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What was your favorite toy as a kid?

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  • What was your favorite toy as a kid?

    RID Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus. (They combined.)

  • #2
    LEGOS, i use to love them, i had a lot of gi joe's and a voltron robot

    GIF lantern corps

    If there's a crime, call a cop, if there's a fire, call a fireman, but if there's a Skrull Invasion... Holla atcha Boy!


    • #3
      There are waaaaaayyy too many to list.

      But just off teh top of my head there was the Original Mellinium Falcon, the original Starscream ( whom I miss greatly) and possibly Starduster ( G.I.Joe Mail in exclusive)

      When you've had as many toys as I have had over the years it's really hard to pick a favorite.


      • #4
        I know what you mean Ennis, where to begin, right? Let's see.....Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, He-Man, I had it all, but there was one thing I always wanted, but never got....


        • #5
          I was huge into He-man and then Thundercats.


          • #6
            G.I.JOE, MotU, Silverhawks, TMNT, M.A.S.K.


            • #7
              Transformers, LEGOS, and some weird sci fi construction sets (you could combine engines, weapons and several other pieces into tanks, planes, etc..)


              • #8
                I would have never guessed you had Transformers Pax.....


                • #9
                  Yeah, HUGE surprise!


                  • #10
                    I grew up playing with the original star wars figures.

                    boba fett and chewbacca were my favs
                    HUNDRED'S OF COMIC BOOKS FOR SALE!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                      I know what you mean Ennis, where to begin, right? Let's see.....Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, He-Man, I had it all, but there was one thing I always wanted, but never got....
                      I have actually had 2 1/2 of those.

                      1 when I was a kid, one currently, and 1/2 of one I found at a garage sale years back.

                      Sadly the one I currently have is in peices but I still have at least 905 of it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                        I know what you mean Ennis, where to begin, right? Let's see.....Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, He-Man, I had it all, but there was one thing I always wanted, but never got....
                        I had a Friend who had that, the Terror-Dome and both GI HQ's, We'd play GI-Joes all day. I Was always the Joes, unless the Rare exceptance Cobra Set up Base in Russia(When Her Backyard was All Snowy) I'd play Oktober Guard, since I was the ONLY kid who had an Interest in them, of course though I had to have Snow Job defunct from the US and Join The Guard. I loved Snow Job, but the guy who thought of his name is a Dumbass.
                        To the Point, my favorite toys, were the 2 Joe Planes me and my friend Re-Painted to be Oktober Guard Planes, I even Repainted the Ace that Came in the set to look like Stormavik.


                        • #13
                          I had a friend, who when his GI Joes "died", would bury them in the yard and get new ones. It didn't take me long to figure out he didn't use the "dead" ones anymore. So when we would play, I would let him ambush all the ones I was using so that they "died" and we buried them. Then later, I'd just go dig them up and I had myself some new Joes.


                          • #14
                            Mostly Transformers and GI Joes for me (I still haven't outgrown these, lol). I had tons of Masters of the Universe and TMNT toys, too.

                            Massive thanks to Kuhan for the avatar and sig.

                            Check Out my Green Lantern collection


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                              I had a friend, who when his GI Joes "died", would bury them in the yard and get new ones. It didn't take me long to figure out he didn't use the "dead" ones anymore. So when we would play, I would let him ambush all the ones I was using so that they "died" and we buried them. Then later, I'd just go dig them up and I had myself some new Joes.
                              that kid was an idiot. and his parents were pretty stupid for buying him the new toys. i knew where that story was going as soon as i read "bury"

                              Originally posted by W.West
                              DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!

