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Texas Man Who Beat Daughter’s Molester To Death WON'T Be Charged

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  • Texas Man Who Beat Daughter’s Molester To Death WON'T Be Charged

    good for him

    Texas Man Who Beat Daughter’s Molester To Death Won’t Be Charged

    SHINER (June 19, 2012)—A 23-year-old Texas man who beat a man who tried molesting his 5-year-old daughter to death will not be charged after Lavaca County grand jurors reviewed the case Tuesday and declined to return an indictment.

    The man, whose name isn’t included in the story because it would identify the girl, ran toward his daughter’s screams on the family’s ranch between Shiner and Yoakum, pulled Jesus Mora Flores, 47, off the girl and then beat Flores to death with his bare hands.

    First responders found Flores dead with his pants and underwear pulled down on his lifeless body.

    The girl was taken to a hospital and examined.

    Forensic evidence and witness accounts corroborated the father's story that his daughter was being sexually molested, authorities said.
    .................................................. ..........................

    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

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