Ethan Van Sciver announced that issue 3 would be his last on Edge of Oblivion. Probably due to a new Rebirth related project.
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Van Sciver departing Edge of Oblivion
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That is seriously pathetic. It's a flippin' 6-issue (I think) miniseries. How can you NOT make it all the way through that? That's just piss poor planning on somebody's part.
Originally posted by Mister Ed View PostThat is seriously pathetic. It's a flippin' 6-issue (I think) miniseries. How can you NOT make it all the way through that? That's just piss poor planning on somebody's part.
Originally, through the comic shop owner rumor pipeline, this Rebirth stuff was going to be in the September time frame, and then I am guessing someone thought it would be 'fun' to end New 52 at 52 issues...“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
That's unfortunate, but I agree with DC's decision to pull him off to help push the new direction. They shouldn't have put EVS on EoO in the first place.
Yeah those last three issues are going to be a real chore to get through if they have a subpar fill in artist wrapping up the mediocre story.
Man this really sucks. I rarely buy books that don't feature Hal Jordan but EVS coming back to a Green Lantern book made me wanna pick it up. Now I'm not sure if I still will but I really like what Tom Taylor did with the Injustice prequel comic so I'll wait and see who the next artist is and possibly still give it a chance. Patrick Gleason maybe?
No way. Patrick Gleason is already tapped for his own Rebirth project. It'll be someone way down the chain.
For once I'm really tempted on just dropping it and being one of those people that read it secretly by the rack. I wouldn't doubt if this whole story is just unsubtle filler. Don't know what the sale figures were with Lost Army, but having a rushed, juxtaposed story instead of continuing a previous ongoing story might be a decision for not having a story that carries into whatever rebirth ends up doing.
Sounds like "Cry for Justice" all over again. Starts out as one thing, big media push, then something changes because of the weather or a ouija board, and Dan Didio and company change everything and pull artists and creative talent off a thing to divert to other things as a result. Or "Brightest Day" representing the rebirth of the DC line and new direction... and arguably more or less succeeding in spite of Johns, but then just getting thrown away anything because Didio finally got his way on the Flashpoint reboot.
Still the same shit. No one's learned anything and these are the same people making the same mistakes and no one ever being held accountable or being replaced by true leaders.