them both.



            • #21
              not impressive??

              Atrocitous kills 3 in one move!!!
              I'm ok with the RLC being anti-heroes/bounty hunters!!

              The "wolverine's" of the rainbow corps

              Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

              facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y


              • #22
                Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                Really? That's it?

                First off, how in the seven hells does Atrocitus know anything about actors and fading careers?!? Did he spend that much time on Earth? Did he catch a few Charlie Sheen movies to see how actors go downhill?

                And don't give me some BS, "he could've had actors and entertainment on his world..." cause that's not even a believable scenario. We've all seen Star Wars, how many aliens do you remember having cable tv or shows on stage that weren't musical?

                Second, I hate the cat. It's only good for setting up Atty for dumb one liners. He doesn't need a pet, let alone a human pet, to make him seem more human.

                I had high hopes for this series, but if the answer to making a book successful is to take one of the most hardcore alien killing machines from sector 666 and tame him and give him a little pet sidekick, count me out by #3. Lobo turned into a joke at one point and it's hard for anybody to write him worth a shit anymore, seems Atty is going down the same path.

                I'd have much rather seen an Agent Orange series. Doesn't matter if it's serious badass Larfleeze or the more comical stingy bastard, I liked them both.

                dude you havent even read the issue yet. i admit im iffy on it myself but im willing to look into the first book before i rant on it
                .................................................. ..........................

                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                • #23
                  I already said I'm giving it 3 issues, but based on the few pages we've seen I already know it's just gonna be a poorly executed attempt at making another Corps seem like good guys. Red and Violet were supposed to be the hardest colors of the spectrum to control, the craziest of the crazy.... and now look what we have.

                  The Sin Corps protected Korugar for a short time while it was their temporary base, Larfleeze doesn't kill people on Earth [unlike dozens of aliens who're now constructs] he just robs them blind, and now the Reds are REALLY fighting for some form of justice.

                  Aside from the Blues, I was under the impression the whole multi-spectrum thing was to give Hal and Co. more rogues. Forgive me if I think a Red Lantern who rips a GL completely in half with his bare hands in his first appearance should be considered a badguy.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                    I already said I'm giving it 3 issues, but based on the few pages we've seen I already know it's just gonna be a poorly executed attempt at making another Corps seem like good guys. Red and Violet were supposed to be the hardest colors of the spectrum to control, the craziest of the crazy.... and now look what we have.

                    The Sin Corps protected Korugar for a short time while it was their temporary base, Larfleeze doesn't kill people on Earth [unlike dozens of aliens who're now constructs] he just robs them blind, and now the Reds are REALLY fighting for some form of justice.

                    Aside from the Blues, I was under the impression the whole multi-spectrum thing was to give Hal and Co. more rogues. Forgive me if I think a Red Lantern who rips a GL completely in half with his bare hands in his first appearance should be considered a badguy.


                    all i can say is just read the full book and maybe you might change your mind.

                    and i agree i think there can be a better option than the reds hell i have been pushing for a indigo tribe secret orgins type thing.

                    but it is what it is and at first i said i wasnt going to buy it but after seeing what i saw it peeked my interest a bit
                    .................................................. ..........................

                    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                    • #25
                      At first this was on my pull list but I'm gonna put it on my 1-3 issue trial list of about 8 or 9 other DCnU books. It's one thing to break up Lois and Clark, and another putting Grayson back in the circus, but turning a psychopathic red monster who can rip a GL [using a personal force field in space no less] in half into an apparent movie buff and cat lover.... that's just too damned much.

                      Sinestro was fear... and Atrocitus was rage. WTF happened to that?



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                        At first this was on my pull list but I'm gonna put it on my 1-3 issue trial list of about 8 or 9 other DCnU books. It's one thing to break up Lois and Clark, and another putting Grayson back in the circus, but turning a psychopathic red monster who can rip a GL [using a personal force field in space no less] in half into an apparent movie buff and cat lover.... that's just too damned much.

                        Sinestro was fear... and Atrocitus was rage. WTF happened to that?


                        He's always cared about Dex-Starr and you have no idea what Atrocitus' interests are, so what if he likes movies? that hurts his character? I think it develops him more and makes him more than just a rampaging animal. Atrocitus is one of my favorite characters and happy he gets an ongoing because he deserves especially after Green Lantern #61.
                        No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

                        Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


                        • #27
                          Atrocitus, most likely saw a few shows while doing a blood oath, I'd imagine an eternity on Yasmult would give you time to catch up on How I Met Your Mother or The Big Bang Theory, Ever since his Mera construct I've gotten the feeling his Rage was waning. Perhaps this'll allow him to find a new Rage Muse...I was sure the original description said they dealt justice Their Way


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                            And don't give me some BS, "he could've had actors and entertainment on his world..." cause that's not even a believable scenario. We've all seen Star Wars, how many aliens do you remember having cable tv or shows on stage that weren't musical?
                            ...But acts like the Mos Eisley Cantina Band would conceivably follow the same career trajectory as actors. This is kind of a silly complaint anyways. Aliens having a form of government and advanced space travel? Everything's copacetic. Aliens having entertainment such as tv shows/actors? RAAAAAAAGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                            Second, I hate the cat.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                              First off, how in the seven hells does Atrocitus know anything about actors and fading careers?!? Did he spend that much time on Earth? Did he catch a few Charlie Sheen movies to see how actors go downhill?
                              Really? You think that in a universe as vast as it is in the DCU would be limited to only having actors on Earth? Seriously?

                              Where does it say anything about a "fading career"? He states that he feels as though he is "A fading actor repeating empty lines." That sentence is so vague. It doesn't mean he has to be using a Hollywood screen actor, or anything even remotely resembling what we have here on Earth.

                              Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View Post
                              And don't give me some BS, "he could've had actors and entertainment on his world..." cause that's not even a believable scenario. We've all seen Star Wars, how many aliens do you remember having cable tv or shows on stage that weren't musical?
                              Please, using Star Wars as a comparison? And besides, there were actors, ads, commercials and music in Star Wars. Figrin Dan and the Model Nodes, Jo Yozawa, Sy Snootles and the Max Rebo Band, all the holographic posters on Coruscant in EII, the DANCERS, the space opera where Palpatine tells Anakin about Darth Plageus.... Just because Obi-Wan wasn't watching soap operas or reality tv in his hut on Tattooine when he took Luke there, doesn't mean they don't have actors and performers. Of course they would have entertainment, in some form on alien planets, even in sector 666...

                              So you don't like it. It's not a masterpiece, but at least have a better reason then that for your opinion. I'm giving this book a chance. Hate and Rage are very understandable and emotions I can find easy to relate to, and not just for myself. Which can easily either make or break the book.


                              • #30
                                The book needed a more human voice in all the madness, it didn't need to make the baddest of the bad sound like just another human. I'm still giving it 3 issues to change my mind, but if it just makes Atty more human every issue then it's definitely getting dropped.

                                I probably did overreact at first, but something about the voice the creators have given him just seems off.

                                Atty is a whore!!! LOL


