

The point of this Forum Section

Some members are a little iffy on what should go in the Games & Humor forum section so.

Trivial games like "the person above you game" should be placed in this forum.

Humor of all kinds also belongs here, like the "Superman has a problem with kinky sex" thread.

What does not belong here would be things like video games, board games. Or humor coming directly out of comic books or discussion of books.

Boardgames and the like would go in the Action Figure and Toys section as could video games, though those could also be posted in the General Forum Section.

also any posts in this Forum Section do not count towards your post count.

Hope that helps!
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Zachary Quinto Opens Up About Life 'As A Gay Man'

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  • #91
    Once again it's because tazz posted it in the wrong section.


    • #92
      No longer care... [Unsubscribed]


      • #93
        Originally posted by Dave Cormier View Post
        I'm scratching my head as to how anyone thinks coming out will hurt this guy's career.
        Yeah. He wasn't exactly any kind of breakout star before he came out... if anything, this is the first time he's been talked about in the media since "OMG he kinda sorta looks like a young Leonard Nimoy!"


        • #94
          Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
          Yeah. He wasn't exactly any kind of breakout star before he came out... if anything, this is the first time he's been talked about in the media since "OMG he kinda sorta looks like a young Leonard Nimoy!"
          "i know, right" lol

          IonFan says

          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


          • #95
            It shouldn't be a big deal but it is. To many LGBT people the more celebrities that come out the more hope they have that their lifestyle will be accepted eventually. Many of these celebrities bring attention to the community and the fight for marriage equality. Movements like the It Gets Better project also benefit from celebrities that come out and help non-celebrity LGBT people.
            A teacher affects eternity; He can never tell where his influence stops.

            -Henry Adams

