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Green Lantern Movie News Discussion Thread

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  • ................OMG ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?????????????.........................the projector blew out.................were all sitting here........the theater is packed, and no was on but now nothing................WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • ok so while were waiting I've been asking a few ppl around me what they thought so far, I've got like 20 odd ppl talking at me saying stuff, out of 20, 3 so far have said there not that impressed so far, the 3D is good but they just dont get it yet, aside from that ppl seem to be liking the movie, hell no one's left yet and its been 10 mins since the movie stopped.....

      No I'm not going to spoil stuff.....I'm being watched lol so I better not say whats happened so far


      • Jay Jay, you poor bastard. Well, at least you only have to wait for the projector to be repaired or a new session. We have to wait another 7 weeks as GL doesn't open here till Aug4!

        Keep the POSITIVE reviews coming!
        Manhunter Repairman
        Last edited by KILLER-CLONE; 06-17-2011, 06:48 AM.

        "Damn that Sorcerer! 20 gold pieces and I'm wankered on Rohypnol!"


        • Jaw Jaw??? Ok I'll bite you then lol

          ok so its around a hour now............still no damn movie, were out of the theater now cause the thing started to smoke...........not a good sign.................still in the building but around where the popcorn and arcade is..........I think were gonna end up getting a movie pass to come at another time.

          Oh there was this one woman........OMG.......decked out in a full GL suit and mask, ring, lantern........everything........she went fucking nuts and started yelling at the dude at the ticket booth lol................ahhhhhh I'm bored now ......


          • Sorry to hear that Jay, I'd try and get a couple of free concessions from them since they screwed you.

            She blinded me with SCIENCE!


            • Ok, quick non spoilery review. My initial first thought after seeing my fav character on the screen was "finally!!! Thank you God!!!" The movie was very fast paced and at times jumped from place to place, but in this era of overly real world and angsty superhero movies it was good to see an over the top fun movie! The fight scenes were a little quick and Parralax was unrecognizable but those and the score(which is really forgettable) are my only complaints for GL's first movie outing. It was a very good summer popcorn flick. And STAY for the mid credits scene if you haven't. Makes me want a sinestro corps movie ring NOW!!! 3.5/4 out of 5 stars easy.


              • just got back from midnight showing. Really good movie. There are things i would change but overall very good. The extra credit scene steals the movie lol 3/5. I cant wait for the sequel. This movie lays down some nice groundwork.


                • Originally posted by TheGoatLantern View Post
                  Sorry to hear that Jay, I'd try and get a couple of free concessions from them since they screwed you.
                  oh I'm taking 3 posters and the blow up Green Lantern lantern that they got set up lol

                  That lady I was talking about was thrown out with nothing......ppl started booing the theater staff lol

                  from the little that I did see.........I'd say my only complaint is............Tom..........he's way to...........goofy.....and I'm being nice by saying it like that lol


                  • Just got back from Green Lantern. I expected to much from it. Even after reading the bad reviews. It was ok. Not bad. Not SO AWESOME.

                    Right now it's

                    X-men 1st class
                    Green Lantern

                    Lets see where Cap falls


                    • Originally posted by Light of OA View Post
                      Ok, quick non spoilery review. My initial first thought after seeing my fav character on the screen was "finally!!! Thank you God!!!" The movie was very fast paced and at times jumped from place to place, but in this era of overly real world and angsty superhero movies it was good to see an over the top fun movie! The fight scenes were a little quick and Parralax was unrecognizable but those and the score(which is really forgettable) are my only complaints for GL's first movie outing. It was a very good summer popcorn flick. And STAY for the mid credits scene if you haven't. Makes me want a sinestro corps movie ring NOW!!! 3.5/4 out of 5 stars easy.
                      What is the "score"? If it is a spoiler, don't tell me.


                      • Originally posted by LanternJordan2814 View Post
                        What is the "score"? If it is a spoiler, don't tell me.

                        Score is the music

                        She blinded me with SCIENCE!


                        • Originally posted by TheGoatLantern View Post
                          Score is the music

                          Oh, I'm learning my movie lingo.


                          • I just got back and personally I think the critics are whacked on their review. Formulaic, yeah they all are. Certainly could have used some more time but overall it was a fun movie so long as you remember it's not going to be a literal translation of the comics.

                            I talked with several groups of college kids who were there and they all enjoyed it, but like me they didn't want the movie to leave Oa when Hal comes back. They liked it better than Thor and X-men and they only had limited exposure to the comics.

                            The movie is certainly not without its faults, but so are all of them. I haven't seen a perfect CBM yet and being open to the realization that this is an adaptation will go a long way to making it more enjoyable.


                            • Sorry about that JAYJAY. Fast typing when I should be working. As I suspected, seems the GL fans are 'getting it'. Good to hear. I don't expect the world from the GL film, as long as its reasonably good from a fan's perspective, I'll be happy.

                              "Damn that Sorcerer! 20 gold pieces and I'm wankered on Rohypnol!"


                              • To anyone who has seen the movie yet, I have 2 questions:

                                1) Better or worse than Green Lantern First Flight?

                                2) Where there any cameos of future human GLs?

