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Should jade cheating on kyle be retconned away

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    Hal's Understudy

  • Mechinoid
    Things are screwed either way, but there could be ways to try and salvage it, if you completely alter history [not like history has been completely altered anyways] I nice cosmic like way they could keep it, is if one of the times he crosses the bleed into a different universe, he happens on Earth 2, and meets Jade, and they hook up for a bit but doesn't get as heavy as it did in the DCU [like how they're playing Guy's and Ice's relationship in JLI where they only dated a few times]

    Of course they wouldn't do this since JSA isn't even introduced yet, and when they do Alan is probably going to be younger anyways, so Jade will most likely be younger too. Also it would involve crossing Earth's in the 5 years the DCnU has been maturing, and I doubt with the way they're handling things they'd want that at all.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Although if there's no Jade (and I think you're right) what sparked Natu and Kyle's split.

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  • Lantern2814.20850
    Green Lantern

  • Lantern2814.20850
    I think, the way things stand right now, the only relationship Kyle ever had in the DCnU is the one he had with Natu. In NG 1 Kyle's encounter with Ganthet was moved from LA to New York (Hence no Alexandra DeWitt) Alan Scott (and by association his Daughter) is now confined to Earth 2. Hence no relationship between Kyle and Jade.
    Now I didn't forget Donna but her current status is like Wally West's (Very uncertain) therefore the relationship between Kyle and Donna is up in the air.

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  • G'nortDoggie88
    Major Force's Dinner Date

  • G'nortDoggie88
    Isn't Jade gone already thanks to the reintroduction of Earth 2? They could just say they never knew each other. GL fell off hard after Hate Crimes. What happened to Terry Berg?

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop

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    Senior Corps Member

    Why retcon cheating when you can just retcon jade away into nothingness?

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  • Lantern of Gallifrey
    Senior Corps Member

  • Lantern of Gallifrey
    I say that it should stay. It happened. Whatever happened to continuity. If we start retconning all this stuff who's to say where it will stop. Nothing will be safe.

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  • The_Power_of_WillPrevails
    Corpse Trainee

  • The_Power_of_WillPrevails
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    No worries. It was just playing in my mind when you were talking about the lonely ladies turning to you. The difference being the guy in the song doesn't stop.
    Gotcha. Haha.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Originally posted by The_Power_of_WillPrevails View Post
    Not following dude. What are you saying?
    No worries. It was just playing in my mind when you were talking about the lonely ladies turning to you. The difference being the guy in the song doesn't stop.

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  • Mister.Weirdo
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Mister.Weirdo
    Well said.

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  • Mister Ed
    Horse of a Different Color

  • Mister Ed
    I'm pretty much against retconning stuff out entirely. If something was stupid to begin with, I'm OK if they retcon in an alternate explanation or mitigating circumstances, but don't erase it. Case in point, John and Xanshi. In the story when Xanshi was destroyed, John was portrayed COMPLETELY out of character. And Xanshi's destruction was a total plot device. Somebody HAD to fail to increase the drama, and they tapped John, and twisted his character to be arrogant and cocky so his failure would be more acceptable (his failure wasn't even reasonable within the confines of that series- they totally manipulated the circumstances to set him up for failure by treating his mission differently than any other, and practically broke the fourth wall at the end in showing that he was just pretty much doomed to fail).

    So, yeah, IMHO, that was done VERY stupidly. But it has become such an integral part of his character now that retconning it out would be unthinkable. I wouldn't mind a retcon that showed him acting IN CHARACTER, yet failing anyway and still beating himself up over it, though.

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  • Crabgrass Willy
    Kilowog's Recruit

  • Crabgrass Willy
    Hell no that shouldn't be retconned away. In fact they should kill Jade again because of it, really.

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  • The_Power_of_WillPrevails
    Corpse Trainee

  • The_Power_of_WillPrevails
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post

    + YouTube Video
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    Not following dude. What are you saying?

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Originally posted by The_Power_of_WillPrevails View Post
    When that someone is gone its hard to not to think about them all the time. So instead of waiting you go to the arms of someone that will listen and be there for you when that special someone can't be. I'm not saying what she did was right but its not out of character. Everyone has the capability to do what she did if they were in the same situation. I know people who have come to me when their husband or boyfriend is gone for several days. I was there to talk with them and make sure that they weren't too lonely. but I never let it get out of hand even though they wanted to. . .

    + YouTube Video
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  • The_Power_of_WillPrevails
    Corpse Trainee

  • The_Power_of_WillPrevails
    To retcon something that is human nature would just be stupid. I know that most of you have already stated similar things to what I'm about to say but oh well deal with it. It is human nature to have the need and desire to want a special someone to be around you. When that someone is gone its hard to not to think about them all the time. So instead of waiting you go to the arms of someone that will listen and be there for you when that special someone can't be. I'm not saying what she did was right but its not out of character. Everyone has the capability to do what she did if they were in the same situation. I know people who have come to me when their husband or boyfriend is gone for several days. I was there to talk with them and make sure that they weren't too lonely. but I never let it get out of hand even though they wanted to. I don't think any less of those friends of mine. So with that said no it shouldn't be retconed.

    All of the relationship problems that Kyle has had have been what made him who he is now. He's learned from most of them and grown up from them. There are a few that he still has but if a person has no faults then you can't relate to them at all which would make you hate that character. You love the character for the faults and weaknesses as their strengths.

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