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Kyle in TITANS?!?

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    Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Johns is probably working on a script for the movie and a new GLC series pitch at the same time. I can't believe how similar the Shazam film was to his New52 reinterpretation of the character right down to the ending. Problem is now he's got Cruz and Baz to shoehorn in wherever he can, DC insisting on the only character trait in Kyle Rayner being that he's part Spanish, as well as Guy Gardner who's only character trait at a glance is red hair and a horrible haircut half the time.

    If John Stewart wasn't a black guy he or one of the other Four Corpsmen might've been off'ed for good in the last decade or so and not in every GLC film description ever given since it was greenlit.

    I still think Kyle could go to the future for an arc when the Legion returns. Why does it always have to be Superman, Supergirl, or some form of Superboy going to the future to spice things up?

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    He'll be back when they have need of Guy John and the rest of the Corps. They aren't gone, just in the mothballs for a bit. A much needed cooling down period after years of misuse.

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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Originally posted by Hypo View Post
    Titans is going to be cancelled in April:

    Kyle wasn't exactly indispensable in this arc, but it was decent overall. I'm guessing that DC will reboot their comics to have the Teen Titans characters mirror the live action TV show, so I'm guessing that Kyle is on his way into the GL book at some point.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Sounds to me like something leading into an epilogue for a new Challengers from Beyond. DC isn't gonna waste a money-maker like Kyle for long. They'll make a new team, bring another one back, or start another war and stick him in a mini or maxi series. He was the draw for me in HJ&tGLC, Titans, the original Rann/Thanagar War, etc...

    DC is likely gonna relaunch the Titans universe again. I doubt the current Teen Titans will run much longer and something more along the lines of the current Titans show will come out of the whole thing in the end now that Young Justice is being done by Bendis.

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  • Hypo
    Lil' Leaguer

  • Hypo
    Titans is going to be cancelled in April:

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Kyle is still the youngest of the Four Musketeers [Hal, Kyle, John, and Guy] so I don't think his age would be a problem. And didn't Starfire just go from being super hot and looking to be in her 20's back to being a 'teen' Titan? With Kyle's level of power, if the guy ever got to go back home to Earth, maybe he'd realize a disturbance too.


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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Originally posted by -M- View Post
    He was a member of that weird 90's era Team Titans along with Damage, Supergirl/Matrix, and Impulse... and he was pretty good friends with Roy Harper and dated Donna Troy.

    Should he show up?

    I honestly think it'd be more entertaining than everything else going on in the GL titles, including the JL book.

    He could show up for an arc, but not as a full-time member. WL Kyle is still older and wiser in the post-Rebirth continuity, so he doesn't really fit with youngsters like he did in the 90s. I like the idea of DC using him as an ace in the hole for the GLC, JL, or any other teams facing down a powerful threat.

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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    While you're at it, why don't you propose on CBR that DC do this too? I bet they'd do it.

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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    Originally posted by -M- View Post
    For me, it's Donna and Roy having ties to Kyle pre New52/Rebirth and him really just melding with that group of in between heroes that aren't Teen Titans but they're not League either. Now that Wally is there I REALLY wanna see Kyle show up. Maybe his White Lantern powers let him remember bits of the universe before it was altered?

    Either way, if Donna isn't already getting close to one of the boys Kyle needs to return to Earth. The main draw for me was his relationships with other legacy heroes.

    I wouldn't get into a lot of details with it, and give people details to quibble about. Just go over there and start the thread, and say that with Wally coming back and Donna there, Kyle as a GL in Titans makes perfect sense.

    But if DC uses your idea, don't expect them to thank you for it. Just do it because it's what you want to see. They haven't thanked me, even though they've already made a fortune from twice-monthly publishing. Pretty classless, IMO.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    For me, it's Donna and Roy having ties to Kyle pre New52/Rebirth and him really just melding with that group of in between heroes that aren't Teen Titans but they're not League either. Now that Wally is there I REALLY wanna see Kyle show up. Maybe his White Lantern powers let him remember bits of the universe before it was altered?

    Either way, if Donna isn't already getting close to one of the boys Kyle needs to return to Earth. The main draw for me was his relationships with other legacy heroes.


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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    Originally posted by -M- View Post
    At the beginning of the new52 I proposed the idea of Kyle and Carol when the black and white cover of New Guardians #1 was released on here and Geoff's forums. They just need to give a brother a job already.

    I kinda wish they'd bring the clone Superboy back and throw him in Titans.

    I proposed there a year ago that they go to twice-monthly publishing, that they bring the real JSA from 1951 to the present as fish out of water, and that they publish a Flash team title. All three suggestions got approved. I think they're also going to launch the Charlton team title that I proposed. So stuff over there does get seen, and if it's good then DC will actually do it.

    At this point putting him in the Titans is the best thing to do with Kyle, and I bet if you'd make a good case they'd do it.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    At the beginning of the new52 I proposed the idea of Kyle and Carol when the black and white cover of New Guardians #1 was released on here and Geoff's forums. They just need to give a brother a job already.

    I kinda wish they'd bring the clone Superboy back and throw him in Titans.


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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    Go over to CBR and start a thread that proposes that idea. Maybe someone at DC will see it. Having him in Titans as a Green Lantern is much better than having him in Hal's comic as something else.

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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    I think that's an excellent idea.

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  • Star-Lantern
    Weaponer of Qward

  • Star-Lantern
    He doesn't seem to be doing anything better at the moment, so I don't see him joining up with them as a bad idea. It would honestly probably help him more than sticking around the Green Lantern books. Meaning that I think he'd have more opportunities to be a worthwhile character that gets decent characterization and development.
    Weaponer of Qward
    Last edited by Star-Lantern; 12-28-2016, 09:52 AM.

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