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I Lost My Friend On Tuesday

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  • I Lost My Friend On Tuesday

    Quickly then, this fraggin' 'web thing is not being very friendly to me today. Boo hoo, anyway...

    My kitty Simon passed on away on Tuesday. I'm very, very, very, very, very, very...I'm fuckin' obliterated, ok? LOL.

    I just feel so much guilt over his passing. He came to us 7 years ago in real, real, bad shape. Couldn't walk straight and barely stand. My family an I took him in, seeing such a beautiful little guy in so much pain...if it was within our power (at least I felt) it had to be done.

    Fast forward few years he's chubby, harassing my other cats. Eating, drinking, playing. outsmarting EVERYONE! His little face, heh, And when your nose would get next to his mouth he would try and bite it. Oooh, and you could smell his fishy breath! Nirvana. I love my little animal friends so much.

    Tuesday, I found him in a position that only could have meant he endured great pain when he passed. That fills me with Tremendous sorrow and great anger. I will never forgive my self for your death my love, I promise it will not be in vein. That first day...sounds silly...I wanted to obliterate my laptop. It's a faimly unit, so. LOL...well that these lp's don't come cheap helped alot.

    And at the same time, my black neighbors have been egging me on with "I hope that cat die!" then they laugh. Back then, I would just tell Simon or whoerevr to ignore them.

    But Tuesday afternoon, after holding Simon's lifless body next to mine crying over him. One of these punks walks by my bedroom window (2nd story here) and says "look how the cry" "ahahahahahahhahaha".

    Sucks 'cause no matter how many times these savages get beet down, they'll never change.

    More to the point, my friend Simon is gone. He was beyond loved and led an interesting life. I thank you being my friend for helping me in opening my heart to love and the light again. I am in you debt, always. We love you.

    Just thought I'd share my friends story with my friends. He was a strong and brave little kitty that suffered way too much...but at least he lived like a king for about 7 years. Te Amo Mi Angelito. I hope to hold you again if only for minute.....(sob)
    "This is the strangest life I've ever known" The Doors
    "What is this but my reflection, who am I to judge or strike you down?" TOOL
    "I will move away from here, you won't be afraid of fear" Nirvana
    "Don't disturb the beast" A Perfect Circle
    *Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.*

  • #2
    Sorry for your lost bro, I know thy pain


    • #3
      d@mn bro that sucks

      IonFan says

      MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


      • #4
        My daughter lost her fish a couple of weeks ago when my nephew put fingernail polish in it's bowl. We're finding it's best to take it one day at a time.


        • #5
          I am so sorry for your loss.


          • #6
            It's really sad when animals die. I remember when one of my stepmom's cat died. It was painful but I moved on. I can only hope the best for you.


            • #7
              Thanks, brotha's! Taking it one day at a time is all we have. I'm sorry if I came off rude before...just feeling pretty low now. Last weekend was a loooooooong one for me. I've dreamt twice of him. The night we took to get him to get cremated, I had a dream of him. It was my kitties dinner time, all had been fed but him. So, I started looking for him...he was hiding under the bed looking up at me. I placed his bowl next to him...I woke up then I think.

              The second night I was sleeping in bed (face up), he jumped up onto the bed and woke me up and started walking up my chest towards my face. He would do that. My sweet baby.

              Sorry for the fishy Dave Cormier. Pain at a such a young age is rough, maybe she'll be the next Scorcesee!? If you haven't already, let her channel her pain through art.

              I had 5 cats, now 4. One kitten that is orange like Simon was, she's constantly looking for him. It's cute, yet so sad. No matter how hard she tries (unless it's in a dream) he won't be here. It breaks my heart. My other cats are also wondering where he is...poor lads...I wish I could do more.

              For the longest time, I've tried to look on for the positive in life...right now...ah I guess I should continue to do that. Thanks fellas.
              CYLON (13)
              Last edited by CYLON (13); 06-26-2011, 10:12 PM.
              "This is the strangest life I've ever known" The Doors
              "What is this but my reflection, who am I to judge or strike you down?" TOOL
              "I will move away from here, you won't be afraid of fear" Nirvana
              "Don't disturb the beast" A Perfect Circle
              *Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.*


              • #8
                I'm sorry to hear about you loss. It's hard losing a companion, no matter how they left. My gf lost her bird of 18yrs last year and she STILL can not bring herself to take his cage apart, but I'm not pushing her to do it as she is still greaving. One of the things that has helped her was putting a memorial web page up a I think it's free for a while.

                I hate to ask this while you are greaving, but did you get him an autopsy? If he ever got outside, it's possible that the jerks next door could have done something. I don't want to start a war between you and you neighbors, but if they acted like that and one of mine died in such a way, you better believe I will find out. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity when it comes to hurting something to get at another person.
                "I don't have pet peeves; I have major psychotic %u@$# hatreds, okay. And it makes the world a lot easier to sort out."-George Carlin

                "If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow." -John Wayne


                • #9
                  No, no autopsy. Could barely afford to have him cremated and get his ashes back. It's sad really, we were planning on taking him to the vet this week...didn't have the cash last week...

                  Yeah, I've heard comments about him being poisoned. But...he had health problems since he came into our home. He was an indoor kitty, but people from the building would come and "visit" certain family members. It's sad, we took him to the vet twice before...but he kept getting ill. I believe in God and know if he was intentionally harmed the person(s) will get theirs sooner or later.

                  I try not to think about him getting poisoned or something...without concrete proof, it's just going to drive me crazy. Like I said, he had health problems since very I don't know how much help an autopsy would be. But, yeah...been a week, thought I saw him last night. Kind of comforting, R.I.P. sweetheart.

                  Heh, American Dad is airing the episode where Steve finds a cat named Simon (my kitty's name). I miss my friend.

                  Thanks for the positive energy!
                  "This is the strangest life I've ever known" The Doors
                  "What is this but my reflection, who am I to judge or strike you down?" TOOL
                  "I will move away from here, you won't be afraid of fear" Nirvana
                  "Don't disturb the beast" A Perfect Circle
                  *Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.*

