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"15 Minutes" with JohnnyV

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    Pictionary Master

  • JohnnyV
    What comic storyline/arc above any other, would you want adapted into a Live Action film?

    Tough, the grand scale of both Age of Apocalypse and Final Crisis would be amazing on film.

    Worst comic you've ever read?

    Early 90's Hulk. Funny thing is I didn't even realize how bad they were back then.

    Worst song you ever had stuck in your head?

    The Milkshake Song

    Name the last three songs played in your iTunes/mediaplayer.

    Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
    Baby Please Don't Go - AC/DC
    Take It To The Limit - Willie Nelson/Waylon Jennings

    Name your favorite actor and your most hated actor.

    hmm...William Shatner

    most hated - Matt Damon

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  • W.West

  • W.West
    What comic storyline/arc above any other, would you want adapted into a Live Action film?

    Worst comic you've ever read?

    Worst song you ever had stuck in your head?

    Name the last three songs played in your iTunes/mediaplayer.

    Name your favorite actor and your most hated actor.

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  • JohnnyV
    Pictionary Master

  • JohnnyV
    Why did you pick JohnnyV?

    it's a nickname I've had since middle school

    If you could write any current comic, which would it be?

    If I could jump in on any current storyline being written, I'd take New/Last Stand/War of the Supermen. Have a few ideas that could make that series take off.

    If you could fix any one movie, what would it be?

    oh good question. The only movies I'd take time to fix are ones I like already. Just eyeballin' my movie collection I'll say Jeepers Creepers. The twist as to what the killer was, was so dumb. A good horror movie before that.

    Favorite Novel

    To Kill A Mockingbird

    least favorite food?

    goat cheese

    Buzz Lightyear or Sheriff Woody?

    tough one...Buzz

    Including current continuity, would you rather be an X-Man or a Kryptonian?

    Kryptonian easily. Sure they're going to war but their hope for existence isn't based off an annoying red headed twerp.

    If you had to drop all but one title today, what comic would be left?

    The Unwritten

    Name your most disliked character to read?

    tough, I tend to try and stick away from characters I dislike. But I'm reading GLC, so Soranik Natu has to be it by default.

    Mario or Link?


    Peach or Zelda?


    Truth or Dare?

    Dare, truth is always so boring

    Do you have an interest in writing comics? If so what character/title would you want the most?

    yes, writing my own comic right now. I can tell you three things about it - it takes place in the future, the form of currency is weed, and the main character is black. Having fun writing him so i'll say he's who I want to write about.

    If your favorite character had just been killed, would you kill your second favorite character FOREVER if it could bring back the favorite?

    Depends on the awesomeness of the death. But in most instances I'd say yes.

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  • Kuhan

  • Kuhan
    Originally posted by W.West View Post
    Buzz Lightyear or Sheriff Woody?

    Mario or Link?

    Peach or Zelda?

    Truth or Dare?
    This or That?

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  • W.West

  • W.West
    Buzz Lightyear or Sheriff Woody?

    Including current continuity, would you rather be an X-Man or a Kryptonian?

    If you had to drop all but one title today, what comic would be left?

    Name your most disliked character to read?

    Mario or Link?

    Peach or Zelda?

    Truth or Dare?

    Do you have an interest in writing comics? If so what character/title would you want the most?

    If your favorite character had just been killed, would you kill your second favorite character FOREVER if it could bring back the favorite?

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  • Guest

  • Shingo Wol
    Guest replied
    Favorite Novel
    least favorite food?

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  • Kuhan

  • Kuhan
    Why did you pick JohnnyV?

    If you could write any current comic, which would it be?

    If you could fix any one movie, what would it be?

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  • JohnnyV
    Pictionary Master

  • JohnnyV
    how much are you being paid to do this? cause I'm getting 10 bucks from lantern a train

    being paid with gold stars and cookies

    Favorite drink?

    Apple Juice

    Favorite alcoholic drink ?

    Bacardi 151 and Coke

    Favorite diaper brand?


    Favorite tampons brand ?

    The kind that I hope works for the ladies.

    Would you rather have robot arms or robot legs?

    robot legs easily, if anything it would enhance their function

    Robocop or Terminator?


    What super powers would you like to have?

    create multiples of myself...for extremely insidious reasons

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  • projectile

  • projectile
    Favorite drink?

    Favorite alcoholic drink ?

    Favorite diaper brand?

    Favorite tampons brand ?

    Would you rather have robot arms or robot legs?

    Robocop or Terminator?

    What super powers would you like to have?

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  • Old School
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Old School
    how much are you being paid to do this? cause I'm getting 10 bucks from lantern a train

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  • JohnnyV
    Pictionary Master

  • JohnnyV
    Favorite food?

    Chicken Casserole

    Can I have a dollar?

    Paypal Account?

    Do you prefer candles or aerosol air fresheners?

    neither, not a fan of fragrances

    What would you do if the lower half of your body was the lower half of a monkey?

    fling poo at people

    How much ice cream sundae can you eat on a Sunday?

    that's blasphemy

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  • projectile

  • projectile
    Favorite food?

    Can I have a dollar?

    Do you prefer candles or aerosol air fresheners?

    What would you do if the lower half of your body was the lower half of a monkey?

    How much ice cream sundae can you eat on a Sunday?

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  • JohnnyV
    Pictionary Master

  • JohnnyV
    where ya from?

    Lexington, Ky





    kids you know about?


    Favorite character?

    in the history of fiction/non-fiction? - the Jesus

    Favorite character you use to dislike?

    in the history of fiction/non-fiction? - Richard Nixon

    Least favorite character?

    in the history of fiction/non-fiction? - Nurse Ratchet
    Pictionary Master
    Last edited by JohnnyV; 05-04-2010, 01:13 PM.

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  • Doc2814

  • Doc2814
    Favorite character?
    Favorite character you use to dislike?
    Least favorite character?

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  • Old School
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Old School
    where ya from?



    kids you know about?

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