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Life on Mars?

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    Guy's Designated Dr

  • Jeffi.Kaiser
    Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
    ok another example would you still hold onto those beliefs if ancient alien theory was true meaning that aliens were mistaken as god or gods? i want to make sure im very specific in what im asking
    Kinda answered this already. Ive said that if aliens exist that it wouldnt change a thing I believe. So that means I believe that the Angels that are mentioned in the Bible, and that isnt a lot mind you, are still and angels and not aliens.

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  • TazzMission
    Guardian of the Universe

  • TazzMission
    Originally posted by Jeffi.Kaiser View Post
    *Looks around and makes sure I really saw the connection Tazz is trying to make* Youre going that route lol?

    If Aliens are real, it would not change a single belief of mine at all haha. No where in the Bible does it say that God didnt make other life. Just that we're his favorites

    Plus, I dont believe EVERYTHING the government tells us. But I dont think they have a lot to not tell us. I think I sleep easier at night

    ok another example would you still hold onto those beliefs if ancient alien theory was true meaning that aliens were mistaken as god or gods? i want to make sure im very specific in what im asking

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  • Jeffi.Kaiser
    Guy's Designated Dr

  • Jeffi.Kaiser
    *Looks around and makes sure I really saw the connection Tazz is trying to make* Youre going that route lol?

    If Aliens are real, it would not change a single belief of mine at all haha. No where in the Bible does it say that God didnt make other life. Just that we're his favorites

    Plus, I dont believe EVERYTHING the government tells us. But I dont think they have a lot to not tell us. I think I sleep easier at night
    Guy's Designated Dr
    Last edited by Jeffi.Kaiser; 07-31-2010, 02:02 AM.

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  • Bruce Castle
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Bruce Castle
    Mars aint the place to raise your kids.

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  • TazzMission
    Guardian of the Universe

  • TazzMission
    this kid hacked into nasa's computers and found ufo intel. he is a uk citizen

    he was sheduled to be sent to the usa to face charges but the usa dropped them

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  • TazzMission
    Guardian of the Universe

  • TazzMission
    spy 5/12 is the alien discussion here you go dude

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  • TazzMission
    Guardian of the Universe

  • TazzMission
    Originally posted by Jeffi.Kaiser View Post
    Tazz, have you ever considered that there arent any conspiracies out there? Maybe this universe is just boring. Maybe we dont hear anything revolutionary, not because someone is covering it up, but maybe because nothing is out there?

    so you yourself are comfortable in believing everything that comes out of the governments mouth and im just some nuty conspiracey theorist huh? let me ask you jeff lets say for example im right in this subject how would that change your prospective on god and religion? would you still continue believing what you believe or would you be a little bit affraid? what ever your answer is dosent mean everyone who follows god can accept such a truth

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  • Sylent_Asassin
    Black Lantern

  • Sylent_Asassin
    Originally posted by TheGoatLantern View Post
    What's a nubian?
    It's an African-American female that's new to a message board.

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  • Jeffi.Kaiser
    Guy's Designated Dr

  • Jeffi.Kaiser
    Originally posted by TheGoatLantern View Post
    What's a nubian?

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  • Jeffi.Kaiser
    Guy's Designated Dr

  • Jeffi.Kaiser
    Tazz, have you ever considered that there arent any conspiracies out there? Maybe this universe is just boring. Maybe we dont hear anything revolutionary, not because someone is covering it up, but maybe because nothing is out there?

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  • TheGoatLantern

  • TheGoatLantern
    Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
    Well I was at work from 7 - 3 and I'm going to a movie at 5... so in the meantime... no.

    But to be clear... I wasn't trying to come off as "hard". I'm not "hard". I'm smart.
    What's a nubian?

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  • TheGoatLantern

  • TheGoatLantern
    Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
    Is the weather nice in crazytown?
    Jesus Christ you could warn a man when posting shit like that! I nearly choked on my lunch I was laughing so hard......

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  • Dr. Naysay
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Dr. Naysay
    Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
    do you have anything better to do than try to come off hard online?
    Well I was at work from 7 - 3 and I'm going to a movie at 5... so in the meantime... no.

    But to be clear... I wasn't trying to come off as "hard". I'm not "hard". I'm smart.

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  • TazzMission
    Guardian of the Universe

  • TazzMission
    Originally posted by Spy Smasher View Post
    I did read about a strange signal from space that didn't seem natural, but it happened only once and wasn't repeated.

    I think that if there was ever life on Mars it probably went extinct as the planet became less habitable. But life that close to Earth would suggest that the universe is packed full of life.

    heres a interveiw with john lear id post the whole thing but its 12 videos i believe this was from febuary of this year

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  • TazzMission
    Guardian of the Universe

  • TazzMission
    Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
    Is the weather nice in crazytown?

    do you have anything better to do than try to come off hard online?

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