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something YOU need to know about the internet ...

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  • something YOU need to know about the internet ...

    things can happen behind the scenes, or out of notice ... the scenarios are far beyond my limited mental abilities, but i wanna spotlight a few of them:

    YOU are in the middle of a serious conversation with someone ... *POOF* ... the person YOU were conversing with disappears or fails to answer your last question/response without warning or notice ...

    what happened to that person ???

    as much as i'd like to download myself as a permanent interactive part of the internet, i have a life away from the internet ... i have family, friends, and a job that expects my undivided attention ... unfortunately, i can't go online, and set the mute button on the rest of the world ... i'd love to, but i can't for bobvious and logical reasons ...

    if i tell my wife to leave me alone, because i'm talking about gnort's non-involvement in the sinestro corps war, then i'm gonna spend some time in the doghouse ... unfortunately, gnort probably won't lend his ring's powers to create an air conditoner to help me weather the storm in the doghouse ... i live in florida, so AC is an important part of my life now btw ...

    there are better and greater explanations, but i simply want to encourage YOU to open your internet eyes to the bigger picture ... if someone doesn't immediately respond / reply, then something must have happened to distract him / her ... don't always take it personal ... k ???

  • #2
    I never do. In fact sometimes I just drop convos because I'm done, and can't be bothered with "goodbyes".

    The thing is, you never know when someones comp might crash or freeze or whatever.

    did something like this happen to you recently?
    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


    • #3
      it happens to me more often than not ... therefore, it's not simply a recent thing ...

      i agree with everything ya posted ... my computer gets some serious use from me, so it goes on strike randomly ... i guess it's my fault though ... if ya use a screwdriver as a hammer too often, then it shouldn't be too much of a surprise when the screwdriver's handle breaks ... ya know ???


      • #4
        Next time just use a hammer. I find that usually works.
        Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

        "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


        • #5
          Totally Agree. Although I am probably the worst person in the world for unplugging. My laptop goes EVERYWHERE with me. I have a PC in the office, in the living room, a laptop in the bedroom or family room. I think I'll disconnect when I'm dead

          But if it makes ya'll feel better, I bounce without saying goodbye all the time.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bobservations View Post
            i agree with everything ya posted ... my computer gets some serious use from me, so it goes on strike randomly ... i guess it's my fault though ...
            could just be the shitty equipment that we (embarq) have out there too


            • #7
              WTF?!? Where did everyone go?!
              Do good. Be well. Make happy.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
                WTF?!? Where did everyone go?!
                where the hell have you been anyway ? LoL
                My Ketogenic Journey


                • #9
                  My Dad had surgery a couple of days ago, I've been helping take care of him and my handicapped mother. Before that, I was trying to spend time with my brother before he went back home to North Carolina. Top all that off with looking for a new job and there you have it. Yeah... I haven't had much time lately, lol.
                  Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
                    My Dad had surgery a couple of days ago, I've been helping take care of him and my handicapped mother. Before that, I was trying to spend time with my brother before he went back home to North Carolina. Top all that off with looking for a new job and there you have it. Yeah... I haven't had much time lately, lol.
                    Wow, sorry to hear that, bro. Hope everybody's ok.

                    Good to see ya back, and didn't you JUST get a new job or are they still f-ing with your pay???
                    My Ketogenic Journey


                    • #11
                      They were fugging with us, yes... I got pay (though I'm still waiting on a few hundred bucks, they say they'll have it next week, and if they don't, they know I will be reporting them), but then they gave us an extra floor exam and fired a few of us the same day... it was a bunch of bull shit, and I'm still kinda pissy about it... but life goes on, I suppose... though it owuld move by more quickly if I were able to pick up my pull list... I'm behind on GL, now.
                      Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                      • #12
                        Sorry about that, that is BS - corporations blow for the most part.
                        My Ketogenic Journey


                        • #13
                          Hey Parry, hope all is working out. Sorry about the job.

                          Damn the Man!!! That's what I say.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bobservations View Post
                            things can happen behind the scenes, or out of notice ... the scenarios are far beyond my limited mental abilities, but i wanna spotlight a few of them:

                            YOU are in the middle of a serious conversation with someone ... *POOF* ... the person YOU were conversing with disappears or fails to answer your last question/response without warning or notice ...

                            what happened to that person ???

                            as much as i'd like to download myself as a permanent interactive part of the internet, i have a life away from the internet ... i have family, friends, and a job that expects my undivided attention ... unfortunately, i can't go online, and set the mute button on the rest of the world ... i'd love to, but i can't for bobvious and logical reasons ...

                            if i tell my wife to leave me alone, because i'm talking about gnort's non-involvement in the sinestro corps war, then i'm gonna spend some time in the doghouse ... unfortunately, gnort probably won't lend his ring's powers to create an air conditoner to help me weather the storm in the doghouse ... i live in florida, so AC is an important part of my life now btw ...

                            there are better and greater explanations, but i simply want to encourage YOU to open your internet eyes to the bigger picture ... if someone doesn't immediately respond / reply, then something must have happened to distract him / her ... don't always take it personal ... k ???
                            Sorry, I had to laugh that talking about G'nort can put ya in the "dog house" hee!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by lanternut View Post
                              Sorry, I had to laugh that talking about G'nort can put ya in the "dog house" hee!
                              tip jar's in the corner of the forum ...

