Something I've been thinking a lot about lately is what my favorite gadgets are that have come out (or at least become popular) in the first 8 years of the 21st Century! There's LOTS of relatively new gadgets that have come into my life these last few years, and although it's now hard to imagine life without them, they haven't really been a part of my life all that long!
So, I thought it would be fun to share our favorite gadgets of this new century!
Here's my top 5...
So, I thought it would be fun to share our favorite gadgets of this new century!
Here's my top 5...
- 5. The now indispensable USB key (sometimes called a thumb drive, or a flash drive). This small (keyring sized) device is the little computer gadget that could, finally rendering the floppy disc obsolete, by being much more portable, while containing much larger amounts of memory! You can now buy sizes as large as 16 GB at truly affordable prices! And my current main drive is a U3 Smart Drive, giving me the ability to carry a copy of Firefox with me, giving me virus protection (courtesy of Avast! Antivirus), and lots of other useful programs I can carry with me, to use on any computer! Too. Cool.
- 4. The equally indispensable MP3 player. While they've existed since the late '90s (I was selling early models when I worked for Babbage's {now called Gamestop} back in '98-'99) it was only in the 2000s that they started becoming immensely popular, and replaced the aging Discman, just as that device had replaced the Walkman before it. I am one of the last people in the country to buy an MP3 player, having just bought my first one (an 8 GB Sandisk Sansa) last year.
- 3. My Audio-Technica ATH-ANC7 Active Noise-Cancelling Headphones! Everyone talks night and day about the Bose Quiet Comfort 2 Noise-Cancelling ear cans, but $300 is a LOT of money for a set of headphones, and after reading a very informative article by the NY Times, I learned that it is no longer necessary to spend that much! The ATH-ANC7s perform JUST AS WELL as Bose's famous headphones, and if you shop around online for the best price, they can be had for nearly a 3rd the price of the Bose ones!
Since I often use my MP3 player while riding in a car as a passenger when someone else is driving, these headphones are indispensable for blocking out the road noise... and the sound of whatever craptastic music the driver is listening to on the car's radio!
- 2. Bluetooth Headsets. When I'm in the car, or even just around the house, I prefer to use a hands-free headset with my cell phone (you'll understand why when you read my number 1 choice). But the problem with traditional headsets is the damned cord! It gets caught on all kinds of stuff, and is usually too short! Then, one day, some brilliant scientists in Europe created a new, short-range radio standard called Bluetooth. It took awhile to catch on, some tech magazines even sounded its death knell prematurely a few years ago, but then, almost overnight, the convenience of wireless headsets caught on with the public at large, and the rest, as they say, is history! I very quickly found myself with one main Bluetooth headset, and a couple spares, because if my battery goes dead, it sucks to have to go back to the corded model!
I don't know what I'd do without this absolute MUST HAVE gadget!
- 1. MY CRACKBERRY (BlackBerry, to the uninitiated!) The ultimate smartphone... sorry, did I say smartphone? More like GENIUS phone! The best mobile email service IN THE WORLD, highly useful PDA features, mobile web browsing... this device has everything I need for on the go cyberspace action! I don't know how I ever lived before the age of the BlackBerry! It's also the world's most ADDICTIVE smartphone, hence the nickname us longtime users have affectionately given our mobile communications device of choice. Try one, and you'll understand WHY we call it a CrackBerry!
But since I use a model with a full QWERTY keyboard, holding it to my ear is out of the question... it's like talking into a scientific calculator! Which is why my number 2 choice is the Bluetooth headset I ALWAYS have with me!
