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John Stewart Returns to the Justice League!

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  • John Stewart Returns to the Justice League!

    ... with his cartoon love interest Hawkgirl, too. Wow! And headed up by Scott Snyder, so it should be a big deal.

    It looks like it has the potential to be a DC Animated Universe fan's wet dream. It's about time DC thought to seriously capitalize on the most famous and loved incarnation of the Justice League (Bruce Timm's). Like 17 years overdue.

    This is the first DC book I've been really excited about since... Lost Army, I think? I'm really happy to see that John won't be held hostage by that terrible Hal Jordan comic anymore.

    I have to admit, this is rather unexpected for me. I didn't think there was a whole lot of hope for John Stewart, but DC just may pleasantly surprise me. The addition of Hawkgirl gives me hope that Snyder will actually do big and important things with John and not just have him around doing nothing.
    Weaponer of Qward
    Last edited by Star-Lantern; 03-16-2018, 06:08 AM.
    ZATSWAN.COM Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian, the brand new cosmic comic book, now available!

  • #2
    this is good and all but that just means Baz and what's-her-name could be moved, and no one wants that

    IonFan says



    • #3
      Baz and Cruz could become background players in GLC and get a line of dialogue about as often as Arisia or Voz. I'm glad to see J'onn back on the JL as well, but if I'm being honest I'd LOVE to see this lead into a new JL Unlimited spin off with a few more characters that're currently just collecting dust. Like a nice medium between the animated JLU and the New52's JL United.



      • #4
        In my opinion, the best thing for the Justice League to do is go hardcore on cartoon nostalgia (and by that, I mean the original cartoon, not when it changed to include 5000 heroes), without making any compromises with New52, Silver Age, or anything else. DC has never seriously attempted to do much for the Justice League cartoon's fanbase, which is a considerable fanbase, and I think it's well passed time DC reached out to them, which it seems like they're doing. I'd keep the line up what it is minus Cyborg, include the Green Lantern/Hawkgirl romance, and--again--get rid of Cyborg. Aquaman being there is fine to me.

        This cover here is amazing and just about perfect for me:

        Geoff Johns Justice League has had its chance, and now that supporting that vision has near destroyed the property in mainstream media, it looks like WB is finally ready to relent and go back to what's worked - the Justice League cartoon, which DC seems to have been avoiding for the last 17 years, more or less.

        As for Baz and Cruz, I do hope DC phases them into the background. I just don't think there is enough room for them.
        Weaponer of Qward
        Last edited by Star-Lantern; 03-19-2018, 10:45 PM.
        ZATSWAN.COM Zatswan: Multiversal Guardian, the brand new cosmic comic book, now available!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Star-Lantern View Post
          In my opinion, the best thing for the Justice League to do is go hardcore on cartoon nostalgia (and by that, I mean the original cartoon...)
          Super Friends? Absolutely!


          • #6
            I don't think DC is catering to the old JL/JLU toon fanbase, rather they're just doing something in the comics they haven't done up to this point. I'd love for this to lead into the origin of Warhawk and an actual Beyond future that isn't Terminator-ish. I feel like DC dropped the ball on making that THE future of the current DCU.

            Imagine Warhawk coming from the future to save his parents in the past?! I for one think it'd be pretty f'ing sweet.



            • #7
              I don't have a single problem with this roster. Any League roster is a temporary thing anyway so if you don't like it all you have to do is wait a little while. New writer, new #1, blow up the headquarters and rebuild the roster. Rinse, lather, repeat. At least for now the League will sport a roster worthy of its name.


              • #8
                The Justice League is crap nowadays anyways, but Hawkgirl and John are nice. Fatality and John are better.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tarmode View Post
                  The Justice League is crap nowadays anyways, but Hawkgirl and John are nice. Fatality and John are better.
                  There is something pretty romantic about an attempted assassin and her target falling for each other.


                  • #10
                    So throw Baz and Jessica into the already overcrowded "Hal Jordan and Friends" book? Affording even less time to Kyle?

                    Yeah, no.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
                      So throw Baz and Jessica into the already overcrowded "Hal Jordan and Friends" book? Affording even less time to Kyle?

                      Yeah, no.

                      Pretty sure both of the two current titles are going away this year.

