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Outrage of the Week

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  • Just hypothetically, what information do you think COULD come out that would serve to mitigate this? I'm having a hard time thinking of anything that possibly could.


    • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
      Just hypothetically, what information do you think COULD come out that would serve to mitigate this? I'm having a hard time thinking of anything that possibly could.
      Honestly i dont know. I wish i had a answer but i dont
      .................................................. ..........................

      Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


      • I'm sorry but this mother is an idiot. She put these cops and her son in this horrible situation. Nobody understands her son's issues and needs better than her, and she called the cops on him, was she TRYING to get her son killed??!?


        • [QUOTE=Big Daddy Dave Skywalker;971292]I'm sorry but this mother is an idiot. She put these cops and her son in this horrible situation. Nobody understands her son's issues and needs better than her, and she called the cops on him, was she TRYING to get her son killed??!?[/QUOTE i assume the mother didnt know the proper way to handle such a episode every autistic person is different and maybe she panicked and called the police. Im honestly surprised she didnt hire someone to watch the kid when she went back to work. I have a friend at church whos soh is low function autism at 22 years old so for example he has to have a special spot at service because it helps drown out loud noises he also tends to run off and even hit his parents. It has to be frustrating when you cant talk . I dont know how her and her husband are able to do it and they are saints and strong because i Could not do what they do
          Guardian of the Universe
          Last edited by TazzMission; 09-09-2020, 09:55 PM.
          .................................................. ..........................

          Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


          • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
            I'm sorry but this mother is an idiot. She put these cops and her son in this horrible situation. Nobody understands her son's issues and needs better than her, and she called the cops on him, was she TRYING to get her son killed??!?
            It is a sad commentary on the state of policing today if we are supposed to assume that calling the police to help with a 13-year old is likely to lead to him being shot. That attitude says a lot more to me about the failings of the police than the mother.


            • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
              It is a sad commentary on the state of policing today if we are supposed to assume that calling the police to help with a 13-year old is likely to lead to him being shot. That attitude says a lot more to me about the failings of the police than the mother.
              We dont have the full story ed. How do we know this kid didnt threaten police? When a meltdown happens you dont know what he or she will do. Im not saying the shooting was a good thing but i cant buy that cops wake up one morning and go grrrrr we got a call about this that or the other and grrrr instead of doing things by the oath we took lets just shoot the kid and go get lunch. Like i said before why didnt the mother hire someone to watch the kid knowing he has seperation anxiety? I dont wanna hear maybe she wasnt able to afford it thats a excuse. If people in general cant afford to take care of themselves let alone a child sorry this sounds cold but dont have kids you cant afford in the first place. Let me ask you this since your arguing about the age say a kid at 13 commits a murder by choosing to do so should that 13 year old be tried as a adult or should that 13 year old be tried as a minor? Imo i dont care how old anyone is if you plot plan and pre think murder you should do the full adult time including death penalty
              Guardian of the Universe
              Last edited by TazzMission; 09-10-2020, 03:39 PM.
              .................................................. ..........................

              Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


              • Ca sb 145 bill in California wants to allow 19 year olds to have sex with ten year olds. Id post a link to the bill itself but the ps4 dosent allow link sharing. Basically they wanna legalize pedophilia.
                .................................................. ..........................

                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                  We dont have the full story ed. How do we know this kid didnt threaten police? When a meltdown happens you dont know what he or she will do. Im not saying the shooting was a good thing but i cant buy that cops wake up one morning and go grrrrr we got a call about this that or the other and grrrr instead of doing things by the oath we took lets just shoot the kid and go get lunch. Like i said before why didnt the mother hire someone to watch the kid knowing he has seperation anxiety? I dont wanna hear maybe she wasnt able to afford it thats a excuse. If people in general cant afford to take care of themselves let alone a child sorry this sounds cold but dont have kids you cant afford in the first place. Let me ask you this since your arguing about the age say a kid at 13 commits a murder by choosing to do so should that 13 year old be tried as a adult or should that 13 year old be tried as a minor? Imo i dont care how old anyone is if you plot plan and pre think murder you should do the full adult time including death penalty
                  As far as your hypothetical goes, it would depend on the circumstances. I'm not averse to trying a teenager as an adult in a case where they acted like an adult. As far as this case goes, this is an unarmed 13-year-old child. They shot him SEVERAL times. You can argue all you want about the fitness of the mother, or what she should have done, but that's a red herring. No matter WHAT the mother did or didn't do, I cannot think of any situation in which an unarmed 13-year old child could be SOOOO threatening that the police would be justified in shooting him several times, rather than physically restraining him, or even tasing him. I'm not claiming that they just decided going in that they would shoot the kid and call it a day, but something is sorely lacking in their training or judgement if this was what they honestly thought was the best way to handle the situation.
                  Mister Ed
                  Horse of a Different Color
                  Last edited by Mister Ed; 09-10-2020, 05:21 PM.


                  • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                    Ca sb 145 bill in California wants to allow 19 year olds to have sex with ten year olds. Id post a link to the bill itself but the ps4 dosent allow link sharing. Basically they wanna legalize pedophilia.
                    Nope. It doesn't legalize it. It would still be illegal. It just removes the mandatory requirement to register as a sex offender if convicted, if the difference in ages is less than 10 years. If I understand it correctly, the judge could still require it, they just are no longer forced to if the age gap is under 10 years.


                    Personally, I think 10 is a bit too large of a gap to justify taking away that requirement, so I'd oppose this (though not living in CA, I don't have any say). 5 years maybe? I dunno.


                    • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                      Nope. It doesn't legalize it. It would still be illegal. It just removes the mandatory requirement to register as a sex offender if convicted, if the difference in ages is less than 10 years. If I understand it correctly, the judge could still require it, they just are no longer forced to if the age gap is under 10 years.


                      Personally, I think 10 is a bit too large of a gap to justify taking away that requirement, so I'd oppose this (though not living in CA, I don't have any say). 5 years maybe? I dunno.
                      Personally i feel sex offenders wether they assult kids or adults should be taken out back and shot or get the death penalty. This isnt your typical tazz shtick to be controversial im being 100 percent honest thats how anti sex assult i am . Hell i also think people who commit domestic violence should get a life sentence man or woman no parole .
                      Guardian of the Universe
                      Last edited by TazzMission; 09-10-2020, 06:45 PM.
                      .................................................. ..........................

                      Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                      • Apparently netflix debuted a movie about sexulizing kids called cuties. I just cancelled my netflix account and gave the rep a piece of my mind. This is vile disgusting and everyone should be upset. They try to defend this crap calling it a revolutionary inspirational story. I hope netflix dies a painful death. I swear the more this world gets fn weirder the more i hope the world ends. Thank god im not a parent because this shit makes my blood boil. And if my state Was not a 2 party consent state i would of recorded that call and post it online
                        Guardian of the Universe
                        Last edited by TazzMission; 09-11-2020, 05:39 AM.
                        .................................................. ..........................

                        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                        • Federal court upholds poll tax weeks before election

                          Because Jim Crow laws are so absolutely vital to American society.
                          Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                          September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                          • Activist killed in extra-judicial police attack
                            Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                            September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                            • 2 L.A. Deputies Fighting For Their Lives After Ambush Shooting As They Sat In Their Car


                              • Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                                Federal court upholds poll tax weeks before election

                                Because Jim Crow laws are so absolutely vital to American society.
                                Um i gurantee you the people who say stupid shit and riot are the same idiots who never vote. I just think its crazy people want change but refuse to vote. Alot of people didnt in 2016
                                .................................................. ..........................

                                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

