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'Cathy' Comic Strip to End

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  • 'Cathy' Comic Strip to End

    edit: leaving my opinion on the strip out of the main post.
    Corpse Trainee
    Last edited by bonoferox; 08-12-2010, 02:54 PM.

    The Sky is Waiting....

  • #2
    The strip was intended for women who held strong beliefs in the feminist movement. And the humor was generally about 'Cathy' trying to make it as a woman in the workplace. I don't think it was ever quite intended for males who were/are 18-30.

    Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


    • #3
      This strip had some amusing moments. I liked reading them from time to time. Don't really understand what the thank christ is for.
      I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


      • #4
        Just never found it funny and hated the art. Just my opinion.

        The Sky is Waiting....


        • #5
          I never enjoyed Cathy (I'm not the target audience), but it's always a shame to see long-running comic strips come to an end. It feels like it's a slowly dying art form.
          The last fan of 1990s comics
          Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


          • #6
            I've never liked the comic, but it's just one more gasp in the long, slow and sad death of newspapers.


            • #7
              Funny you bring that up Spy, I've been a subscriber to one of the two local papers for over 15 years. Last year they wanted to do a 55% increase in the subscription rate. I canceled the subscription and found all the syndicated editorials and comics on yahoo or Seattle's newspaper site. Even the columnists that I read from the local paper post their columns a couple days after it prints on the newspapers blogs.

              I wonder why Guisewite married Cathy off a few years ago, wonder if it was a way to answer what team Cathy is batting for...


              • #8
                Cathy sucked. It wasn't funny and it wasn't particularly insightful. It was the equivalent of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour but for women.


                • #9
                  I get it, she's gay. It's about time it ended.

