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Where does Captain America go?

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  • Superlantern
    Originally posted by Robinson View Post
    Yeah, I meant IM2 not IM.
    OK well that I agree with that as by the time coulson gets to new Mexico Thor is already on earth and Loki (iirc) is just taking over Odin's throne

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  • Robinson
    Guardian Of The Universe

  • Robinson
    Yeah, I meant IM2 not IM.

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  • Superlantern
    mmmm Beer!

  • Superlantern
    Originally posted by Robinson View Post
    I think the events in thor ends before the events in IM fully plays out. But you would watch IM 2 before thor so that you know who coulson is.
    Don't they make it a point to in im2 reassign coulson to the new Mexico area where the hammer was found?

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  • Robinson
    Guardian Of The Universe

  • Robinson
    I think the events in thor ends before the events in IM fully plays out. But you would watch IM 2 before thor so that you know who coulson is.

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    Originally posted by Robinson View Post
    Well it actually bookends all of the current movies.

    Since its in 2 time periods it takes place before, during and after.
    true but the same could be said of Thor to ya know

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  • Robinson
    Guardian Of The Universe

  • Robinson
    Well it actually bookends all of the current movies.

    Since its in 2 time periods it takes place before, during and after.

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    read the title of the thread Rob

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  • Robinson
    Guardian Of The Universe

  • Robinson
    What is?

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    HA! it's still set before IM

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  • Superlantern
    mmmm Beer!

  • Superlantern
    felt this was worth posting, and I remembered this thread

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    still close enough for me to say CA is 1st BEFORE IM

    but hey that's just me talking

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  • Kuhan

  • Kuhan
    Originally posted by IonFan View Post
    still close enough for my book
    but they were interior shots, not exterior shots.

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  • Mister.Weirdo
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Mister.Weirdo
    Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
    I wish I could live in my own world where everything I say is right regardless of reason. That must be fun......brainless.....but fun.
    Good luck with that, it's hard to come across.

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  • IonFan
    Forum Member

  • IonFan
    it is, it truly truly is

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  • Lantern A-train
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Lantern A-train
    I wish I could live in my own world where everything I say is right regardless of reason. That must be fun......brainless.....but fun.

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