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Green Lantern Vol. 5 #2 *Spoilers*

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  • #31
    I thought this was actually a really good issue. I can't remember when the last issue of GL where I actually really liked it, it's been too long.

    I love the talking bits with Sinestro about what GL means; how he figures it should be, and what it is to people of Earth. Greatness.

    Hal is of course the same jump in first, think about it second.

    Everything about this issue was nice, although the overall arc is still iffy.
    It's a great idea, have Sinestro vs his old corps, but really what does he expect? "They haven't been going with the code of conduct"? Really? You want me to believe that Sinestro put in a code to follow? Him of all people? Not only that but if he did what did he expect? 'So hiring a bunch of psychopathic murderers has ended shooting me in the foot, I swear I thought they would follow the codes I gave them! Who would've thought?'


    • #32
      I really liked this issue. The only complaint I have is that Hal got his ring back too soon.

      I felt Hal was being very immature too, but then his life has come apart at the seams. And SINESTRO'S a GL after he was given the boot right after saving the universe ... again. His crankiness is understandable.

      And, yeah, Sinestro is evil. Even if you retcon away everything but the Sin Corps War he's evil. Being snippy with your nemesis is fine in my book.

      Also Hal's new costume ... very understated. I wonder how long it'll be before artists just plain forget that he even got a new look?


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gauntlet101010 View Post
        I really liked this issue. The only complaint I have is that Hal got his ring back too soon.

        I felt Hal was being very immature too, but then his life has come apart at the seams. And SINESTRO'S a GL after he was given the boot right after saving the universe ... again. His crankiness is understandable.

        And, yeah, Sinestro is evil. Even if you retcon away everything but the Sin Corps War he's evil. Being snippy with your nemesis is fine in my book.

        Also Hal's new costume ... very understated. I wonder how long it'll be before artists just plain forget that he even got a new look?
        I am so glad Hal got his ring back so soon but it's not in full capacity though.

        I am also glad his new costume was shown in the issue and it looks really good honestly.
        No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

        Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


        • #34
          I thought it was an enjoyable read. Far too quick though. Now that DC titles are officially down to 20 pages, dialogue-lite books like GL take only a few minutes to breeze through.

          I DO like how Sinestro and Hal play off each other, no matter how ludicrous the idea is. Sinestro really got the chance to shine here, and revisits the retconned teacher-pupil relationship that's become part of the mythos. Kind of hate seeing Hal punked like that for a whole issue, but it had to be done to move the story forward. Didn't expect Hal to get a ring back QUITE so soon; the SECOND issue? Really?

          And GOD I love Mahnke's art! It's beautiful!


          • #35
            this was awesome!!!!!!


            • #36
              And here's my full review:
              The last fan of 1990s comics
              Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


              • #37
                Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                Its funny how everytime someone mentions sinestro's past the amount of dead jumps to the next -illions number.

                A week ago it was billions, now its trillions of trillions.
                LOL...i thought the same thing when i read the post with trillions. I thought Sinestro took out entire planets then?? lol


                • #38
                  I liked this issue...Hal has a ring again but with a huge catch. Liked how they showed Sinestro saving everyone and repairing the bridge at the same time whereas usual..focused on the babe. That is typical Hal. I too felt like it was a short read.....need more!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by EmeraldGamer View Post
                    LOL...i thought the same thing when i read the post with trillions. I thought Sinestro took out entire planets then?? lol

                    Well...yes, yes he did. When he was allied with Sector 3600 (the Mad God).


                    • #40
                      Why did they take away Hal Jordan's balls?

                      Seriously...I'm okay with teh anti-hero spin they're trying to lay on Sinestro but at the expense of making Jordan his county jail bitch....really.....really....REALLY?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by TheHorseman View Post
                        Why did they take away Hal Jordan's balls?
                        No Carol. No Cowgirl---he didn't need them anymore.


                        • #42
                          One question i have is how did sinestro create the ring? it appeared right after he created the construct...


                          • #43
                            This issue was way better than the 1st. But I also didn't like how Hal was portrayed.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by TheHorseman View Post
                              Why did they take away Hal Jordan's balls?

                              Seriously...I'm okay with teh anti-hero spin they're trying to lay on Sinestro but at the expense of making Jordan his county jail bitch....really.....really....REALLY?
                              It's called lazy writing. It's easier to make Sinetro look cool by having Hal act like a total douche, than come up with ways to make Sinestro look better than Hal when he's at his best.

                              I really, really want to drop this title...and Monkey's half-assed art doent help the cause.


                              • #45
                                I can't believe that the Guardians don't even seem to be keeping an EYE on Sinestro. I mean, letting him operate as a GL is one (very, very stupid) thing. Letting him out of their SIGHT is quite another (even stupider) thing.

                                Or am I to believe that they ARE keeping an eye on him and, despite their massive, irrational fear of Hal, they didn't take immediate action upon Sinestro hooking Hal up with a ring again? That seems implausible.

