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The Doctor Who Thread

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  • #46
    I watched the second episode and loved it. I am a huge Tennant fan but Smith is really doing a great job so far. I like the darker direction Moffat goes too.

    LanternZar'roc1417 I was wondering the same thing about what you mentioned.


    • #47
      Some have said that will be the whole concept of the season, that the climax will be about the one at the first episode


      • #48
        3 words to describe Matt Smith (the New Doctor)..... SEXY AS HELL! sorry thats what came to mind first time I saw him but He is also hilarious as well.


        • #49
          I dont agree with that, I'm not a gay man myself but I do know what an attractive man looks like...Matt Smiths head shape is off and he is far too pale. David Tennant is definitely a man that has attractive man qualities. What I mean by that is I can see Rose and Martha falling for Tennants Doctor but Amy falling for Smiths Doctor just doesn't seem believable to me. The only way I can write that off is because of who he is and what he does but by no means what he looks like.


          • #50
            Saw and loved the first episode. Also loved that the Doctor got the spine and basically told the Giant Alien Eye that this wasn't his first rodeo and to basically run. Also like the foreshadowing that the evil eel alien said about the silence was coming. I'm thinking the whole crack in time and space is going to play a big part this season especially with the Daleks in World War 2 and the Cyberman in the tomb. All in all a great start.


            • #51
              Loved the new episode. I can see that they're not going to let his carefree center overlook his tense persona.

              Looking forward to more!


              • #52
                I still think Tennant may pop in again during the Smith run. Don't forget, the 10th doctor is not entirely dead. The parallel universe doctor is still alive. And I could see all kind of strange events playing out in that universe if they wanted, and possibly bringing Tennant back over from that universe. But on the whole, I love the new doctor, the fish fingers in custard bit killed me.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Cid Jacobs View Post
                  I still think Tennant may pop in again during the Smith run. Don't forget, the 10th doctor is not entirely dead. The parallel universe doctor is still alive. And I could see all kind of strange events playing out in that universe if they wanted, and possibly bringing Tennant back over from that universe. But on the whole, I love the new doctor, the fish fingers in custard bit killed me.
                  As nice a premise as that sounds, I really dont think bringing Tennant back in the first two seasons of Smith's run would be a wise gambit on the BBC's part: Tennant would kinda steal the limelight if they werent careful.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Mister Negative View Post
                    As nice a premise as that sounds, I really dont think bringing Tennant back in the first two seasons of Smith's run would be a wise gambit on the BBC's part: Tennant would kinda steal the limelight if they werent careful.
                    It would have to be a few seasons out. What would be really interesting, is if the clone hybrid doctor from this universe, who ended up in universe b, managed to use his tardis, the one from the coral he got that grows at an accelerated rate, and met up with the actual doctor from universe b. Then using the power of two tardis was able to send the clone hybrid universe a doctor back to universe a. (breathes deep) Then you have the posibility of the hybrid clone doctor from a, the tennant doctor from b, and matt smith all meeting up with a previous temporal version of the tennant doctor. So 3 tennants and a smith? Or the two doctors coming from universe b could meet up with the humanized tennant a la the chameleon arch, along with matt smith. Then you have 3 tennants, one of which is a smith, and matt smith, so 2 tennants and 2 smiths? I think i've lost it.


                    • #55
                      Awful totally awful.

                      Just watched the two new episode and Im not liking it all, the 2nd episode was really bad and made no real sense at all.

                      And Lord have mercy the fucking Daleks Again.... really? they have truly run out of ideas, dont get me wrong I love me some Daleks, but enough is enough, Im sick of seeing them regenerate again and again, their story is over.

                      Its no wonder Tennant Left he knew it was better to leave on a high rather than low, I just feel Doctor Who has gone as far as it can, especially after watching the first two episode, the stories are very lacking.

                      Im going to watch 3 more and see if it improves, if not its another show I will stop watching.

                      The one plus I will give is the new girl, shes hot all right.

                      THE MEN CALLED STING


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Cid Jacobs View Post
                        It would have to be a few seasons out. What would be really interesting, is if the clone hybrid doctor from this universe, who ended up in universe b, managed to use his tardis, the one from the coral he got that grows at an accelerated rate, and met up with the actual doctor from universe b. Then using the power of two tardis was able to send the clone hybrid universe a doctor back to universe a. (breathes deep) Then you have the posibility of the hybrid clone doctor from a, the tennant doctor from b, and matt smith all meeting up with a previous temporal version of the tennant doctor. So 3 tennants and a smith? Or the two doctors coming from universe b could meet up with the humanized tennant a la the chameleon arch, along with matt smith. Then you have 3 tennants, one of which is a smith, and matt smith, so 2 tennants and 2 smiths? I think i've lost it.
                        Hahah, Wow. Try explaining that to the average fan :P
                        I think a children in need charity special episode (usually more lighthearted and fan servicey, see Peter Davidson/tennant Time crash) with Eccleston Tennant and Smith would be REALLY nice, just a little episode nothing big just the three of them maybye meeting up and showing how each individual would solve the problem they are facing!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Cid Jacobs View Post
                          I still think Tennant may pop in again during the Smith run. Don't forget, the 10th doctor is not entirely dead. The parallel universe doctor is still alive. And I could see all kind of strange events playing out in that universe if they wanted, and possibly bringing Tennant back over from that universe. But on the whole, I love the new doctor, the fish fingers in custard bit killed me.
                          This was actually done in the books and comics... with the 10.5 Doctor coming back under the name of the Valeyard, which was actually forshadowed previously in the 6th Doctor's seasons...

                          In the books, the Valeyard (10.5 or Metacrisis Doctor, whatever you want to call him) went evil after Rose left him so he came back to the normal universe to claim his regenerations back and get his old life back...

                          The Valeyard was used quite a bit in the past and was said to be a botched regeneration somewhere between the 10th and 13th Regeneration... though whether this is canon with all the timeline changes, including the Time War and the destruction of Gallifrey, is pretty unknown at this point... but it would be awesome to use

                          About the current season though... my major question this season is "What is Amy Pond?!?"

                          in all honesty, i don't think she's human... I think she's a Time Lord left over from the war or one hiding on earth using a Chameleon Circuit...

                          Too many things about her aren't adding up... like in tonight's episode, the computer downloaded about 300 years or so of history directly into her brain to help her make an 'informed choice'... that's not something a 21st century human brain could handle... as has been previously noted in Doctor Who with the humans using cybernetic chips to handle information in their brain and Donna's brain overloading from the metacrisis...

                          Little things as well don't add up... like her saying she's always dreamed of space and time travel... how she accepted the TARDIS without any comment of how it was bigger on the inside... basic Time Lord technology that she's just accepting when normal humans would be questioning it...



                          • #58
                            Space Spitfires

                            That is all.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by methos View Post
                              how she accepted the TARDIS without any comment of how it was bigger on the inside... basic Time Lord technology that she's just accepting when normal humans would be questioning it...
                              That caught me off guard as well. I was waiting for the "But.... but... it's bigger on the inside"


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Cid Jacobs View Post
                                It would have to be a few seasons out. What would be really interesting, is if the clone hybrid doctor from this universe, who ended up in universe b, managed to use his tardis, the one from the coral he got that grows at an accelerated rate, and met up with the actual doctor from universe b. Then using the power of two tardis was able to send the clone hybrid universe a doctor back to universe a. (breathes deep) Then you have the posibility of the hybrid clone doctor from a, the tennant doctor from b, and matt smith all meeting up with a previous temporal version of the tennant doctor. So 3 tennants and a smith? Or the two doctors coming from universe b could meet up with the humanized tennant a la the chameleon arch, along with matt smith. Then you have 3 tennants, one of which is a smith, and matt smith, so 2 tennants and 2 smiths? I think i've lost it.
                                I'm surprised I understood all that.

                                Also, it would be awesome if Amy was Romana or something. Or maybe The Woman from End of Time (The Doctor's Mother?) seeing as that storyline seemed to go nowhere...
                                Last edited by Kuhan; 04-13-2010, 04:28 AM.

                                Originally posted by W.West
                                DID ANYONE READ THE ARTICLE?!!!!!!

