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Watchmen Prequels: BEFORE WATCHMEN

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  • Watchmen Prequels: BEFORE WATCHMEN

    Squirrelling Out Details On Watchmen 2
    Sometimes all you do is have to mention its name, and lots of bits spill out.

    Two days ago, Bleeding Cool mentioned that Watchmen prequels at DC were back on the agenda, after the success of the New 52. That meetings were happening this week. That it had the code name “Panic Room”. That names mentioned included Dave Gibbons, John Higgins, Darwyn Cooke, JMS, JG Jones, Andy Kubert and more.

    Indeed I am now told that there will be four Watchmen miniseries, all prequels. Working off an over-arching uber-plot by Darwyn, who will be writing and drawing on aa book or two.

    I believe the phrase I’m looking for is “this shit just got real”. Sorry, I was in America for a few days, that kind of language rubs off on me. Let me try again. “Pip pip, that’s some bally cricket, what?” Better.

    However a word of warning. There have been three names mentioned to me, Amanda Conner, Kevin Smith and Adam Hughes which have all proved to be false. It may indicate that the names were more of a wish list, people who would be approached rather than who actually signed on the dotted line.

    But MTV Geek found a comment from Darwyn Cooke from earlier in the year when he said;
    “I have something coming up with DC, but I’m sworn to secrecy…there is a very big project on the horizon with DC, which we’re probably going to announce in October, as far as I understand. And that should be exciting, and infuriating, and all kinds of things to people. It should be quite a shock when they hear what we’re doing.”
    And Little Bleeder chatting to Andy Kubert over the weekend discovered that;
    “Mr.Kubert said that after his Action Comics job he was hoping to finish a Batman mini-series about Damian. This was a mini that he was writing and drawing and was originally planned before Flashpoint and the New 52. After that he said he has another project but it’s “Super Secret” and that he couldn’t give any details. The last time I spoke to Andy Kubert was at the Big Apple Con in 2009. When we spoke he said he was going to be doing a “Super Secret” project that he couldn’t talk about, turned out it was “Flashpoint”. So if Andy Kubert has a big job coming up and DC is saying that they’re doing an event for the next two years, then what is Kubert doing?”
    What, indeed. DC declined to comment.
    via Bleeding Cool

    The Phone Call That Confirmed Watchmen 2
    “How did you know? How did you know? I didn’t know. How did you know?”
    That was the phone call I got at 3 o’clock in the morning my time, 10 in the evening in New York. It was clearly from a bar, it was from a DC editorial type, and it was clearly in reference to the Watchmen prequels I’ve been talking about that, post new-52, are back on the table with Darwyn Cooke taking artistic lead. And it had been kept such a secret that certain employees of a relatively senior level had not heard a thing. And, on reading the Bleeding Cool articles, had made some enquiries.
    “A conversation I had with Darwyn back in March makes all the much more sense now. When asking him what he has going on he mentions that he can’t talk about it but it “would break the internet in half”.” – g_zatara, Bendis boards
    What is also clear that a decent sized chunk of DC is not on board for this. That they love Watchmen as it is, and see these prequel mini-series as diluting that. But there are also those who see not doing this as blatantly laving money on the table at a time when they can least afford to. And from a moral and creative viewpoint, no different to what Alan Moore has done with the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Indeed, some relish the tas, especially with Dave Gibbons on board.

    And with Grant Morrison creating his own Watchmen-styled Charlton treatment in Multiversity, it looks like there’s going to be a lot of cod-Watchmen going around next year.

    I also had some more phone calls from NEw York bars in the last couple of nights. More on that to come later.
    via Bleeding Cool

  • #2
    I'm trying right now to think of prequels that I thought were particularly worthwhile. I mean, I guess you could call origin tales prequels, and I've enjoyed a lot of those. But this just seems, on the surface, like a bad idea.

    If nothing else, it should be entertaining to watch Alan Moore's head explode when these come out.


    • #3
      I'm with Ed. Prequels, as a whole, are generally a bad idea.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post

        If nothing else, it should be entertaining to watch Alan Moore's head explode when these come out.
        That was my first reaction when I head the news
        Winner of THE INFAMOUS PEOPLE DRAFT 2011


        • #5
          Believe it when I see it.


          • #6
            I'm still dubious that, even in the comics world, anyone could go ahead with such a monumentally bad idea. It would be like Hollywood making a Casablanca prequel, it's such a parody of a textbook awful idea that surely no one would seriously attempt it. But, if this is seriously happening, it's sacrilege. Even as a defender of much of what DC has done, I'd want no part of it. I won't be buying. And I can only hope that all the other people disgusted by the very thought of the project don't decide to buy it out of morbid curiosity. If you do so, you will only be contributing to the problem.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post
              I'm still dubious that, even in the comics world, anyone could go ahead with such a monumentally bad idea. It would be like Hollywood making a Casablanca prequel, it's such a parody of a textbook awful idea that surely no one would seriously attempt it. But, if this is seriously happening, it's sacrilege. Even as a defender of much of what DC has done, I'd want no part of it. I won't be buying. And I can only hope that all the other people disgusted by the very thought of the project don't decide to buy it out of morbid curiosity. If you do so, you will only be contributing to the problem.
              I agree, if you are only morbidly curious, try your local library after the trades come out. If it is anything like mine, they will likely have at least a couple copies.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Keyser Soze View Post
                But, if this is seriously happening, it's sacrilege.
                Eh. If it's good I'll buy it, if it's bad I'll ignore it. I never view things likes this as "sacrilege" as you put it.


                • #9
                  hmmm, not sure how to feel about this...but instinct tells me nothing good can come of this.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hypotherion View Post
                    Eh. If it's good I'll buy it, if it's bad I'll ignore it. I never view things likes this as "sacrilege" as you put it.
                    Agreed. I never worshipped Watchmen so I won't be throwing a fit if this happens. If someone made a We3 prequel, I'd say "WTF!" and move on. It's a business. And at least they sound like they want it to do well. Some big names attached to it. Now would be the best time to do this. I mean you can't be any more hated than you are right now.

                    Krypto's death > Superman's marriage > Watchmen


                    • #11
                      They can't be serious, sometimes one good work is enough, you don't need to cash in on it, with unnecessary sequels/prequels.


                      • #12
                        You know who likes prequels? Communists...that's who.

                        Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mister.Weirdo View Post
                          They can't be serious, sometimes one good work is enough, you don't need to cash in on it, with unnecessary sequels/prequels.
                          Except it's a business and the end goal is always profit.

                          Will this really hurt your enjoyment of the original series? Do you think the prequel will leave some sort of "taint" on the original? (I'm not directing those questions at you specifically but anyone in general who seems to think this is outrageous).


                          • #14

                            I don't really see the need for this. Watchmen gave us everything we could need to know about all the characters involved. I love the story, I've read it countless times, and never have I thought "I wish I knew more about X".

                            Still, IF it happens, I'll give it a shot.
                            Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                            "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                            • #15
                              Well Alan moore is gonna kill somebody because of this, Imo we don`t need this still i`m gonna give it a look
                              Proud owner of a Justice League Europe number 1 issue.
                              Which currently is worth less than my Kick-Ass 2 issue 1.

