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DC Superhero to come out of the closet?

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  • DC Superhero to come out of the closet?

    I know this is in another thread, but not all of us peruse the gay thread so...

    Comic book character to come out

    DC Comics, known for creating some of the world's most iconic superheroes (see photos of one of them), has announced that one of its major characters will "come out" in an upcoming issue (which comic book featured a gay wedding?). Details on which character are being kept quiet, but fans in London were told it's a popular player from one of its series who was originally introduced as straight (which other superhero is being called gay?).
    Only speaking for myself, if I found out my favorite comic book hero (Hal Jordan) was gay, I'd be upset... and not because he decided to become a switch hitter, but just for the sake of using him as a tool to shake things up. In addition, you'd be taking decades of history and tossing them out the window (new 52 notwithstanding).

    Personally, I think it's a bad idea to take an established character and change his/her sexual preference. In addition to pissing off long-time fans, this move would surely negatively affect sales... and that leads me to believe that this will be a lesser-known character, probably one that wasn't revived for the new 52. Wally West, anyone?

    What say you?
