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Outrage of the Week

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    What a scumbag.
    Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

    September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


    • Sheriff: Oregon residents illegally stopping drivers at gunpoint during wildfire evacuations
      Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

      September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


      • So your not outraged of the 2 cops shot in compton wile sitting in there car. I never pictured you to be anti cop agent purple
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
          So your not outraged of the 2 cops shot in compton wile sitting in there car. I never pictured you to be anti cop agent purple
          Agent's my buddy, but he does seem to find a lot of those bad cop stories. Part of why I wouldn't to post that story of the cops being shot is to remember (contrary to mainstream media) that cops can be victims too.


          • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
            Agent's my buddy, but he does seem to find a lot of those bad cop stories. Part of why I wouldn't to post that story of the cops being shot is to remember (contrary to mainstream media) that cops can be victims too.
            Glad to see in some way i assume you agree there is a bias
            .................................................. ..........................

            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


            • The protesters who shouted they wanted the cops to die didn't help whatever cause it is they're fighting for.



              • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                The protesters who shouted they wanted the cops to die didn't help whatever cause it is they're fighting for.

                The people who blocked the ambulances who transported these cops should be jailed because blocking a ambulance squad car and fire truck is illegal.. Its also reported people tried breaking into the er. Theres also a guy on youtbe who posted a video not only laughing but detailing the crime the police are looking for him . Imo screw a cash reward for the shooter wich the pd offered for information i say make it a open bounty that way the shooter can live in fear knowing at any moment a friend family member town and city can come to collect said bounty dead or alive. Act like its the wild west lets make it the wild west. These cops just sat in there squad car and this animal walked up on them . Theres actual video. And anybody who supports what this animal did i hope you rot in hell and fuck you and everyone else who justifies this
                Guardian of the Universe
                Last edited by TazzMission; 09-15-2020, 01:25 AM.
                .................................................. ..........................

                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                  Glad to see in some way i assume you agree there is a bias
                  Since asked, I'll say my feeling is that cops are only human and hence some are going to be corrupt and bad and need to be prosecuted when tried and convicted lawfully (not just by public opinion or looting mobs).

                  However, I think it's a job that by its nature brings so many threats and just dealing with the crappiest part of society (while under scrutiny by everyone) that they're woefully underpaid and underappreciated. I also truly believe that most officers do the job mostly rightly and for the right reasons.

                  Perhaps most "controversially," I also would say that it's understandable when a cop is say facing a man jumping a fence at 2:00 am who reaches in his pocket that he doesn't wait to check if the guy happens to be grabbing a cellphone.


                  • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                    Since asked, I'll say my feeling is that cops are only human and hence some are going to be corrupt and bad and need to be prosecuted when tried and convicted lawfully (not just by public opinion or looting mobs).

                    However, I think it's a job that by its nature brings so many threats and just dealing with the crappiest part of society (while under scrutiny by everyone) that they're woefully underpaid and underappreciated. I also truly believe that most officers do the job mostly rightly and for the right reasons.
                    It hits close to home for me because i have a cop in the family i know all the cops here propably some of the nicest people and very diverse not just white. Ive gone on ride alongs and man god bless anyone who wants to be a cop. I prefer cops wear body camera's as a mandatory requirement because not only does it protect them but civilians as well. I dont know how they do it.
                    .................................................. ..........................

                    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                    • It's assumed that cops open fire out of maliciousness, but that's not always the case. Sometimes, unfortunately, they just panic and start shooting.


                      • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                        It's assumed that cops open fire out of maliciousness, but that's not always the case. Sometimes, unfortunately, they just panic and start shooting.
                        Key word assumed yet no body cam footage
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                        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                        • The only thing close to as horrific to that little monster trying to assassinate those two police officers as they sat in their vehicle, are the straight up animals publicly celebrating it on video. Just disgusting evil animals. I am so tired of seeing hate for police normalized in our society. These are people that for the most part, 95 to 99%, deserve our thanks and respect for choosing a life of duty and sacrifice to protect law abiding citizens from disgusting and dangerous criminals. This country needs to wake up fast.

                          And people who want to blame all of their problems and their station in life on others need to start looking at themselves. Time to get your own houses in order folks.


                          • [QUOTE=Big Daddy Dave Skywalker;971384]The only thing close to as horrific to that little monster trying to assassinate those two police officers as they sat in their vehicle, are the straight up animals publicly celebrating it on video. Just disgusting evil animals. I am so tired of seeing hate for police normalized in our society. These are people that for the most part, 95 to 99%, deserve our thanks and respect for choosing a life of duty and sacrifice to protect law abiding citizens from disgusting and dangerous criminals. This country needs to wake up fast.

                            And people who want to blame all of their problems and their station in life on others need to start looking at themselves. Time to get your own houses in order folks.[/QUOTE! Amen
                            .................................................. ..........................

                            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                            • Your move, LeBron.



                              • Long rant so real life my aunt and cousin were almost attacked today at the grocery store my cousin is special needs hes deaf and cant speak my aunt also has medical issues with heart. Some douchbag took his photo and waited outside for my aunt and cousin for 30 minutes. The assumption is they were going to rob them or worse. My blood is boiling and right now i wanna hurt somebody. Im doing everything i can not to punch a hole in something. Im honestly considering moving from Illinois im fucking livid
                                Guardian of the Universe
                                Last edited by TazzMission; 09-16-2020, 07:31 PM.
                                .................................................. ..........................

                                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense

