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Who's tired of Wolverine

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    Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.

  • Deadpool
    We need a proper Lady Deathstrike.

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    Like I said I get it. I just don't care for it. I would like to see Wolvie Brown costume,fighting his cool villians like Omega Red And Sabertooth. Just the kinda fights that no person without a baddazz(though not silly) healing factor could not survive.

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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
    I think he is a victum of his own popularity.(like Batman). Now he can live after having his head ripped off? Well that seems funny because The Wolverine I was reading was verry mortal. I don't need Wolverine to be the toughest character to be able to like him. I hate when they Pander to fans that hard.

    I kinda like him oldstyle, Brown and Yellow,and kind of a jerk. I prefer him alone rather then with the X-men. He just dose not belong on a team. However he helps sell the X-men books so I get it.

    I get why they water him down in mass media,because if he acted like the real Wolverine no one would like him,so I get watering it down for the Movies and Cartoons. However just because I get it dose not mean I have to agree with it. I would like them to pick a personality and stick with it.
    The baggy pants of gang members filtered out into the mainstream, but they got watered down from their extreme bagginess. The other day on a cartoon for pre-schoolers I heard people singing a rap style song, but all cute. Fiery people like John Wooden get depicted as teddy bears in the mass media.

    Everything tends in that direction.

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    I think he is a victum of his own popularity.(like Batman). Now he can live after having his head ripped off? Well that seems funny because The Wolverine I was reading was verry mortal. I don't need Wolverine to be the toughest character to be able to like him. I hate when they Pander to fans that hard.

    I kinda like him oldstyle, Brown and Yellow,and kind of a jerk. I prefer him alone rather then with the X-men. He just dose not belong on a team. However he helps sell the X-men books so I get it.

    I get why they water him down in mass media,because if he acted like the real Wolverine no one would like him,so I get watering it down for the Movies and Cartoons. However just because I get it dose not mean I have to agree with it. I would like them to pick a personality and stick with it.

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  • Deadpool
    Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.

  • Deadpool
    Hear hear.

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  • Agent Purple
    The Illustrated Man

  • Agent Purple
    He's all of those things because he isn't a one-note character, and frankly it's fucking irritating when people only write him as such.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Wolverine has too many faces now. In the X-Men he's a leader AND a savage, in other team books he's a trained killer, the Avengers books he's a little more superheroic, etc...


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  • Deadpool
    Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.

  • Deadpool
    Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
    Cyclops is just as interesting as Wolverine.
    No. Just no. Never say that again. Ever.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
    I'm kind of tired of Wolverine, but only because he suffers from overexposure. The character isn't properly represented, at least compared to his comic roots. The REAL Wolverine was a savage killing machine that was watered down by the movies and turned into a leader, something he should NOT be. The worst part is that there are other, more interesting characters on the X-Men with just as interesting origins and backstories that get little to no spotlight. Cyclops is just as interesting as Wolverine, IMO.
    I'm as tired of Wolverine as I am of Deadpool. Overexposure is the keyword. Like Sy said, Wolverine was never meant to be a leader. I'm more of a Cyclops fan myself, and I'm a bit pissed his new ongoing is about the young Cyclops and him traveling the stars with his dad and the Starjammers. Still may pick it up, but should note it would be only the fourth book from Marvel I've bought since the 90's. Marvel Knights Madrox, the Clone Saga mini, the first few issues of Kaine's Scarlet Spider, and now maaaaybe this Cyclops title.


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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    I've noticed that everything tends to get softened as it goes along. Especially stuff that moves from the fringes into the mainstream
    Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Trey Strain; 04-15-2014, 10:45 PM.

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  • Sylent_Asassin
    Black Lantern

  • Sylent_Asassin
    I'm kind of tired of Wolverine, but only because he suffers from overexposure. The character isn't properly represented, at least compared to his comic roots. The REAL Wolverine was a savage killing machine that was watered down by the movies and turned into a leader, something he should NOT be. The worst part is that there are other, more interesting characters on the X-Men with just as interesting origins and backstories that get little to no spotlight. Cyclops is just as interesting as Wolverine, IMO.

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  • Deadpool
    Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.

  • Deadpool
    Originally posted by Darth_Primus View Post
    It's a bad thing when it ruins the core elements of the characters and the foundation. Like A-Train pointed out, the movies are Wolverine and a band of merry mutants. For the most part, Wolverine is not even really an X-Men in the first two films. He just happens to cross paths with them and cooperates with them. Thus, he doesn't stand on the same principles as the X-Men because he's not one of them. The films portray him mostly as a vagabond.
    I disagree. As long as it's a character that people like, then what's wrong with changing the character from its comicbook counterpart?
    Originally posted by Tazer View Post
    oh, so its just YOUR POSTS thats crappy? ok then, I can rest easier now, knowing that the electronic over there *arent* for shit all over......

    Hail Hydra!
    Well,.................screw you!

    Hail Hydra.

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  • Tazer
    That Evil, Yellow Bastiche

  • Tazer

    Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
    Just because he's different in the comics to the film, why is that bad? Why should most things in the film be exactly the same as in the comics? It's nice to see variation and the film version of Wolverine is brilliant, and I like the heroic aspects of him. The stab first ask questions later aspect of things bodes for a dull character and wouldn't be as likeable to the majority of people.
    thats not true at all; were it so then Ahnuld wouldnt have come back for 2 more T-films as the hero or Stallone's Rambo for FIVE. the "stab first ask questions later" character has a LOOOOONG history in Hollywood, so he wouldnt be a stranger at all; just a hero type we hadnt seen in some time since most movies tend to be pg13 rather than R (because the kiddies can come in w/pg13, not R.)

    also, another reason why they changed Logan for the films was due to them wanting a good-looking, lead actor to play up the dramatic elements of things already existing within the Xmen franchise: the romantic triangle that *was* Scott-Jean-Logan. and considering who they picked to play 1st two roles, I dare say it was pretty much going to be in HIS favor from the jump (doesnt hurt that Scott & Jean had next to NO time [OR chemistry] on-screen as a couple together.)

    Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
    Granted the majority of the fanbase are likely to return, but that fanbase isn't as large as the casual viewers. It's just how life works.
    true, but they are the ones who will spread the word (good OR bad) that can kill a movie; U can look @ how well GL did at the box office to see evidence of that.

    a pre-existing fanbase that has access to social media/communication is an awesome weapon to have on yur side....and yur worst detractors when theyre against U.

    Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
    Also, British laptops are great. Rectangular screens are quite good actually.......AAHHHHH!
    oh, so its just YOUR POSTS thats crappy? ok then, I can rest easier now, knowing that the electronic over there *arent* for shit all over......

    Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
    Hail Hydra.

    Hail Hydra!

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  • Darth_Primus
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Darth_Primus
    Originally posted by Tazer View Post

    I agree w/everything here 'cept the part in bold: Logan was anything but that.

    granted, he usually ended up doing things Scotts way back in the back in the day, but terming it like that gives it a diff connotation that doesnt really fit.

    Hail Hydra!

    I get what you mean. But I felt Wolvie pretty much always ended doing things Cyclops asked him to do, right up to X-Men: Schism. I mean, Scott wanted Logan to put together a new X-Force team to permanently end mutant threads, and Logan did so happily. But "lapdog" may be a bit strong term, so I would got with Scott's enforcer for a change of terms.

    Hail Hydra!

    Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
    Just because he's different in the comics to the film, why is that bad? Why should most things in the film be exactly the same as in the comics? It's nice to see variation and the film version of Wolverine is brilliant, and I like the heroic aspects of him. The stab first ask questions later aspect of things bodes for a dull character and wouldn't be as likeable to the majority of people.
    It's a bad thing when it ruins the core elements of the characters and the foundation. Like A-Train pointed out, the movies are Wolverine and a band of merry mutants. For the most part, Wolverine is not even really an X-Men in the first two films. He just happens to cross paths with them and cooperates with them. Thus, he doesn't stand on the same principles as the X-Men because he's not one of them. The films portray him mostly as a vagabond.

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  • Deadpool
    Fight like a man: with your words, not your fists.

  • Deadpool
    Originally posted by Darth_Primus View Post

    First of all, the X-Men are an ensemble cast at their core. Meaning, there not like a bunch of individual characters (from their own comic titles) that were bought together like the Avengers and Justice League. They were pretty much born together and evolved together. Secondly, Wolverine was Cyclops lapdog from the very start.

    The problem with Wolvie being the main character in the movie is that he has to have moral conflicts within himself on certain issues. In the comics, his character was more like, stab and slash first and ask questions later; take it to the bad guys before they take to you. We was pure badass with a bad attitude. It was the contrast between Wolverine and other characters, specifically Cyclops that made the X-Men great. Now Wolvie has to be the hero and carry everyone on his shoulders. Moreover, Wolvie as the lead character kills the team concept and a deminishes the themes and metaphors the X-Men stand for.
    Just because he's different in the comics to the film, why is that bad? Why should most things in the film be exactly the same as in the comics? It's nice to see variation and the film version of Wolverine is brilliant, and I like the heroic aspects of him. The stab first ask questions later aspect of things bodes for a dull character and wouldn't be as likeable to the majority of people.
    Originally posted by Tazer View Post

    actually, regular ppl arent the fanbase thats pretty much GUARANTEED to be in the theater opening weekend, and will be yur best & biggest source of free advertisement if its a worthwhile movie.........*usually* anyways, cuz I think the Zombies were asleep-at-the-wheel when it comes to that 1st Logan solo flick.

    the gen-pops maybe be the broadest supports base, but its the fans that can & will kill a film.

    ahh, so its the british LAPTOPS that suck huh?

    Hail Hydra!
    Granted the majority of the fanbase are likely to return, but that fanbase isn't as large as the casual viewers. It's just how life works.

    Also, British laptops are great. Rectangular screens are quite good actually.......AAHHHHH!

    Hail Hydra.
    Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
    I'm not tired of Wolverine. I just don't much care about him. I enjoyed X-Men, and X2, didn't like X3 much, never even watched either Wolverine movie, don't read the comics, so I haven't really given myself much opportunity to get tired of him.
    Dude, do your self a favour and see them, at least the Wolverine. PLEASE!!!!!!!

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