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Hopefully this'll win some of you over

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  • #46
    I saw it yesterday knowing exactly what to feel or expect from the movie. I thought it was hilarious that the kid from 3rd Rock From the Sun was Cobra Commander! My girlfriend laughed at the "Nice shoes." line. I enjoyed that. A lot of the action scenes were too jumbled and fast to follow at times, and I had had a triple shot latte before the movie.The guy who played Duke was an ass. Sounded ignorant when he talked. Didn't like that everyone in cobra (except Baroness and Zartan) had metal masks. Dumb. Break it up some, the viper helmets in the cartoon were way cooler. And Cobra Commander's mask looked like a cocoon and his head was the undeveloped larva. Come on. That's the best they could do?

    Anyway I had fun. Not all bad. Enjoyed Snake-Eyes. The Wayans brother wasn't as annoying as expected. Baroness and Scarlet were hot. Underwater dogfight was cool. You don't see that in movies often. Well still,I grew up on G.I.Joe and ran home from school to watch the cartoon every afternoon. The cartoon was silly, the movie was silly, but I love them just the same!!


    • #47
      I have too much respect for the Cartoon. Yes it was silly but that is nothing that can't be fixed by some good writting, there was nothing wrong with the original character designs. Other than Maybe shipwrecks. Call me crazy but I like my franchise movies to actually be like the franchise. Other wise it feels like Masters of the Universe with Dolph Lundgren.
      Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


      • #48
        Do I need to explain the term ADAPTATION to you, yet again?
        Besides... Masters of the Universe was a fucking classic!!!
        Do good. Be well. Make happy.


        • #49
          Posted my review in the "last film you've seen" thread, if anyone cares.
          Do good. Be well. Make happy.


          • #50

            hey, Im glad U felt it was money well spent, but I'll just take some solace in the fact that this prolly (HOPEFULLY) wont make its money back, and in so doing "they" will look at the film and try to dissect why it did so.


            Originally posted by Andrew NDB
            Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


            • #51
              Saw GI Joe with the wife on Sunday.

              I was a fan of the cartoon, and had many, many Joes in my toychest. This movie delivered- for me- the feeling of the cartoon come to life, or that my action figures had become real, and were duking it out on the world stage.

              Of late, I've kind of hated the term "mindless fun" and "popcorn flick", as it's become synonymous with lazy filmmaking. But, I also find it discouraging when people disparage a film as such without recognizing what a non-crappy (IMO) film was trying to accomplish.

              I'll compare GI Joe to Transformers 2. TF2 should not have been made. It was horrible from start to finish, and had very, very little in redeeming qualities. It was an unworthy sequel, and an undeserved payday for Michael Bay.

              GI Joe was exactly what I expected it to be. It was a gung-ho action movie with all the stylings of an espionage thriller, and some great opportunities to show off what a futuristic special forces unit could be like. It really was like it reached into my hind-brain and high-fived my 12 year-old self. That's who wanted to see this, and who got the most out of it- the kid in me. Above all else, though, it did not take itself too seriously. It never pretended to be anything other than a cheesy live action version of a cartoon designed to sell toys. And it worked.

              For me, anyways.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Tach View Post
                It never pretended to be anything other than a cheesy live action version of a cartoon designed to sell toys. And it worked.
                Exactly... why some people expect anything more than THAT is simply beyond me.
                Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                • #53
                  I am glad people liked the movie. Me personally I hate watered down versions of something I use to know in love. I would much rather people create new Characters and new franchises then mess up one that was fine the way it was. To me I firmly believe there is someone out there talented enough to give us the Gi Joe movie we deserve and not the one we will settle for because it has the brand name attached to it.
                  Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
                    Any time a person says a movie was "painful," they're either exaggerating or mindlessly supporting a predetermined opinion. Reaction to both cases is simple: to ignore the person's opinion entirely because they're being overly dramatic and idiotic.
                    Dragonball Evolution was painful and I saw that before most.


                    • #55

                      Originally posted by Rotten2thecorps View Post
                      I am glad people liked the movie. Me personally I hate watered down versions of something I use to know in love. I would much rather people create new Characters and new franchises then mess up one that was fine the way it was. To me I firmly believe there is someone out there talented enough to give us the Gi Joe movie we deserve and not the one we will settle for because it has the brand name attached to it.
                      PREACH ON BROTHER!!!!!!!!!


                      Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                      Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                      • #56
                        I just dont like the power suits an dteh guy picked for destro...


                        • #57
                          I am curious to know what you would have liked to see, Rotten/Taser. Was there something specific you think that would have made it better?

                          Also- Atrocitus, I will kung-fu fight you over your dislike of Christopher Eccelston. He's awesome in every way.


                          • #58
                            I would have liked to seen the original Character desings used. I would have liked to seen the Characters act like thier cartoon counter parts.I want a live action GI JOE. And I want a Sound Track with Cold Slither on it!lol
                            Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                            • #59

                              Originally posted by Tach View Post
                              I am curious to know what you would have liked to see, Rotten/Taser. Was there something specific you think that would have made it better?
                              1) a: MORE than *9* Joes. this IP has over 150+ characters (granted, some have duplicate specs) stretching over a decade b4 the toyline had a hiatus, so I see no need to limit the amount of Joes we're shown in an almost 2 HOUR MOVIE to so small a number, when the 80s movie managed to do more than that, and thats not even counting those we recognized by costume alone.

                              b: so, in order for Marlon Wayans to be *something* of a viable character in this movie, they had to combine 2, maybe 3 Joes to make his?!?? really??
                              U mean to tell me that Ripcord was a HALO'r, could "pilot anything", and could "hit any target" with a rifle..............and GI Joe only tried to recruit *Duke*?!?? who did absolutely NOTHING to justify them wanting him beyond..........I dont even know really, cuz nothing he did stood out beyond score high *somehow* on their entrance tests.

                              and dont get me started on Scarlet & HeavyDuty playing "teacher" to the newbies............

                              2) Snake-Eyes mask lookd like his face was trapped in rubber, since (along with the molded abs) it had LIPS & a NOSE; who da fuck signed off on that shit?!??

                              3) Scarlett does NOT cry cuz she lost a fight; this is such a mistake for her I cant believe Larry Hama okay'd the characterizations for them

                              4) ok, wtf was that mask that "the Commander" ended up with?? if yur gonna give him the Mirror Mask (which he's supposed to have in the supposed sequel) then why da fuck couldnt they just give him his alt-headgear (the hoody) and call it a day? that crap he ended up with was BEYOND atrocious, and whoever thought it up should be flogged senseless.

                              5) HeavyDutys "Yo Joe!!" was the epitome of LAME, had NO spirit when said, and should simply have been left out if it wasnt gonna be done right.

                              6) Baroness, Zartan & S-S manage to get into the Pitt making as much noise as they did.....and DIDNT put the whole base on red alert?!??

                              7) and Baroness being "the Commanders" sister........and having almost married Duke........and was only evil cuz of nanotech, was needlessly convoluted, and I grant that they did similar shot in the comic, but I didnt like it *then* and I didnt like it now.

                              thats about all I got for now..........


                              Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                              Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                              • #60

                                and just to be clear: I was looking for things to go more along withe the comic, than with the tv show, as I was a bigger fan of the former than the latter.


                                Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                                Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.

