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Green Lantern Corps #21 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • Green Lantern Corps #21 *Preview/Spoilers*

    Green Lantern Corps #21 Preview
    Writer: Robert Venditti & Van Jensen
    Artist: Bernard Chang

  • #2
    Oooooh. John, did you just hit it and quit it?

    Love the art.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tommy Boy View Post
      Oooooh. John, did you just hit it and quit it?

      Love the art.
      Lord help me, that made me chuckle.


      • #4
        I thought this cover was the one with Guy in all red except for his ring. Maybe this month the variant will actually be worth buying for different artwork?


        • #5
          4 out of 5 stars.

          This issue did not do ANYTHING wrong, in my opinion. It's an incredibly fresh, energetic, and fun start to a new saga in Green Lantern Corps. It did not waste any time or lose any focus, despite jumping from scene to scene and character to character. It was everything Van Jensen set out for it to be. It is exciting, colorful, filled with wondrous sights and clever designs, of large scope, romantic, adventurous, and... fun!

          I don't make it any secret that I just don't like Geoff Johns' work, but I didn't really have nearly as much against Peter Tomasi. However, after seeing the work of Van Jensen, Bernard Chang, and of (great importance) colorist Marcelo Maiolo, I'm really seeing how much Tomasi and crew are simply outclassed. The tone of this book is considerably different to me than the old Green Lantern Corps, and it's basically better in every way, in my opinion. This book does not drag. It has a clear focus of who the main character is, but other characters are given great moments. It made me care about all the characters.

          When I look at what the book has been these past years... it's somewhat weird to me. It even looks kinda' weird. I don't want to make it seem like I worship at a Van Jensen alter, but I'm really in tune with a lot of his views. Like... why was it so serious!? Green Lantern was almost a non-intended joke about how serious it took itself.

          Consider it for just a minute. You had these characters flying around in space (with their bodies, usually no ships) with emotional rainbow powers and some ridiculous outfits (see the Star Sapphires) and this was taken sooooo seriously, with rape, vicious dismemberment, overly dramatic splash pages trying to be "awesome", ridiculous convoluted story lines and so forth. And with all that sillyness going on, it was written and treated like the most serious thing ever. Even GLC sometimes.
          This comic is such a breath of fresh air because it has none of that! It is way more relaxed and --I don't want to keep overusing this word, but it's so appropriate-- fun!

          This is kinda' a difficult thing to explain, because I don't want to make it sound like the comic is filled with gags, like the Animaniacs or something, or that there aren't great perils or serious issues for the heroes to deal with, but it's all in the way it is presented that makes the huge difference. From Van Jensen's writing to the absolutely gorgeous artwork. In my mind, this style seems a lot more appropriate for something like Green Lantern, which I envision as colorful and fun. Not morose, edgy, or wannabe epic. I mean, the very premise is a guy is given a ring that allows his imagination to run wild with color based powers, and he joins an intergalactic police force filled with scores of weird and wonderful aliens, and he's introduced to a broad universe filled with wondrous new things he never dreamed of. This book seems to embody that spirit and doesn't go off on a self-serious tangent like I feel Green Lantern books have been doing for a long time.

          I'd also like to stress how well the writing and art carry the same vibe. The art is more cartoon-y than what we've seen recently, but not at all in a bad way. It is not goofy looking, the characters aren't exaggerated, and it retains a nice level of detail. This book looks like something that would appeal to kids, with its more cartoon style and very bold colors. At the same time, I do not believe it will turn off adults at all. There aren't nearly as many lines compared to Pasarin's work, and I find it refreshing, actually. It seems less rigid... more flowing. I also really love the coloring, which is something that is really important in a book like Green Lantern. A long time ago, I used to look at Green Lantern comics and be disappointed just by how they looked. I would literally think...

          "WTF!? Why is this book so damn dark and colored like it's Batman?"

          An example, interestingly using the main characters of the current book:

          In my mind, that is not how Green Lantern stuff should be looking. Compare that with this:

          Personally, I find the latter image considerably more appropriate.

          In the review I wrote for Green Lantern 21, I criticized Billy Tan for his generic alien designs. I have only praise for Bernard Chang in this regard. He clearly put some real thought into the designs of the characters, the buildings, the ship, the planet... everything. The aliens are imaginative and interesting. All of them! The light based power is vibrant and dazzling like it should be. John Stewart and Fatality look incredible and are actually very attractive. I feel this is something worth bringing out, because a lot of western comics drop the ball here, in my opinion. I could not ask for them to be drawn better, to tell you the truth. The features aren't exaggerated. John's lips aren't way big, or his nose super wide, he doesn't have too many lines going on in his face, or anything like that.

          As a fun little aside, I'd also like to mention that the alien race arguing in that giant room seems like something straight out of Mosaic. Actually, there is a race in that series called the Sophists who are EXACTLY like that. They even look something like that. I'm not sure if that was intended, or not, but I appreciate it nonetheless. If was intentional, then good on Van Jensen for that!

          All around great read. This book outclasses the old Green Lantern Corps book considerably and also does so to Green Lantern 21. So far, this book is deeper, has more substance, and is more stylistic than both of those. And I don't mean stylistic just in a visual aspect. The whole air of the book has a better mood and feel to it than any Green Lantern book in recent memory.

          I had extremely high expectations for this, and they were surprisingly met, if not exceeded. This is the best Green Lantern comic I have read in I don't know how long, and it's not because John Stewart is the star. John Stewart also starred in Green Lantern Corps #61 from the last volume, and I thought that was kinda' "meh". It's due to the incredibly slick writing and art that carries a really strong and nice mood to it.
          I don't have any complaints, and if the book maintains this level of quality, I will eat up every crumb... every particle, with a massive smile on my face. And if it gets even better, as I have a strong feeling it will... then... man, I don't know. John Stewart has been on the sidelines ever since new episodes of JLU stopped airing. He's had practically no love in comics for about 20 years, but he's coming back VERY strong. And that is largely because Van Jensen is a REAL WRITER! Not some comic book super hero fanboy hack who's massive ego runs wild.

          4 out 5 stars. Excellent issue. If I wasn't such a hard reviewer, it would get 5 : p
          Weaponer of Qward
          Last edited by Star-Lantern; 06-12-2013, 11:56 AM.
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          • #6
            Issue out, poll added.


            • #7
              God DAMN, this issue was GOOD! Really good!

              I need a few minutes to let THAT sink in, and what it means...


              • #8
                I mean, was that John Stewart there? In a comic where he was the main character, adding something to the story, WITHOUT being dragged through the mud?

                I was interested in John's story, and all the subplots. What's going on with Saalakk, and his crisis of faith in the Corps. The new templar Guardians and them finding their own path. Hell, I was even interested in the cameos by the new cast/Corps members, and that's saying a lot considering how often we've seen new alien redshirts introduced. And the villain story that was weaved in and out with other narratives including John's was interesting. And it all led up to an interesting, credible, yet UNDERUSED villain!

                I thought the art was very good and very appropriate for this book and the kinds of stories it tells.

                In short, this issue was not only better than any issue of this run of GLC (post 52 relaunch), it was also better than GL #21 (or any issue of that post 52 run for that matter). Comics may be dying a slow, hollow, soulless, corporate and editorially driven death, but this new creative team has the potential to be a silver lining in the dark, dark fucking cloud that DC is currently casting.


                • #9
                  I echo my comrades above. Just a fun space romp and a good first-story grabber.

                  Originally posted by Star-Lantern View Post
                  As a fun little aside, I'd also like to mention that the alien race arguing in that giant room seems like something straight out of Mosaic. Actually, there is a race in that series called the Sophists who are EXACTLY like that. They even look something like that. I'm not sure if that was intended, or not, but I appreciate it nonetheless. If was intentional, then good on Van Jensen for that!...
                  Could be. Van Jensen spoke of getting and reading Mosaic in prep. I haven't read it recently enough to remember.


                  • #10
                    I´m puzzled as to why the ring would chose a bloodthirsty gladiator guy. The mother and the desert nomad I can understand, but a guy who´s pretty much Bolphunga MK.II?


                    • #11

                      Awesome issue. Nothing negative to say about it at all. A much, much needed change in the right direction.

                      Originally posted by Orion Pax View Post
                      I´m puzzled as to why the ring would chose a bloodthirsty gladiator guy. The mother and the desert nomad I can understand, but a guy who´s pretty much Bolphunga MK.II?
                      Well, he wasn't really a "bad" guy, he was a gladiator doing what they do - maybe on their planet that is the highest form of heroism or whatever.

                      Maybe also with the Guardians gone, the "limits" to who can be chosen have been reduced, and simply being able to over come Fear is enough, regardless of morals. Plus...the Corps needs someone like that on their side, about a day ago, if you know what I mean.
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                      "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Maverick_GL View Post
                        Awesome issue. Nothing negative to say about it at all. A much, much needed change in the right direction.

                        Well, he wasn't really a "bad" guy, he was a gladiator doing what they do - maybe on their planet that is the highest form of heroism or whatever.

                        Maybe also with the Guardians gone, the "limits" to who can be chosen have been reduced, and simply being able to over come Fear is enough, regardless of morals. Plus...the Corps needs someone like that on their side, about a day ago, if you know what I mean.
                        That makes sense.


                        • #13
                          Enjoyed the issue a lot. Great to see John Stewart in action. New creative teams are 2 for 2. Hope this keeps up.


                          • #14
                            The gladiator alien GL will bring something to the table in terms of stories. It shakes things u to have someone from a warrior culture that the other GLs have to adapt to, who is honorable in his own way (assuming that's where they're going with him). King of a modern Arkiss Chummuck.


                            • #15
                              Winner of THE INFAMOUS PEOPLE DRAFT 2011

