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Slink - In Memoriam

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  • Slink - In Memoriam

    Passed from Labor to Rest 01-02-08
    Last edited by GLJIMT; 01-02-2008, 11:57 PM.
    My Ketogenic Journey

  • #2
    Goddammit, I'm really sorry to hear this Jim. I was really pulling for her to make it through this last little spell.

    R.I.P. little buddy, and my most sincere condolences to you Jim.

    Last edited by Maverick_GL; 01-02-2008, 11:59 PM.
    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


    • #3
      aww Man , Rest in peace slink Our furry friend.


      • #4
        sorry to hear about that man, my condolences



        • #5
          so sorry to hear this

          IonFan says

          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


          • #6

            Aw man, that really sucks. My condolences.


            • #7
              I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences. May she be in a better place.
              Last edited by Guest; 01-03-2008, 12:00 AM.


              • #8
                Damn, sorry about this, brother. I've lost many pets and it never gets any easier... my one year old little kitty Hank died not more than a year and a half ago in my hands with a clogged bladder and it was the worst thing.

                Last edited by GLJIMT; 01-03-2008, 12:02 AM.


                • #9
                  Thank you guys SOOOO much.....

                  God I miss her

                  We lost our best friend
                  Last edited by GLJIMT; 01-03-2008, 12:03 AM.
                  My Ketogenic Journey


                  • #10
                    I've had a little time now, so

                    Slink had been ill for two weeks, we had a appointment with the Oncologist (cancer doctor) today. however she was so weak that when I put her down on the floor (she seemed like she wanted down) She would take a step and just lie down on her side - Which Ferrets don't do they lay on their stomachs.

                    We had pretty much made the decision already but that was kind of the final straw, she made it through the night and day and I was able to be with her for her final moments.

                    If you can't tell we had her put to sleep. She began having uncontrolable diareha on the way to the vets so I think it was very near the end and we just helped her on her way.

                    There is a poem online called The Rainbow Bridge about pet death. It is one of the most touching things I have read you can see it at It helps even reading it through tears

                    and yes I cried and sobbed and cried, I don't care what anybody thinks of that, we lost our dearest friend. Slink had been with us since the 2nd month of our Marriage and well it is going to take some getting use to for her not to be here anymore.......

                    I wanted to thank all of you guys and after re-reading this thread a few times all of you are AMAZING people, that I am glad to call my friends, even though we have never met in person.

                    Bobservations you too I know you haven't seen this thread yet or you would have posted.

                    Thank you to every last one of you guys, You really have been more help then anyone else.

                    Sam our other Ferret seems to be doing ok with out Slink, but ferrets can die of depression so now I have to watch him like a hawk and make sure we play with him and show that little guy (hes a boy) a good life with out Slink.

                    Sorry for rambling on like this.....
                    My Ketogenic Journey


                    • #11
                      Sorry for your loss.


                      • #12
                        I'm sorry for you loss, losing a pet sucks, they really tend to be as much a part of the family as the humans.

                        Ferrets are generally pretty damn awesome.


                        • #13
                          Yeah it really is losing a member of the family. I remember way back in '96 when my dad and I took our dog to the vet to have him put down. He had been in the family before I was born, and I hadn't known life without him. Bottom line, being there when they gave him the injection then watching him die was heart breaking. I don't think I had ever cried so much before, or since.

                          Although looking back I chuckle, because the last thing he did when he died was pee on the ground .

                          (Come to think of it, I didn't cry much at all with the recent passing of my Grandma...I think it was because it was definitely the best thing to happen for her.)

                          Anyway, once again my heart goes out for you Jim. But you have a brotherhood of friends here, plus a loving wife and Sam to help you along. You will be ok in time.

                          Ah what the hell, heres another
                          Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                          "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                          • #14
                            OMG !!! I'm so sorry Jim ... I know how hard this must be on you ... Our furry friends are family ... Slink was so lucky to have found YOU as her friend and keeper ... If there's anything I can do, then please don't hesitate to ask bro ...

                            We've got a bit of serious family stuff going on right now, so that's why I haven't been here sooner ... My wife is giving me grief that I even went online now ...

                            Jim, YOU really are an amazing guy ... Don't feel bad about crying over the loss of a loved one ... The world needs more guys unafraid to open up ... I feel bad that you are sad, but I applaud YOU for being open and honest with your emotions ...


                            • #15
                              your bothers in the corp are with you

                              RIP Slink, you will be missed

                              IonFan says

                              MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER

